I watched it 5 times. I cant seem to find the puch. IM fuckin blind I guess. I sat upstairs last year and it is a fucking disgrace. Nothing hsort of the absolute lowest of humanity. I would NEVER sit up there again. Not for free, not for anything. Its a foul, embarrassing place to be.
It's about two thirds of the way through, and you don't really see the punch, just the he-she going down like a sack of potatoes.
theres almost never an excuse to hit a girl...sorry. like unless your life is literally in danger any sort violence against a woman is despicable
Honestly I dont even care...if I saw a 8 month old baby wearing a Bills bib I would try to punt it out of the stadium. Fuck the Bills and their parasite fans. Stay in Canada...dont come to our stadium.
I think we are all still trying to sort out if in fact that is a woman in the video, wearing the Bills jersey.
While it's never okay to hit a woman, at least he was dressed appropriately. I mean, if you're going to sucker punch a lady, you gotta be rocking a wife beater.
Rule of thumb...if you cant determine whether or not its a woman wothin 3 seconds....then its not a woman.
Speaking of protecting one's brand, I think the Jets need to make Coples' shoulderpads a little bigger before somebody rips off that deformed lump of flesh on his bicep.
I don't think anyone should ever hit a woman, but sometimes its hard to walk away from a fight at I was at the game. Season ticket holder in section 336. I was surrounded by Bills fans and they were all drunk and talking mad shit. The douchbag behind me even called me out to fight. At that point we were up 41-7 and I just didn't see the point so I just sat there and let him call me a pussy in front of my girl for 2 quarters. The 22 yearl old me would've fought, but at 32
I'm trying to see whats going on here. Is the girl in the nelson jersey? the camera has some turbulance as she goes down. Was it the guy in the black wife beater that hut her?
That's what I saw. It was quite difficult to pick up. I had to watch it about 4 times and stop-start it to make sure.
There are definitely situations when a woman should get smacked. It's when they try to take advantage of that rule and get physical knowing that you wont retaliate. If you're not acting like a woman, as far as I'm concerned, you are not a woman and that rule does not apply. I don't know everything that happened in that video, but it appears to me that the woman never even touched that guy. I saw her flailing her arms, but she may have been in a chicken head rage and not actually hitting anyone. If she was just arguing with the guy(or a girl near him), he should not have touched her. What an idiot.
We need to act better than that ... I know there is taunting between division rivals but I kind of feel like you become the bully in your own stadium when you got a whole bunch of Jets Fans there and you pretty much know your at a disadvantage as an opposing team.