I just don't get it.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Section316

    Section316 Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Last night was my first time seeing Tebow in person, and I don't want to sit here and say he will help us or he won't help us this year, but I am dumfounded by the type of following this guy gets. The guy looked worse at QB than anyone on the roster has in a decade. He missed reads on several wide open receivers while he held the ball for 5-6 or more seconds too long. His scrambling, outside of one play was nothing earth shattering. He should have thrown two interceptions, and both of them were throws closer to multiple defenders than any Jet. The one on the slant, two Panthers were in better position to catch the ball than any Jet, and on the INT, three Panthers were closer to the ball than any Jet. Even when he hit guys, I could spot them wide open up from the 300's before Tebow threw the ball. He didn't hit anyone in stride until the last series of the game, all his other completions were where the Receiver was staring at him and reading a book before catching the ball.

    I don't want to sound like a "hater" because time will tell if he will be a valuable single package player for us, I just don't get the hysteria. Face it, if any other human being on the planet was on the Jets roster and delivered that performance last night, he would have garnered a Wayne Hunter type reaction, or just been laughed off the field and chalked up to "he'll be working at shop rite in three weeks anyway". But because his name is Tim Tebow, we got raucous cheers when he entered the game, a chant for his name when he made his one good play that was the loudest noise in the stadium, (on a 3rd & 16 that was set up by him holding the ball too long) chants for Tebow after Sanchez threw a pick that was entirely the receiver's fault, in the midst of an excellent game for Sanchez, fans wearing Tebow Bronco jerseys to the game (does anyone ever see Scott Ravens jerseys, or Holmes Steelers jerseys at the game?!) 24/7 coverage on every major sports network, not just here, but in the country, and a prevailing opinion amongst Joe Benigno type moron fans that he will be the starter before Halloween. I mean, where the fuck does all of this come from?

    I understand a ridiculous amount of hype around a player that can flat out dominate, like Bryce Harper or something, but this guy (and I'm not saying he can't be effective in a limited WC role) goes on the field to play Quarterback and looks like he went full retard, and the whole world stops every 15 seconds to check out what he's doing. It makes literally no sense to me.
    #61 Section316, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  2. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    You mistake "hype' with over media coverage.

    90% of all analyst say tebow sucks, so its negative coverage. the word hype is misused.

    people love to hate the guy. That is why you see a sudden surge of haters coming into this section of the fourm last night and today...again, people just love to hate tebow.
  3. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    ^Wrong. People came into the sub forum to talk about Tebow because there was a fuckin game last night. People are bashing him because he sucked. Plain and simple.
  4. Section316

    Section316 Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    But people love to love him unconditionally too. The Tebow chants in the stadium, for nothing, were some of the loudest noises at the game all night. Half the uneducated fans I speak too think he is going to be the starter. The stadium boos Sanchez off the field after throwing an INT that bounces off the numbers of the WR and chants for this guy. And then when you watch him play, he does nothing that would warrant this type of attention from the media OR fans. He is a horrendous quarterback with some other extraordinary skills. Not the first, and won't be the last. There is nothing about his game that should make him any type of polarizing figure. In fact, watching him play this preseason should have all fans united on the thought that he should never be the starter, but the opposite happens.

    Fuck, this board has an entire forum dedicated to a player with no shot of appearing on the field for more than a handful of plays per game because the attention was so overwhelming it detracted from the rest of the board. Aaron Maybin is going to be used as a situational pass rusher this year. I don't see a Maybinmania sub-forum.
    #64 Section316, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  5. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Your wrong, look at the thread titles, you will not find that at any moment other than last night and today. I saw it all last year on the Broncos forums (I belong to 13 different NFL forum boards by the way) , any bad games they came out in legion, they were quite during the 6 game winning streak though, you could hear a pin drop and after the Steeler game I would swear some haters became suicidal.
    #65 CowboysFan, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  6. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I don't agree about his throws -- the ones he completed were good throws, and weren't to wide open receivers waiting on the ball. They were on time.
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Fans were just having fun, they booed Tebow quite a bit last night as well .

    No one on these boards (except 1 or 2 trolls) say Tebow should be the starter, its a made up argument that haters love to debate when they themselves made up the perception, its like a never ending loop.
  8. Section316

    Section316 Active Member

    Feb 22, 2012
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    Most of the people on this board (pro and anti Tebow) are a lot more knowledgeable than people you find all over the place talking football.
  9. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Comparing him to Rodgers ? yes, no, and sort of.

    the mention of Rodgers was to highlight the fact that QBs often come into the NFL unprepared for it and unable to play at a high level. Sometimes, they take a couple of years before they get the hang of things and really start to click.

    This is true even for the best QB playing the game today, Aaron Rodgers. He was drafted by GB as the heir to Favre and as such, they did a lot to develop him. McCarthy came in and they even ran a QB camp, yet Rodgers still wasn't ready to start. It's actually a damned good thing that Favre kept doing his back and forth thing as Rodgers looked very bad even in his second year.

    WE can all readily agree that Tebow still has issues/problems that he needs to work on. It was pointed out that he stared down his receiver last night. We can all readily name another QB who does that, one with many more NFL starts than Tebow. We could probably also name some other young QBs who do the same thing, it is something that young QBs are noted for. Same with reading defenses. That's something that takes time and experience for most young QBs.

    I don't know why it is, but it seems that most of you who criticize Tebow's play are holding him to the standard of a vet QB who's had 50+ starts under his belt. Someone who should already know all this stuff and be fully developed by now.

    The kid has had 16 freaking starts in his career, and in his first 2 years in Denver, they didn't actually make his development a top priority.
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If he avoids the inevitable knee knjury Newton is going to be one of the best QB's of the next decade and he has a real chance to redefine what a dominant NFL QB looks like.

    The knee thing is hanging over him though. People forget just how good Daunte Culpepper was before he tore his knee up. He had almost all the same mobility attributes that Newton has and was an absolutely dominant passer in his prime seasons.

    He threw 39 TD passes in 2004 with Randy Moss having a bad off-season for him and only playing 13 games. He was the Vikings second leading rusher that year with 406 yards also. He had over 1,900 yards rushing the 4 seasons before that and 26 TD's on the ground.
  11. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Culpepper was sort of a Tebow -- got a lot of production out of long throws down the field to Moss.

    (Don't go off on a tangent about throwing motions, I'm not talking about that).
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Culpepper completed 64%+ of his throws right up to the season that he tore his knee up. He threw 26 TD's to receivers not named Randy Moss in 2004.

    The only thing similar about Culpepper and Tebow was they were both big bruising runners when they decided to be. Culpepper still has the 7th highest completion percentage for a season in NFL history at 69.2%. Randy Moss caught only 49 of the 379 passes he completed that season. That's also the 7th highest passer rating ever for a season.

    Tiim Tebow on the other hand looks worse than your average FB attempting to pass the ball.
  13. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Sorry, but Tim Tebow is the only player in the NFL who gets classified as "hype" after taking a team with a losing record and leading them into the playoffs and helping them beat the #1 defense in the league. Any other young NFL QB does what he did they would have a sore spot on their back from all the patting they would receive afterwards. Tebow both threw for more yards and had a better QB rating than any other QB that faced the Steelers last season. Period. That is not hype. He may not be able to put up that kind of performance consistently yet, but QB's that are hype don't do it at all.
  14. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Section316 there are only two reasons for his hysteria:

    1) His outward religious values
    2) The fact that he brought the Gators from being an after thought to FSU and Miami to actually being the premier team in the state for a few seasons, and he is worshipped by the legions of their Napoleon complex fans.

    Period. He's a god awful QB who shouldn't ever see the field as anything but a trick play artist.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Or, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he was one of, if not the best College QB to ever play the game, and many of us think that he CAN transition to the NFL.

    Or, perhaps it's that many of us just happen to like the hard nosed, tough as nails way that he plays QB, and we think that he can improve as an NFL QB ?
  16. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    It's year three, and his QB rating against 2s and 3s is embarrassing. He was an elite college QB bc he played in a simpleton option scheme that CANNOT WORK as a base offense in the League. He has zero skillset to run an NFL offense. Zero. It's not that he needs to learn, it's that he doesn't have the proper tools to do so. Round peg square hole.

    He is no more hard nosed than any hundreds of NFL players who are physical, but bc he is dramatic, white, and Christian, people like you revere him.

    Charlie Ward was an elite QB, but I never saw Noles fans obsess after his career there. Ken Dorsey had a better record than Tebow did as a college QB, led the best college team ever, AND went undefeated, but I don't see ten thousand Miami fans follow him around. They take him for what he was. Same for Matt Leinart, Vince Young, Charlie White, and the scores of elite players in college who don't translate to the next level the way you'd hope.
  17. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Tebow was, as i guess the rest of the team had nothing to do with it, went 1-4 in his last Five games last season. What was Orton's record when he got benched?

    Tebow is way behind in his development as a QB and it is iffy if he has the skill set to have a career as a QB in the NFL. There are a lot of QBs not named Tebow with a much better proto-typical skill set to play QB that never get a chance in the NFL. Our very own Brad Smith threw for over 2,000 yds and rushed for 1,000 in a season only ever accomplished once before in Div 1 A and never got a chance to play QB in the NFL. (a Little racism maybe)

    With that being said Tebow will help the Jets win this season
  18. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I think he will have a career as a starting NFL QB, but I really can't see how Tebow's supporters can argue with the above.
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You say "It's year three" as if Tebow has gone through the same kind of development as Sanchez and other guys who start as rookies and that they were at the same place to begin with when starting.

    Again, the Aaron Rodgers reference. Rodgers didn't have to completely retool his mechanics. He was much more polished than Tebow when he came into the NFL, yet it wasn't until midway through his 3rd year that things really started to click for him.

    Don't get me wrong. Tebow still has plenty of things to work and improve upon, and he might not be able to do it.

    But, given all the things that he's had to fix/change/learn, it's expected that it would take longer. That is why he was seen as a developmental project when he was drafted.

    Funny thing is that I see people around here making this argument all the time for freaking linemen. That it takes 3 years to really grow in and learn the position. Or they talk about the number of years that it takes to really understand and thrive at the WR position. To learn how the game is played. To learn how to tell what the defense is going to do.

    So, a freaking olineman and a WR get 2/3 years to grow into and learn the position, but Tebow is expected to already be at the same level as a crafty vet in just his 3rd year in the NFL ?

    That's hilarious.
    #79 Demosthenes9, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2012
  20. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah - probably racism. It defies logic that a guy that threw for over 9,000 yards in the SEC and ran for almost 3,000 yards and was the highest rated passer in the NCAA his senior year would get a look at all by the NFL.

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