Hey if Moore missed practice it just proves my point. Rex's philosophy is that anybody can do what they want and say what they want. If he wins w/that philosophy GREAT. But the fact is that he went 8-8 last season. He didn't win the SB. Do you know who did win it? Tom Coughlin. We have a team that sucked last yr. and which seriously lacks discipline. Feel free to endorse the Rex approach of letting everybody do and say what they like. I was hoping that he would grow up and start imposing a more hard nosed approach in the wake of the failure of his laissez faire approach. You don't see this happening in camps which have won SBs. Is Mike Tomlin giving guys days off in TC to attend the Olympics or the HOF?
The silence is deafening. The answer is NO. Mike Tomlin wouldn't allow players to come and go from TC as they please. Your sister is in the Olympics? Sorry you have a committment here. Your buddy is going in the HOF - ok fly out and back so that you don't miss practice or else watch it on TV. Your responsibility is to be in TC and 110% focused on making this team better. Not partying in london.
You waited 6 minutes and declared it silence? It took me 7 minutes to puzzle through the first two sentences of that rambling nonsense. You did have a head injury. I knowed it.
2011 record: 8-8. The definition of insanity is to keep on doing things they way you have always done them and expecting different results.
Ok, I'm done posting in this thread, it's obvious nothing is getting through that thick skull of yours.
really good that we got mangold out of there for a couple days. why you may ask? cause last year when he went down everything else did. we are now going to have a couple days practicing with him not even on the premises. its just good for the other players to not be able to rely on nick for a couple days IMO. the extra 3-4 days wont break mangold, not by a long shot. but it might force the other guys a to take a step forward.
Do you honestly believe that Mangolds performance will suffer all season because he leaves camp for a few days to see his sister compete in the Olymics? Seriously? Damn, man, there is enough to be worried about with making stuff up to be worried about. Mangold is a seasoned vet, and knows his job. He'll be fine.
The OL sucked last yr. This team sucked last Yr. and imploded. I don't share your viewpoint that Mangold should do whatever he feels like doing regardless of his responsibilities to his team and participating in TC to help avoid the same crappy season we had last yr. I don't think this team can afford to have anybody strolling out of TC for several days b/c they want to go party in london and watch their sister lift weights. We need to have all of our players in TC working 100% on improving themselves and this team. Last time I checked the Olympics were on TV.
I believe every single coach in the NFL would have let a Nick Mangold miss 2-3 of camp to attend training camp to watch a family member compete in the Olympics. You haven't seen this in other camps because it is incredibly rare. I'll tell you what. You find an example where a coach did not let a player miss camp in August to watch a family member compete in the Olympics. It has to be the Olympics (you know - that once every four years competition against the world thing), not some other sporting event. I'll wait for your response.
He was allowed to go. He didn't just walk off and peace out. He was basically forced to go. You also realize why the OL was bad because of hunter, lack of depth, Sanchez, and bad playcalling. Lol now you are jumping to conclusions he is partying in London? With who, his sister who has events coming up? Mangold was forced to go. Sometimes when you are going against everyone with your opinion, you can be right. This is not one of those times. You are acting like mangold got up and left. Read the actual story, And notice everyone is happy for him. For all we know he brought the playbook with him and he's at the hotel gym right now.
He was forced to go to the olympics??? Nobody forced him to do anything. He chose to walk out of camp to watch his sister lift weights and Rex encouraged it. I am glad everybody is happy. They sucked balls last season. They should be ashamed of the way they played last season and should be 110% dedicated to making huge improvements. Instead we have veterans who should be leaders setting the example of running off to go to london and missing critical practice and scrimmage time in order to check out the olympics. This is what losers do - they blow off their responsibilities and do whatever the hell they want to do and then rationalize an excuse for doing it. Meanwhile Tom Coughlin and the SB Champion Giants are all in camp working together to improve themselves and their team. Apparently the Jets think they can afford to have guys just do whatever the hell they want. I hope the Jets are right. But I doubt this BS would tolerated at Giants, Pats or Steelers camp.
Yes, last season was a disappointment. But 8-8 does not qualify as "sucked balls". Except for the final three games, nothing to be "ashamed of". And one scrimmage where he would have played 3 drives and a day off is not "critical practice and scrimmage time"
Actually, that's not a problem at all; you see, the little league team is entirely composed of Cro's children.
8-8 sucked balls - this team was talking SB and they went out and went 8-8. If you are okay with that then I understand why you would have no problem w/guys taking off from camp to go do what they feel like doing. If you accept mediocrity that is what you will get.