Nick Mangold leaves Jets camp to see his sister at the Olympics

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NotSatoshiNakamoto, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Well no, you keep on saying that response will be no for them. I and other posters stated the olympics is a rare case it might not have ever happened before. I then brought up "personal reasons" and you started backtracking. I then said examples, and you said "show me examples of x and y". I then showed you examples of x and y and now you are backtracking more saying you were just asking a question.

    Any response to me finding Couglin and Belicheck players speaking their mind?

    Your arguments are based on you "Feel" and you "Think" those coaches don't do that. Then you stretched your argument saying "You go find evidence and Tom Coughlin allowing this type of stuff and let me know if he lets his guys do and say whatever they want to do and say." I did that, and you didn't even quote or mention that post.

    Oh and to add Couglin's player also threw his helemt into the stands in a game :breakdance: Such discipline, I'm glad that player wasn't eating a hot dog on the sidelines which would have been much worse
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Incorrect again. You are apparently totally clueless that Rex Ryan has a far more lenient lassiez faire approach than most other coaches in this league. Its shocking that you are even arguing about such an obvious point.

    your "examples" were ludicrous.

    Go see if you can find big mouth brandon jacobs on the Giants roster. Let me know if you see ocho cinco at Pats TC. Randy Moss? shipped to the vikes after yapping to the media. Did the giants take plaxico back after the moron was busted for shooting himself? Nope - but guess who did take him? Is this really news to you that other coaches have much different policies than Ryan who lets guys like bart scott and tone and cro say whatever they want w/no repercussions?

    If you think that Bellichek and Coughlin have the same team rules as Rex Ryan you are hilariously mistaken. It's literally hilarious that you would even try to make such a specious argument.
    #102 AbdulSalam, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Did I ever say that Rex coaches like them? Nope. Find that quote. You won't find it. Search all my posts here and see if I ever said that. In fact, if there was someway you could access into my phone and computer and hear every word I ever said in my life I never said that. IF you can find that quote from me, go ahead and produce it. But right now you are making argument that I never made or said because I produced results and stories and links.

    You asked:"You go find evidence and Tom Coughlin allowing this type of stuff and let me know if he lets his guys do and say whatever they want to do and say."

    I showed that and went one farther and showed you the Patriots also because I'm such a nice guy.

    By the way the Jacobs incident happened in beginning of the 2010-2011 season, Jacobs left the team in March 2012. Good stretch there. I also believe the Giants didn't discipline him either at the time, only the NFL. So yeah Jacobs leaving isn't becuase of his helmet actions, it was because of money and his lack of production.

    I brought up Wes Welker to. He returned the opening punt in the next game but was "benched" for the starting drive. Gronk and Welker are on the team.

    I NEVER said Rex and those coaches coached similarly. I don't know where you read that. I just searched for "Rex" on this page and the only time I said it was this post and nothing else. The page ended with your 10:51 AM post. Not sure where you got the idea I said they coach similarly. You created a simple argument to try and win that argument, even though I never said those words.

    Go find that quote saying they coach similarly. AGAIN you asked ""You go find evidence and Tom Coughlin allowing this type of stuff and let me know if he lets his guys do and say whatever they want to do and say."" I then showed you links.

    Now for some reason you think by answering your question I think Rex and those coaches coach similarly? Again, where did you read that I think that? I have no idea why think that is what I said or think. Please show me what I said that you construed into some way me saying Rex and those guys coach the same. I am lost right now why you think I think that or said that

    You pulled this magical idea I think Rex and those guys coach the same out of thin air for some reason I have no idea about
  4. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Displaced, Thank you for finally admitting that Rex Ryan has a far different approach than most other NFL coaches. He is far more lenient, less disciplined and Laissez faire in his approach. He admits it. yet for some reason you struggled to do the same. I don't think allowing players to leave camp for a trip to the olympics to drink beer and watch weightlifting makes much sense for any team much less an 8-8 team. I think Mangold should be in TC working with his team instead of drinking beer in London. Obviously you and others disagree and thats fine, but I'd prefer to see Rex mature as a HC and run a much tighter ship.
    #104 AbdulSalam, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It puts the lotion in the basket.
  6. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    You really are having a problem with the fact he is drinking a beer. If you watch Episode 1 of the Ravens Hard Knocks you can see Tony Saragusa telling a team assistent that his mini fridge is to be stocked with water and BEER. That's right a pro bowl, super bowl championship player drank BEER, at training camp of all places. At no point has anyone even implied Rex coaches anything like those other guys. But you are ignoring so many things, Gronks off-season was legendary and the least "patriot way" thing imaginable. He was given a new contract. You also appear to feel that Mangold is not dedicated to this team. he was the one that needed to be convinced to go support his family. He has been quoted a couple times now that it was only his team mates encouraging him to go that he chose to leave. I'm sure all the reps he is missing today are going to cost him, because we all know those OFF day practices are where champions are made, but i think he will be ok.
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Hahahahahaha if that was your whole point why did you wait 2 pages to say it? If you asked me up front if Rex coached differently we would have avoided. Nope, you went on saying how Tom and Bill don't let thier players step out of line never asking Rex vs them until now.

    You never once asked me if Rex coached like these guys. All you said was Bill or Tom wouldn't allow it. You never asked if Rex coached differently. Once I showed you Tom and Bill had problems with players speaking and acting dumb then you finally said "well Rex coaches different". OF COURSE HE DOES, but that wasn't your argument until the 5th page of this thread.

    If that was the whole point you were trying to make, that was a long winded approach to do it when you could have just asked me the question directly and I would have answered :lol:
  9. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Look at this guy trolling. Wow. He's trolling harder than the average troll. If Ducasse left camp to do some cornball shit, then I'd be annoyed because he hasn't earned anything yet and his development is crucial to the team. Mangold's already there. Rex is the best coach we've had in a while. Get over it.
  10. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::

    You've completely failed to provide any evidence of any other NFL Coach who excused a player from TC to go hang out at the Olympics.

    You've never backed up your preposterous claim that " Mangold was forced to go"

    You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts. The fact is that Rex has a far different approach than most if not all other NFL coaches - and he stands alone as far as I can tell in terms of excusing a player from TC to attend the olympics.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Dude, what is preposterous is so narrowly drawing the scope down to where you only want to talk about someone being excused to go watch their sister at the Olympics.

    I normally find myself in agreement with you, and I even agree that Rex's style has been too lenient in the past, but this example is way overboard.
  12. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    There's that, and of course our own HK where guys went out to a local bar in cortland after practice. They focused on Aaron Kia as he was about to be cut, but I believe Mangold went out that night as well. That didn't lead to fights but then it was just a local bar, he didn't hop a pond to drink a beer in that instance.
  13. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I guess this is proff that Tom Coughlin allowed it. Can you stop acting like a complete douchebag in this thread now?
  14. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Did you read the article? Rex Ryan guilted him and he checked with all the players who all said to go. Mangold was saying no up to what, one day before the competition? If that isn't forced I don't know what is?

    I proved evidence that Bill and Tom have let their players do and say whatever they want. You still haven't addressed that.

    Again you want me to provide evidence for something that happens once in 4 years and is even rare that the related person is in NFL TC? Why don't you find something of Tom and Bill and denying people leaving TC because that's what you are arguing. I already provided links to you showing how Tom and Bill let their players say and do stuff. You going to address that?

    If all you wanted me to say was Rex coaches differently, then on page 3 when this started you said have asked Rex coaches differently. Instead you tried to prove Rex coaches differently by going the long winded route and saying Tom and Bill's players don't have freedom, which I proved wrong. Your argument is Rex coaches differently or Tom wouldn't let his player leave? Because either on you have haven't backed up while I have shown examples that Tom's players have a lot leeway leading me to believe Tom isn't as strict as you believe and would let a player leave.

    Since this unique experience hasn't happened, we have to go off what Couglin has let his player done. His players have said and done a lot and isn't the strict disciplinarian you believe, so based on that I do believe he would let a player go. Do you have any facts to show that Tom is tough and heartless and wouldn't let a player go? Or are you going calling for evidence?

    So also based on the above, seems like Tom understands there is more than football and he would let players leave.

    Again do you have evidence that shows Tom wouldn't? Or are you going based on your "feelings" and "thinking". Again everything I have showed is that Tom is a nice guy that understands players and would let a player go. Is there evidence you have that he wouldn't? Or are you going to exaggerating everything and equating one beer to partying it up in the London Village.
  15. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I understand your viewpoint, but I don't agree that this 8-8 ballclub should be excusing Mangold from TC to go watch the olympics. The best argument in favor of it is that he is the best player on the offense and the 2d best player on the team and it's his sister. But I would've preferred that the Jets demonstrate that even their best offensive player is 110% dedicated to winning the SB and is willing to sacrifice to achieve that goal. If we had just won the SB I would probably be okay w/it. But we were 8-8 and in particular, the OL was a joke. Mangold is the captain of that OL and he should have used this as an opportunity to show that he is all in. He chose not to do that. He wasn't forced to go drinking in london and watch his sister compete in the olympics. So, whatever. I think its the wrong thing to do on a team which collapsed on the field and in the locker room 8 months ago. This team needs to be reigned in order to improve and I would've liked to see Mangold step up. Obviously its a minority viewpoint, c'est la vie.

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