I have not insulted one poster. You don't like my opinions, fine, but I have done nothing to get banned. Others have insulted me, even told me to die, but I have not insulted anyone.
SOJ mentality.I wonder if steeler or packers fans feel the same way.Good organizations don't think like that.
so basically the prevailing opinion from most people here is that we should all pretend our team is chicken salad when they're chicken shit, or else you're a "darksider"?? whatever
No, most people are saying that they want our team to win no matter what and since we haven't even played one down yet, there's no reason ANYONE should be praying for a high draft position in the 2013 Draft. That's fucking daffy and this is truly one of the worst threads ever. Anyone who wants their team to lose is not a fan, but a complete and total loser. Plain and simple. If you want to do all this woe is me bullcrap, become a Browns fan and roll around in self pity. This culture of losing keeps getting perpetuated by people like you and gives fans, like me and the others who want their team to win, a bad name. It's like the guys who wear paper bag over their heads at games, they're attention whores. Screw them and the horse they road in. I'm a New York Jets fan and I expect us to go out there and win, plain and simple and I want us to win every game. I'm realistic, believe me. I know our weaknesses and faults but regardless every team has weaknesses and there have been teams that have overcome them. History is history, this is the now. All the people who hold on to past fails need to get over or like I said, start rooting for a team/fan base that revels in losing and playing the victim (Browns).
This team is a just a giant question mark and we have no idea how it'll play out until the season gets underway. That's the "prevailing opinion" which is why "most people here" don't create threads like this. You're special though so keep up the good work!
no, what people are pointing out is what you, not surprisingly, fail to see. and that is being absolutely awful just to get higher draft picks is not going to get the Jets closer to a Super Bowl. you see, you have to be good before you can be great. the farther you are from good, the farther you are from great. so, going 9-7, 8-8 or even 7-9 is better than going 3-13. a 3-13 team is likely devoid of talent at so many positions that you are years away from being good, nevertheless great, and that is if you simply hit home runs with all of those high draft picks. a 7-9 to 9-7 team can have talent and may be missing just a few key pieces, so it is better to build upon that 7-9 or 9-7 by finding those key pieces and taking that next step rather than the completely idiotic theory that a high draft choice is the cure all and with it you just take mammoth leaps from 3-13 to Super Bowl champions. I don't want the core of talented players this team has to somehow become so awful that they are only a 3-13 team. that means those players aren't good and need to be replaced. I'd rather the current core of players, which looks pretty good, just be missing a few pieces here and there, which the 8-8 record of last season would indicate. just because we may not have filled those pieces yet doesn't mean I want the entire team to be disbanded and start from scratch. that is just asinine.
if we pull a raiders and win 2 -4 games it could be a long long year and most fans & STH will be pissed
If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts every time they hopped. Therefor they wouldn't get sore butts nor would they get pissed. Believe me you don't want a pissed frog on your hands.
then how do you explain so many teams building in the draft and going from a 4 or 5 win team to the playoffs
We went 8-8 last year. Couple plays from 6-10, couple plays from 10-6. We cut down on turnovers, it makes up for the fact our RZ efficiency drops, and boom we are a 10 win playoff team. Real simple formula. We aren't terrible We are average. Average can get you into the playoff and win Super Bowls (see both NYG runs, GB run, etc).
those teams ascended from the bad to the good. now the trick is to stay in the good until you can get the last 2-3 peices and a few breaks to go from good to great before age and salary cap catches up and you end up back in the bad.
What kind of darksider dipshit pencil neck geek roots for losses on the eve of our first game.....what a joke.....beat it assclown! No one wants to hear your dark clouded wishes here......
I'm pumped for the season...come what may......I will never cheer for this team to lose for a higher draft pick.......that is a loser's mentality. Guess I'm m a glass half full type of guy.....Get on board...I think this season will be a wild ride!
Yea, I like to pull that one out once in awhile....try to go retro! It introduces some levity into a grave situation...very grave....