im FAR from saying the season is hopeless. but i am definitely concerned with our offensive line, namely Wayne Hunter.
The play calling killed me on the 2nd and short, 3rd and short and 4th and short. I am the party for a run heavy offense, but right there everyone is expecting it and if you let Sanchez put in a nice PA fake I think the Giants would have bit on it big time. Other than that it's just so frustrating watching the pocket never form and Sanchez get creamed before he can even get a good look at who is open. I honestly think we have to get him out of te pocket and let him make some plays with his feet. I understand it's not conventional and more wear on Sanchez, but I think it would work. The play action pass in general has toget perfected for us to have big gains. Being back Pennington to coach Sanchez on how to properly execute. I did like the screen from last night, too bad it got called back on holding.
That Sanchez just keeps talking a good game but seems to have lost all confidence in his ability to make a big play. He constantly checks down. He constantly waits far too long because he has to make certain that he doesn't make a mistake. You can't win with a quarterback who doesn't have moxie or guts. Right now, Sanchez has neither. I'm afraid he's been neutered.
Actually the most upset fans I'm seeing today are the ones who DIDN'T over-react when we saw this exact same thing playing out last year. If we sucked last night because of some random new problem (WR fumbles, blocked punts, Revis getting burned), then fine, it's over-reaction. But we've seen this movie before - pretty fucking recently. Here's how it ends if you missed it the first time: Defenses cheat both safeties to the line because nobody respects anybody running more than a ten yard route, so the run game gets blown to hell, and the pressure comes from all angles, but mostly right through our giant bag of suck at RT. All this causes our defense to hold the line until the fourth quarter, when having no rest from constant offensive 3 and outs finally catches up with them, and they give up the enormous 10-7 lead that our offense has given them. And then Rex, Sanchez, and Schotty II talk about "consistency" fifty times in between apologies, when the truth is we are perfectly consistent in not being able to score more points than a hockey team.
It's like what happened to Kyle boller in Baltimore. Too many coaches, too much micro management. Sanchez was having fun his rookie season. Get him out of the pocket and let him run. And let him make plays with his feet or bomb it down the sidelines. It would be nice to see a WR emerge with "heart" like crotchety, Coles, Edwards, chrebet. I want to see a guy, that when the receive the ball they fight for every extra yard upfield. Too many prima donnas and fake gangsters these days. We need heart.
The fans are a close second, but allowing two sacks and a pressure that led to a sack (excluding the sack called back for offsides) is much worse than I was expecting out of a guy the front office and coaches have been talking up all off-season. Mario Williams is licking his chops, and there's cause for legitimate concern that the offense won't be able to pass effectively against teams with one great pass-rusher.
I voted Wayne Hunter (obviously)....but Shonn Greene is not far behind. I have seen enough of Greene to know he will never be a top NFL RB. The guy can't find lanes and can't break a tackle.
If Mario Williams doesn't kill Sanchez then Lamar Woodley will, if not him then Cameron Wake will and if not him then Aldon Smith will and if by some chance he makes it pass them JJ Watt, Brooks Reed and Whitney Mercilus will Wayne Hunter has to go
it's all schotty's fault, so that was the excuse from past seasons. seems to me this team is showing all the same ineptness but no schotty to blame it all on.
Can't see the poll on my phone but definitely Hunter. He's terrible. I also hate Conley even more than before which was quite a bit to start with. And I hate our WR injuries that aren't letting me see if our base offense is actually going to be as bad as it looks so far.