Again get back to me and the other poster if a coach has ever not allowed someone go to the olympics to watch their family. By the way, players leave camp all the time for "personal reasons". Patriots do it, Steelers do it, etcAnd yeah what happened if a Jet TE partied after a SB loss and all summer? What happened if a Jets QB has two rape charges against him? Yeah those teams don't tolerate BS :breakdance:
yup drinking beer and hanging out in london to watch a weight lifting competition. way to go nick. have fun partying at the village.
I don't see Nick drinking a beer in any of these photographs. There is someone that's holding something in the last picture that looks like a beer, but unless I'm mistaken Nick is the one on the left in the red shirt (beerless).
He definitely has a beer. There goes the 2012 season. Mangold will probably look more like Hunter this season.
You have been repeating the bold. Are you in London and in the village watching him party? Do you have some inside sources? How do you know he is partying in the village, you have repeated it constantly. Also you conveniently avoided the posts asking you to find a case where a coach blocked his player or the one about personal reasons.
I completely agree. You keeping up the same retarded mantra has not convinced anyone to think the way you do. You are clearly bat shit crazy.
There are photos of him drinking beer and he just got there. If you are unable to see that then you are blind as a bat. I don't see Mike Tomlin, Tom Coughlin, Bill Parcells, Bill Bellicik, Vince Lombardi, Don Shula, Tom Landry, Chuck Noll, Bill Walsh or any other great coaches allowing their players to come and go from camp as they feel like it. Sorry if you are still having difficulty grasping this very simple concept. In my opinion Ryan lets his players get away with too much and there isn't enough discipline on this team and partially as a result of that philosophy I think the team doesn't execute well and performs poorly. I think Rex's approach is too lenient and this is just an example of the lack of discipline and committment and sacrifice that it takes to be a champion. I don't see patriots and steelers players hopping flights to the olympics to go chug beer in the middle of TC and then making up excuses and rationalizations for doing so. I see the Jets doing that and last season the Jets were lousy. So that's my perspective. hopefully you now understand where I am coming from on this. Yes I believe in discipline and dedication in order to become a champion. I don't think you get there by letting everybody do and say whatever they want to do or say. Okay?
I don't. Drinking beer is equivalent to partying on Olympic Village. Partying =/= to drinking a beer. Well I know Belichick let players leave TC for personal reasons, so has Tomlin, and Coughlin. So yes the player come and go. And I still don't understand where you are coming from. About players on those teams who come and go during the regular season for personal reasons? You haven't shown a single thing to show that these coaches don't let players leave for personal reasons. Right now you are saying things not backing them up. If you can find stories where these coaches have denied players from leaving and doing things, go for it. But right now you are saying not showing.
You haven't backed up ANYTHING. Cite for me One SB Champion coach who has allowed a player to leave training camp to go drink beer at the olympics. Right now you are simply making stuff up with Zero evidence. Of course players are excused for a family emergency or a birth or death in the family. This is much different. This was just Mangold wanting to head over the pond to go hang out in London and watch Hollie lift weights. He isn't the first player in the history of the NFL to have TC interfere with something he'd rather be doing. Until you can back up your claims with any evidence at all you are simply blowing smoke. You go find evidence and Tom Coughlin allowing this type of stuff and let me know if he lets his guys do and say whatever they want to do and say.
I like how you are the one that started this by saying all those coaches don't do that, but then you demand references. Good avoidance. Saying anything for Coughlin: Saying anything Belichick: Waters skipping training camp: If you are against Mangold two days of TC how do you feel about this after a SB loss: You want to go backup the claims you made now?
And here is you making claims FIRST without the evidence. Find some times Coughlin and Tomlin denied guys leaving TC as you are the FIRST one to use the argument.
Cite for me one coach who has NOT let a player leave camp for an extraordinary family reason. You can't. Football is a job like anything else and those of us who have human and humane bosses are excused from our work responsibilities to attend those types of family events that you remember all your life. Mangold will play 15 years in the NFL and go through hundreds of days of training camp. His sister will compete in the Olympics once and this is a once in a lifetime experience that is incredibly rare. When Mangold is 65 years he will remember these three days and not some training camp day in 90 degree weather going one on one agains Pouha. You need to get a life and let others live theirs. Personal relationships and experiences are what is most important in life. Not work. As people always say, when people are on their death beds, nobody says "I should have spent more time at work." How many NFL players leave camp to witness the birth of a child ? It's too many to count. One more thing. If Mangold had tweaked a hamstring and had to sit out 2-3 days of camp, would you be beating the same doom and gloom drum????? What is the difference, except that "permitting" him to go shows that the Jets CS is a good employer.
The funniest thing about this thread is that Abdul Salaam keeps making statements about letting players (plural) come in and out of training camp as they please - like it is a common occurrence for insignificant reasons - while the truth of the matter is we are talking about one elite player that was pushed by guilt into supporting his sister in a once in a lifetime opportunity. I guess if Holly is in training and the Jets make the Superbowl, she shouldn't take a couple of days off to support her brother if given the opportunity. I also do not see how one beer is partying - I attended Hofstra from 1985-1989, spent most summers on campus and frequently saw players having a beer with dinner in various restaurants - (at least 3 times in the Wheatly Hills Tavern on Post Ave) - I guess that is why we couldn't get it done in the playoffs against the Browns because the O -line had a beer with their dinner in August.
You have a fundamental reading comprehension problem. I never claimed anywhere that Coughlin or Tomlin denied guys leaving TC to go watch the olympics. I asked a question - "Is Mike Tomlin giving guys days off in TC to attend the olympics or HOF?" If you claim that the answer is yes - Then Back it up. I don't think Tom Coughlin's players would ask to leave camp so that they could go over to london and drink beer at the Olympics. Thus he would never have to even get into "denying" such a request. Especially after the team went 8-8 the yr before. Its kind of surprising to me that you are apparently unaware that Rex's laissez faire coaching style is pretty unique in terms of the NFL. The Jets don't operate the way most NFL teams do. Ryan was just discussing this on Sirius Radio Training Camp Tour on Friday. Its hardly a secret. He believes in giving his players a great deal more freedom than most coaches do. Here is an interesting discussion of the Rex Ryan leadership style for you to get up to speed on. Let me know when you find evidence that Coughlin or Tomlin allow guys to leave TC to go watch a family member in the olympics or other sporting event.
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