Kyle Wilson...what a difference a year makes

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JoeWillie130, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Cromartie is not going anywhere. Not now, not after the season, maaaaaybe it can be considered after that. You can't sign a guy to a big money 4 year deal then cut (which is absurd that it was even mentioned) or trade him 1 year into it. It is just bad business really..

    Is Cro worth that huge contract? No, probably not. But the guy is a "good" cornerback. He's just not Revis, and we are somewhat spoiled when it comes to cornerback play. This may come as a newsflash to some, but most corners in the NFL get beat, and get beat pretty often. Cromartie is one of the better corners in the league, believe it or not.

    And now, we have Wilson coming on like a freight train.. the guy is having a tremendous season and it's really going under the radar. We are not getting killed over the middle to slot receivers like we were last year and he is the reason why. The pick today was just a little validation and something to put on the stat sheet. Now maybe more people will recognize how good he is and how lucky we are to have such a great cornerback trio to combat some of these passing offenses.
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    I think its two fold with Jets fans. Its the gholston factor somewhat, but tts the group of immediate contributors that we drafted (which regardless of how good or bad they were, had to play immediately, thankfully all good) when we were terrible that really expound on the problem. Revis, Mangold, Brick, Harris, Leon, Sanchez, Greene, Kerry Rhodes, and so many others. They saw immediate contributions from so many guys year after year, they forgot that it takes the majority of players time to develop in the NFL.

    Wilson was bad early last year, but by the end, he was becoming a player. This year he has so far exceeded the expected curve or his performance, its amazing. If he continues to get better at the rate he has been (is that even possible?) the sky really is the limit for him, and the defensive secondary.
  3. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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  4. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Eh, until he stops that stutter-step, hesitating running style he has, I wouldn't trust him lining up as a no. 1 or 2. He's serviceable, IMO, but not much more.
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Wilson is another potential reason to be excited for this season. We have a lot of 2nd/3rd/4th year players that could be difference makers if the light turns on for them. Of course none of that is a given and we need to see it on the field, but there's reason for optimism despite the overwhelming woe is me attitude we tend to see.
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I hate when people call him a bust because he's playing nickel. You need at least 3 solid corners to function in today's pass-happy NFL. Can't judge his skill set based on where he's playing in a stacked D. I think he's solid and hope we can somehow keep Revis-Cro-Wilson for a couple more years. Imagine that trio playing with a passrush?
  7. Brunell's Debt

    Brunell's Debt New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    In general, I think that Revis has really warped Jets fans perspectives on what a good NFL cornerback is. Wilson (and especially Cromartie) often get held to an unfair standard because they aren't as good as arguably the best cover corner in the history of football.
  8. surviveone

    surviveone New Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Walk quiet...carry a big stick...

    Jets happy with cornerback Wilson’s play


    Last Updated: 10:15 AM, August 18, 2012

    Posted: 1:05 AM, August 18, 2012

    When you’re the third cornerback behind Darrelle Revis and Antonio Cromartie, there’s not a lot of spotlight to be had.

    But Kyle Wilson has impressed in his third training camp, and Revis said he thinks the former first-round pick is ready to make a big leap entering his third season.

    “I think he’s having the best camp he’s ever had,” Revis said. “I told him that the other day. I told him to just keep working and getting better, and he’s been doing that. He’s been outstanding out there, and you can see it. You can see the maturity in him out there.

    “He’s stepped up a lot, and you can see it. He’s catching interceptions out here, he’s making checks, and he’s competing, and that’s good.”

    This spring, defensive backs coach Dennis Thurman told Wilson that despite the presence of Revis, the league’s best corner, and Cromartie, widely considered the league’s most athletic, at the two starting spots, he wanted him to think as if he’s a starter, and compete like a player trying to earn a starting spot.

    So far, Thurman has liked what he has seen.

    “He’s taken the words and applied them,” Thurman said. “When you do that, as good as Revis and Cromartie are, you’ve got to also look at yourself and say, ‘Hey, I’ve got to maximize my ability,’ and I believe he’s on his way to doing that right now.

    “Has he had a good camp? Yes, but it won’t mean anything if he doesn’t carry it into the season and play at the level he has right now.”

    Because of the lockout last year — and the lost organized team activities and development time that went along with it for young players such as Wilson — he didn’t make the kind of jump the Jets would have liked from his rookie season to last season. But now, after a full offseason in the Jets program, Thurman said he thinks Wilson is ready to make that jump this season.

    “There’s been some inconsistencies, and you expect that from a young guy, and usually you make a tremendous jump from Year 1 to Year 2,” Thurman said. “But the lockout held him back. Now, you can see the jump in him from Year 2 to Year 3 in his comfort level within the defense, and understanding of it.”

    For Wilson, that comfort level has allowed him to come into camp able to focus on trying to make as many plays as he can.

    “I just go out every day and do my job,” he said. “I take it day-by-day and try to get better. It doesn’t change my focus or anything, because anything can happen out there. I just know I am making plays for this team, being consistent and making the right plays.”

    Now, Revis said he feels the Jets not only have one of the league’s elite tandems at corner with himself and Cromartie, but because of Wilson’s improvement, they have one of the best trios of corners in the NFL, as well.

    “We feel Kyle can start here, or on any other team in the league at corner,” he said. “We have three number one cornerbacks on the team, so we’re very excited and I tip my hat off to Kyle, he’s been playing great.”
  9. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Great to hear from you again Vince. Expecting big things from your brother this year. I fully expect him to play more snaps this season than guys like Bart Scott. So in a way, he probably will be a 'starter' in terms of amount of snaps. Looking forward to some big time improvement from K-Dub.

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