The fact that this guy was just banned is ridiculous. I and others have been insulted in this forum labeled Tebowmania with every name in the book by hateful internet trolls just looking for a reaction. I haven't seen any repercussion for any of them. This poster didn't personally insult anyone, and his remarks were tame in comparison to many I have seen on here. There seems to be a glaring inconsistency in the application of the forum rules. If anyone doubts what I say, look through the posts of Mets N Jets, Browning Nagle and others, and then tell me why this guy is banned and they aren't.
Didn't know that he was banned, but I'll step right up in defense of the mods. The guy might have been a Tebow supporter, but he was a freaking troll. He didn't contribute to any of the discussion in any of the threads, rather, he just walked in and started spouting a bunch of shit, thereby, disrupting discussions that were taking place. I've been here at GGF since the trade happened and prior to the creation of this forum. I've had running battles with any number of "anti Tebow" people and insults have flown in both directions. I was banned once,though I think that was just an over reaction on the part of the mods right after the trade, but since then, have had no trouble with the mods at all. The dude wasn't banned for supporting Tebow or hating Sanchez. Rather, if he was banned, it was because he was a frakking troll.
I personally don't think he even was a Tebow fan. He came off so strong and ridiculous I have a feeling he was a hater in disguise. Add to the fact that he wasn't contributing to the discussion and only making guys like you and I look bad in a community that is already having a hard time accepting us as it is.
He might have been banned because the moderators were able to see that this was an alternate user ID for trolling purposes. But regardless, this is a free internet forum and terms of service are at the discretion of the moderators/admin. Those who object can always go join another board or create their own. Tis life on the Internet.
Before I posted I made and effort to look through the guys posts and while they were abrasive, they were tame in comparison to some of the vile hate that has been posted here, not even close. Im not going to lose sleep over it, I just want to see some consistency next time one of these agitators comes into the Tebowmania forum and calls Tebow fans a bunch of dicksuckers.
He didnt get banned foe any specific thing he said, it was because he was completely useless. AKA Troll.
Definitely was Phaytal...probably did an IP address match...easy ban and Im very very happy about it.
I think this could be a fake account. I saw it before when Tebow was traded to Jets I called a few people out on it and never saw them post again. "inspiring tebow" that sounds like a classic hater pretending to be a tebow fan. I am not 100% sure though....we will see... EDIT*********** nevermind I am reading he was banned?
Phaytal got banned sometime last week iirc. Not sure if it's a temp or perm ban as there's nothing about it in the BANNED thread in the BULLSHIT section.
Not sure why he got banned. Perhaps it was for publicly questioning the mods on the other banning ?? Thought about making a post asking the mods about it, but figured, if that was the reason, no sense in possibly getting banned myself
Tebow/sanchez was permabanned for being a reject. Its time got 3 days for disrespecting mod authority.
Makes sense to me. Might I ask, any plans to resume the notifications in the "banned" thread in the BS forum ?
Tebow had SAS tied up in fits in that interview. Smith couldn't accept it when Tebow said that he wanted Mark to do well and wasn't hoping for him to fail. Tebow schooled him all day long, it was great