I'm re-watching the pre-season game from Saturday now and I am astounded by some of the terribly stupid crap coming out of their mouths. I know this may not come as a surprise, but I couldn't help starting a thread on it. Why do we get stuck with these dopes? Yeah, I get it, Buttle was a Jet. You'd think he would know more about the team. About halfway through the first quarter, Buttle starts telling a long story about how Victor Cruz was originally signed by the Jets, how he couldn't run routes and how the Jets cut him. Then the Giants snatched him up and the rest was history. What the fuck? When was Victor Cruz on the Jets' roster??? Am I missing something? And then there's our good friend Eye-An Eagle. Last pre-season I remember him calling Josh Mauga 'Josh MUNGA' a couple of times and I thought it was kind of funny and negligible. In this game he said MUNGA about 8 or 9 times. Dude, for somebody who forces everyone to pronounce his name EYE-AN, you'd think he would care about not sounding like a complete tard pronouncing player names on a broadcast.
Buttle is full on retarded. I think I know why he was confused on the Cruz story though. In that one preseason game 2 years ago when Cruz lit the Jets up I think with 3 TDs Rex said after the game if the Giants put this guy on waivers I'm going to pick him up. There were a couple of reports saying that it was one of the reasons the Giants decided to keep him on the roster and then he got hurt. I'm thinking Buttle's peewee brain remember nothing about Cruz between the 2 teams and getting cut and figured he's on the Giants now so he made up some fantasy world scenario in his head of what happened. It was very weird though how he went into so much detail for something that never happened.
Linebackers from the 70's and 80's are like full head trauma cases by now. Buttle is like 58 now. It's a miracle he's still among the living.
GB isn't the sharpest tack in the box. ian eagle is a good announcer; pairing him with buttle for these games can be brutal at times. every so often buttle has a decent moment about why a play failed or succeeded - but these are few and far between. would be interesting to see ray lucas on these games.
haha - geez can u imagine back in the day what it must have been like out there with buttle and gastineau.... priceless.
Exactly. I love Buttle, it's like watching football with some of my drunk friends; you never know what crazy thing he'll say next. Then out of the blue something truly insightful gets thrown in just to keep you off balance. Buttle is a win in my book...
You've got to treat Buttle the same way you'd treat a shell-shocked 80 year old Korean War vet. Nod your head, listen with interest and remember what he's been through when he goes totally off the rails and tells you to duck because of incoming fire.
I lost it when Buttle said "Jets fans expect more from Hunter". He says a lot of really stupid things and I should expect it, but that one really got under my skin for some reason. Why the FUCK should we expect more from him?
Greg Butle isn't even a real announcer since he is an analyst for the Jets Radio Network during the regular season. Ian Eagle is decent, but the way he says foreign last names makes Butle laugh for no reason. Last preseason, Eagle said Ropati Pitoitua and Butle started laughing.
He understands defense and players' mentality, that kind of thing. The rest of it isn't really his bag.
Has anybody here been to his restaurant before? My parents say they used to go there a lot back in the 80s. Supposedly he's a pretty nice guy.
That Munga thing really got under my skin. It is one thing to mispronounce a guys name, but to just keep repeating it and saying letters that aren't even there really pisses me off
Rex has pronounced the name many times in pressers as 'MAUGA' and also 'MOGGA'. So have Pettine and Westhoff. There's no N in that name and there's no invisible N in it either.
Just for shits and giggles I looked up 'color commentator' on wiki....no mention of mis-pronouncing names but nailed it overall! Color Commentator: A color commentator (color analyst, analyst) is a sports commentator who assists the play-by-play announcer, often by filling in any time when play is not in progress. The color analyst and main commentator will often exchange comments freely throughout the broadcast, when the play-by-play announcer is not describing the action. The color commentator provides expert analysis and background information, such as statistics, strategy and injury reports on the teams and athletes, and occasionally anecdotes or light humor. Color commentators are often former athletes or coaches of the sport being broadcast.