i see your point, but she didnt have a knife to his junk, nor was she even yelling at him from what i saw.
First, that bitch was going on and on about something and yelling at other females, possibly Jets fans. You don't do that if you are supporting the away team. She had it coming. Secondly, you don't do that in front of a drunk douchebag. The lady deserved a punch in the face and more. The guy deserves to be locked up with two guys and a soap bar.
Right. He should have legitimately raped her right there in the stands to set her straight. She deserved it? You were serious about that?
Not excusing the fight because all fights in the stands are always retarded but why does everyone think its a girl who gets punched at the 32 second point. Looked like a dude with long hair to me.
I just watched it on my phone so maybe its me. But first off not even sure that was a female that got hit looked like a dude with long hair with his hair tied up. Secondly, it looked like a group of drunk bills fans yelling at drunk jets fans. Recipe for punching regardless who's involved. I've gotten loud as a visitor at games but never provoked anyone or said anything not having to do with the game. Ironically the rudest treatment I've ever gotten was when I was a teenager at the infamous unveiling of Pennington in jacksonville a long time ago. Vinny went down and the jags crushed us but pennington came off the bench and looked good. I was with my dad and some grown ass man kept talking shit to me specifically cause all I did wass cheer for the jets. Even when they were up big he always had something to say. My dad had to calm me down because I almost went off on him and honestly would've beaten his ass if my dad weren't there. But what do you expect I was like 15 at the time. Ironically the treatment and rudest behavior was on the way out me and my dad wearing jets jerseys. A woman literally followed us and berated us swearing every name in the book. Here's the tip for a rude woman who wants to get treated like a man. You let the man she's with know if they can't get her in line you'll give them the beating she's asking for. Sounds barbaric but you can only keep quiet for so long while trying to enjoy a father son outing and people are nonstop beligerent. Needless to say my father and I don't look for trouble but other jags fans had to tell them to shut up too because they could see nobody there was really ready to handle us if it came down to it. My dad often gets confused for a retired NFL lineman and I was 6ft 2, 265 at the time and Ive had martial arts training growing up. Write this off as an internet tough guy story but the point in case is its easy to get on a high horse when seeing these videos but people have no idea what went on before filming started. As far as hitting women, I don't condone it but if a woman wants to fight like a man you can get thrown or restrained like one. Why? Cause im all about equality. But to avoid all this bullshit and needless testosterone and drunken idiocy me and him just watch the Sunday ticket at his place. Saves us any trouble and a ton of money. But living down here we don't have a choice anyways. EDIT: lemme insert the obligatory cool story bro before anyone else can because I know its coming. Just found it funny and decided to go on a nostalgic rant.
it becomes clear it was a chick toward the end of the video. in the video its pretty clear to me the woman was screaming at the girl next to the guy who then decided to punch her in the face (probably his gf)
I still think the sex of the victim in question is a myth comparable to the loch ness monster /Tree fitty tauntt
This whole region is stuck in the 80s. Has been since, well, the 80s. The clock stopped ticking around 1986.
Yes I was serious. First off, I don't understand why there has to be a fight. If you are civilized, everything is so much better. Secondly, if you are dumb enough to start a fight while visiting, then be prepared for some ass whooping. I don't support beating up a woman (maybe a dude in this case), but if woman get such protection, they also have their boundaries. If she's crossing her limits, she deserves a punch in the face. Again, I have no idea what the fight was about, but from what I saw, there were two groups of drunk ass punks and they all deserved to be punched in the face for destroying the game for tons of other people around them. Imagine you were at the game with your six year old daughter, and this female is dropping the F bombs, B bombs, P bombs and all sorts of bombs. Your daughter just witnessed the most profane crap ever. I sure would hope for someone to shut her up. And somebody did. So yes, she had it coming and I could care less if it was a female. You don't destroy the whole football experience for dozens of people around you.