My goodness, haters and Tebow faithful unite under the banner of him getting to be tackled...awesome!
Don't feel bad. The sub forum will end up as a stupid idea and these confusions will pile up as time goes by. They'll eventually figure out what to do. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Rich Cimini Rex on wildcat: "If you don't prepare for it, Tony (Sparano) will run it 50 times a game." #Jets 12:34PM EDT Hmmmm
That's one thing I really like about Sparano - he WILL keep running the same shit over and over if it's working. Our previous OC wouldn't do that - it was maddening to see something working and then never go back to it. It was like he thought he had to trick the other team and running the same thing surely wouldn't trick them. Sparano is about out-executing, not outsmarting.
Yeh, you wouldn't want him throwing 300+ against a stacked box would ya.... Besides, he could never do something like th.... Oh wait.
1 game doesn't make a career. But you keep clinging to it like its a life preserver none-the-less. Tebow won't be asked to throw the ball and given his inability to create anything other than with his legs, he will run 80% of the time he's on the field woul be my guess.
Ummmm.... I'm not the best at math but.... He won't be asked to throw the ball, but one of every five snaps... He'll throw the ball...
Well said. I think that was one of Schotty's biggest issues. He tried too hard to be unpredictable. Being unpredictable is good but not if the reason you are being unpredictable is because you are going against common sense.
So... we agree? Youre saying that out of every 10 snaps he might throw 2 times = 20%. I am saying the same thing. Out of every 10 snaps he will run it 8 times because thats what he is good at. Believe me I'm ABSOLUTELY FINE with Tebow never passing the ball.
um yeah he has 2 games where he threw for 300 yards cupcake. These are his starts and the yards in each game. 2 GAMES UNDER 100 yards. 9 GAMES UNDER 200 yards. 3 GAMES OVER 200 yards ... so lets look at these in % shall we cupcake? In 16 starts tebow has a 12.5% chance to either throw over 300 yards or UNDER 100! In 16 starts Tebow has a 56.2 % chance to throw for UNDER 200 Yards and a 19% chance to throw for OVER 200 yards. If you add it up thats a 68.7% chance he throws for UNDER 200 yards Per game. GAME MANAGER MUCH? 138 308 205 161 172 124 69 104 143 202 236 194 185 60 316 136
I'm guessing that math wasn't your strong point in school ? here was your statement: Just to help you out, 2 (TWO) is more than 1 (ONE). Try it. Hold your right hand up and count. First finger is 1 (ONE), next finger is 2 (TWO). It's not difficult
There you go again. You realize passing 20% is more than never? Personally I think he'll be a primary runner in the "wildcat" package. Though I'd be willing to bet the "wildcat" Tim will be running won't be the wildcat Sporano ran in Miami and will be much more of a spread option with a stronger threat to pass. This is what Tebow excels at and I'm fine with it. Personally I think he'll pass 30-35% of the time out of this formation, with most of those passes being deep shots. I think they'll shoot for around 8-10 plays per game and if it's working, up it to 20-25......IF