Rex Ryan: Stephen Hill wasn't "my pick"

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KWJetsFan, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    You can't just take a very well thought out post and say it isn't a fact because you say so.

    If you can make the argument then do it. I would prefer something more substantive than "nuh-uh"
  2. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    perhaps we are both using the word fact losely...bottom line is neither of us are stating facts...we are stating our opinions based on our own perceptions..

    but in regard to your post, I thank you for your incredibly well thought out post...its truly inspiring you were able to conjure up such a precise and immaculate response is short order...I'm floored and can hardly contain myself.

    I still disagree with you, whether you chose to accept it or not. I see no reason to make an argument. I made one 4 pages ago and responded to your posts with as much detail as I see fit. I'm not retyping whatever I previously posted because your attempting to internet troll/fight me.
    #182 TurkJetFan, Sep 2, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
  3. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'm not attempting to troll

    I said that Rex publicly, inadvertently threw Tannenbaum/the front office under the bus in the event that Hill turns out to be a bust.

    I would like for you to explain to me how this is not a fact.
  4. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I've already done so...I don't know how else to say it....

    If you look at the entire interview, and hear his response in context, he is actually complimenting not only Hill but those who chose him. It's not as cut and dry, black and white, as you are making it out to be.

    Your position isn't a fact...And frankly, neither is mine. However, based on the entire interview that is my perception. I come to that conclusion and hold this overall perception, because of the media's constant action of doing exactly what they did in this case. They take a small portion of what was said, disregard the rest of the actual comment, and position it in a way that they deem fit. That not only is clear, based on the remainder of quotes in this article, but I've pointed to 2 other circumstances in which they've done exactly this previously.

    I'm not sure what more you are looking for me to say.
  5. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Right but he is complimenting the FO and Hill on the basis that he thinks Hill is going to turn out to be a good player. If he goes on to catch 5 balls in his career and is out of the league in a year, was he complimenting the FO? You don't think that people will rightly blame the FO for the pick and leave Rex out of it? He should not have said what he said. Come on
  6. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    He wasn't making that statement under the massive assumption you just made. If he is out of the league in a year and catches 5 balls this year? That's not only unreasonable it's completely irrelevant. He didn't make whatever comment he made with the foresight to have it fallen back on if Hill busts. In fact, his OVERALL comment wasn't even to bash the FO or Hill. So now, I'm really failing to see your point?
  7. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Rex Ryan was not misquoted here. He did say that.
  8. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    im not suggesting he ever was suggesting simply that his quotes are taken way out of context and constantly spun in a negative light, when in actuality when you hear him say what is being quoted you realize the media is full of BS and leaving out crucial elements of his overall statement..........
  9. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Have been reading this entire thread and I keep coming back to your posts A.S. and several others.

    This theory of "who gives a shit whose feelings are hurt...warm and fuzzy...better to be honest"

    I have read the article 3 times and quite honestly? I have no idea what the hell Rex was trying to do. I personally could give 2 shits also.

    The problem is you are saying warm and fuzzy and people in the front office are pussies if they cant take it reminds me of a ex manager of the NY Yankees...Billy Martin.

    It reminds me of his old man. It reminds of so many coaches that underachieved because they had no filters and the rest of the world should go fuck themselves if they cant take it.

    Usually..and I love Rex and hope Im wrong...but usually, those guys show up on Sports Center crying their eyes out after they are fired because it was their dream job and now because of lacking the any filters...the town and ownership has had enough.

    Im not really sure if this is a big deal or not...but dismissing it because the rest of the world needs to grow a set of balls is most of the time a pattern a man or woman sets for themselves....and that the gun usually gets pointed in the correct position...right between their own eyes.

    There have been many successful coaches in the sports that had the attitude of frig off if you do not like me. Its the coaches that cross that line of getting themselves so aroused by shocking others (you know...we will be in the white house in 3 years etc) that i really wanted Rex to grow and stay away from.

    Like I said, im not sure if this article or what he said falls into the just seems to me that Rex had gone out of his way to be smarter this year...but lately there seems to be a few cracks in the damn.
  10. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    lol It is relevant because the fans/media/everyone in the world knows who to point the finger at when it comes to Hill and they would not have otherwise. Not everybody needs to know that information. If you think that fan/media sentiment doesn't matter to Woody then my point is irrelevant. But I don't think that is the case.
  11. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    I think what you are essentially saying is that Rex assumes he can keep his job if Tanny loses his. I seriously doubt it. How often does a GM go, but a coach stay? far less frequently than the other way around.

    Secondly, these guys are tied together. Rex needs Tanny, and for Tanny, Rex is his second coach, he won't be given a third IMO. They need each other to survive and if one has his head on the chopping block, the other does too.
  12. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I think there is a pretty good chance of Rex surviving if Tannenbaum gets the axe. Most of the people on this board attribute the Jets' issues to Tannenbaum and Rex is almost universally adored. Woody is in tune with that as well. If he thought that he would be sweeping fans out the door with Rex there is no doubt in my mind he would keep him around.

    But to note, my point was never that Rex did this on purpose. But nonetheless, he did it. He spoke without thinking as he is prone to doing.
  13. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    You aren't exactly wrong, but Ryan should also know better than to say something like that. Does he not know the nature of the media YET? Perhaps he gets off on the attention, controversy, or whatever else. This is possible.

    The headline grabs your attention enough to read it, and that's what the author wants. Context nothing...that concerns them only so far. I don't think that that the article left out crucial elements of his overall statement. I didn't see the entire interview, but I feel that the actual article left enough in how Ryan would have like to able to claim Hill as his pick...THAT is in there.

    We know that Ryan did not want to pick Hill now, and there is no reason for Ryan to say that before Hill ever has played a game...IN ANY CONTEXT. Again, in ANY context. It serves no purpose except for more unneeded controversy.

    Now HILL has to deal with this bullshit, as if it help him somehow.

    Just a bad thing to publicly say no matter how you look at it.
  14. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Now THIS is a fair assesment. I can agree with this sentiment.
  15. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Perfectly said.
  16. Hey, Parcells did it with Terry Glenn.

    I think Rex is chalenging Hill to step up. He did the same thing w/ Coples. I like this change. No more constantly praising players regardless of how they're really performing. Challenge people. Hold people accountable. Rex will do his praising along the way when it is earned & deserved.
  17. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    If you are right, then why do it publicly?

    You can't challenge players in house? You could actually take a player aside and say "look, I thought it was a mistake to pick you from the beginning. Prove me wrong." But you only say that if you feel that guy has the personality to respond to that kind of motivation...not everybody has that personality type.

    You don't have to spread it around America and beyond to get that message to a single person. Hill is ALREADY on the national stage, and probably doesn't need this added weight of having everyone on in on this information.

    Besides, it kinda sounds like Ryan's point was to say he was wrong about not wanting him and to actually PRAISE Hill on some level.

    If you are right in any way, I think Ryan should not try to motivate his team or specific players through the media any more. Personally, I don't think he's particularly good at it. I've seen it backfire, and so have you.
  18. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    It seems like the only people that are still struggling to read it as a compliment of Hill/the FO are fans of other teams who are programmed always to find the negatives in the Jets (the same way that we do with the Pats).
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i dont think it makes any sense to say i didnt want this guy from the beginning.

    there are plenty of ways to challenge someone, that doesnt typically work out. nobody wants to be unwanted and that is exactly what those comments say. if he were to say he was disappointed would be one thing. to say he was unwanted is another.
  20. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Rex's biggest flaw is his foot-in-mouth disease. We all know he only cares about the defense and hopefully Sparano eventually turns things around with the offense or else his ass will hit the door in 2-3 years. Love Rex, but he's got to shut up completely OR just go back to being the loudmouth 24/7. Can't be in between.

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