I have posted many times that Sanchez should and will start since Tebow is not as good a passer but glad I have you talking nonsense in print that shows what type of forum member you are. Oh and this ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJGsVDfVp0c&feature=youtube_gdata_player
The Broncos traded away their number 1 reciever the week before Tebow started. Both Thomas and Decker dropped ball after ball thru the season. Good luck with that Payton ! Neither starting tight end is with the club this year either. Kind of says it all.
So what makes you think two guys drafted the same year Tebow was won't get any better with Manning as their QB?
The Bronco WR's should improve but Thomas is already experiencing dropsy again in camp. The wideouts were ranked 31 of 32 teams in drops at one point last year and their tight ends were shipped out at the end of the season as they went and signed ex teamates of Manning. Tebows completion rate reflects two factors. Very cautious in taking care of the ball.....thowing it away rather than risk a pick.... and guys who had trouble with route trees and dropsy. Foxball always produces poor QB numbers and last year was no differance. It'll be interesting to watch Manning take over as offensive coordinator this year. Jets fans are going to be pleasantly suprised when they actually watch Tebow in the pre season. Make no mistake, Sanchez knows this offense and is the starter.
Right - it had absolutely nothing to do with Tebow being terribly inaccurate and throwing wounded ducks. It's a lot harder to catch an inaccurate wobbly pass than one that's hitting your hands in stride. These guys aren't going to drop nearly as many passes this year. This is Sanchez' first year in this offense too. He's the starter because he's a better QB. This is where you tebois lose credit - when you completely absolve Tebow of any responsibility of the Broncos offensive woes. It's the receivers fault and the offensive coordinators fault (even though he changed the entire offense so Tebow had a shot in hell of succeeding and should be commended for doing so). Not only that, but when he throws a bad pass you claim he was doing it on purpose! All his bad passes were on purpose to avoid INT's! LMFAO!
There is some truth to drops and throwing the ball away to avoid INTs...however Tebow has struggled in making correct reads and accuracy to a much higher degree.
I don't get why Tebow has such a big following. I could prop up Vince Young using the same "facts" you guys use all the time, like W-L record and what teammates he had around him.
I remember that poster. Don't see that claim on here anymore. Imagine if a Sanchez "fan" said Sanchez threw incompletions on purpose in one of the Sanchez threads at the end of the year. OH MAN haha
Did Vince have 6 dramatic comeback from behind victories in first 11 games with the worst team in the NFL (7-24 ) in the 2 year span before it, all the while with analyst (99% of them) saying that he would NEVER be an NFL QB? The following Tebow has was created by the extremist haters that say he will never be a good QB, people tuned in week after week just to see them choke their words down on national tv, the following (which was substantial in college to begin with) grew and grew and grew. if extermist haters would never have said the things they said or if tebow would have gone 0-11 there would be no hype and hoopla.
The bolded can't be stressed too much. Tebow is a cultural phenomenon, in the same vein as Ali was a generation before (though with somewhat less recognition.)
It was a combination of all of the above. As a Jets fan, certainly you are aware of the impact the OC has. Think it's pretty well documented here that every QB who has been under Shotty has improved the very next season after getting away from him. There's also the discussion about the Jet's receivers, how Tone couldn't get open because of double teams last year, as no one was there to stretch the field. Lastly, the talk about the porous offensive line that got Mark nearly killed. With Mangold going down to injury, Brick having an off year, and WFH being WFH. BTW, did you see any of Tebow's games from the 2010 season ? He ran the "normal" offense and put up over 300 yards against the Texans. Additionally, Denver didn't "scrap" their offense and install a new one. Rather, they added some additional plays and used other plays more often than they normally would have. You familiar with McCoy's history ? He came in from Carolina, where Fox could have made him OC, but didn't. He was named OC under Josh McDaniels, but everyone knows that it was Josh's offense and Josh called the plays. McCoy didn't take over playcalling duty until Josh was fired and Studesville was named interim coach. Last year was McCoy's first as defacto AND dejure OC and play caller. Additionally, he had no familiarity with Option football and all he basically did was thumb through some books and get some limited input from others on installing a couple of option plays. If you want, I can give you a breakdown of the receiving corps and the Oline as well.
I couldn't care less. I'm tired of reading about all the excuses. Every QB has dropped passes and throws balls away. Tebow may have had more of those than other QB's but he certainly wasn't without faults of his own. The Broncos offense was bad with Tebow at QB. He was a big part of the problem. Tebow is not a good NFL QB and I would be amazed if he ever becomes one. I'm excited about his situational usage as a Jet - I think he can help us a lot.
Guess you missed where I said that it was a combination of all of the above, which would include Tebow being part of the problem Denver's offense was bad with Kyle Orton at QB too. Oh, imagine that, benching Orton and bringing in a young QB with only 3 starts under his belt and limited reps in the preseason and the offense was slightly worse. I mean, who would have thunk it ??? Got a little challenge for you. Listen in interviews with analysts, coaches and players and see how often they talk about how guys were negatively impacted by the abbreviated offseason last year. Then, while reading threads here in the forum, notice how often long time posters mention the same thing in regards to some of the younger players. I see it just about every day. Take a thread such as TC, Day X. You'll see a young guy mentioned and people will talk about how he is doing this year. One or more people will pipe in about how the kid didn't start last year and didn't play much. How his development was stunted by the lockout. These are things that are said, and accepted for just about any young player you can think of, except for one, Timothy Tebow. Apparently, it doesn't matter that he didn't have 1st or 2nd team reps in TC. It didn't matter than TC was very short. It didn't matter that he didn't have much experience under his belt when he was thrown in as the starter. Nope, the only thing that matters is that the kid didn't come in and perform at an "elite" level, even though his stats were on par with, or better than the "first 16 game" stats of MANY of the better QBs that you can think of.
I didn't read that post beyond the first paragraph and i don't plan on it. I was responding to your question about the o-line.
Tebow........88 TD passes in the tough SEC. One less than the the great Peyton Manning. Nay.........dude can't throw. Nope.
Yeah because college means a lot in the pros. The name David Klinger ring a bell? In his four seasons at Houston, he passed for 9,430 yards and 91 touchdowns and was drafted in the first round. You know what his NFL stats looked like? Thats right absolute crap. Truth is more QB's fail or have mediocre careers than excell and each one of them must have had pretty good college careers right? So quit the bullshit of bringing up stats from a time that means nothing. If you want to argue thats fine but use NFL experience other wise you make the all tebow jock sniffer club.
Funny because your not even a Jets fan but come here to troll. Hopefully you get another vacation soon.
I have no idea why this post required a response, but I'm compelled. The pick-a-random-prolific QB's numbers are compare-able except that he completed only 58% of his passes and had 273 more passing attempts. (nor did he have the amazing success on the ground) The bum, Klinger got 2 years to stink it up in the NFL. 1 as a full time starter wire to wire. In that first year he had 6 TD's and 9 INTS. for ~ 2k yards (14 games) As far as I'm concerned, all that's proved with the flop Klinger's numbers, is that Tebow isn't that bad >< I mean ya know that Tebow's numbers were pretty much all better then Klingers, against better competition, while simultaneously being a running back? These are Tebow's 3 1/2 year stats fwiw Pyrds 9,285 PTDS 88 Ryrds 2,947 RTDS 57 cmp% 65.5ish