My take on this article, is give the guy a break. Why would you want someone on your team that is content being the back-up (at any position)? That leads to complacency which won't lead to improvement.
Tim is just being nice like always! What do you want him to do, tell it like it is? That Mark Sanchez is a punk and will fold like a broken lawn chair(with last year's Rex Ryan) sitting in it? Tebow will be your starter and it will happen sooner than you think. If you simply switched out Tim and Mark last year, Denver would have been around 3-13 and the Jet's would have rallied around the inspiring Tebow and probably won the Super Bowl. Besides QB, the Jet's personnel was far superior to the Bronco's last year, that is an indisputable fact!
Man! Some of us have been trying our damndest to get along. Your coming in here and validating all the hate that gets thrown around. Your neither doing Tim nor his fans any favors. Tone it down a TON. You can attract more flies with Honey. Stop making us all look bad!
Wouldn't shock me one bit. I had given thought to it being a hater just going over the top to make us look bad
No, I just give back some krappp to the Tebow haters. I've seen people question the kid back to his high school days and it ain't because he is a winner. Most Tebow haters hate because Tim and his convictions, religious and otherwise, make them see how flawed they are themselves. I grew up in New York, but moved to Fla a while back and had the honor to see Tim play live many times in the Swamp. The man is inspirational and doesn't quit, others feed off of that! Many Bronco fans didn't understand the greatness that is Tim Tebow and they allowed that drunken buck toothed idiot to run him oit of town for a guy who could be in a wheelchair come week 1!
Well at Least we've determined that this guy is the biggest piece of shit in the tebowmania subforum. Carry on.
But it's okay for a bunch of fat obnoxious trolls to call Tebow a faggot from the comfort of their lazy boy chairs, right? I would love to see some of these klowwwnnzz say it to the man's face!
That was mostly Phaytal and he's been banned. I don't know if Phaytal was fat but he was certainly obnoxious and had a creepy fascination with Tebow's genitalia. (Hi Phaytal!)
no one is calling tebow a faggot, you god damn fool. he's on our team. no one wants him to fail. i understand you want him to come in and get the starting job, but for normal people who actually follow a team and not one individual, you should obviously see the problem we have with that. we drafted sanchez to be our franchise quarterback. we've had success with him before. i hope tebow can add to that success. we are all trying to get along here. but you're the kind of person we were dreading, because you come with the territory that is tebowmania. most of you tebow fanatics have become tolerable. this guy is just an arrogant dickface.
I'm not calling him any names... But I am re-posting this youtube video. [YOUTUBE]ojXkblN7pC0[/YOUTUBE]
All I got out of that is Tebow still thinks his inconsistency isn't that serious of a problem and it's Tebow-first, team second. Dang, didn't we have somebody on the team last year with that attitude? What did people say about him? Oh yeah. CANCER.
I'm as big a tebow fan as any and know for a fact he's not gay having worked with him at UF.... But damn that video makes me laugh every time. And knowing Timmy, he'd laugh as well.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this post at all. Being that this forum is by name TEBOWMANIA. This subforum was created specifically for the Tebow fans, and to not annoy longtime Jet fans with truthful posts such as this. If he came on this strong in the NY Jets forum, I would expect some backlash, but not in a place created specifically for his fans. Anybody spending their time in a forum labeled Tebowmania better expect as much. Considering all the heat Tebow and his fans get from the parasite sucking haters, expect a defensive posture at this point. I know this isn't fair to many moderate level headed fans looking for a sports debate. But this is the most polarizing athlete in the country, so pull up your skirts and get used to it!
If you read that piece and came away thinking this, then I seriously have to question your comprehension abilities, or wonder if, perhaps, English isn't your primary language.
So just like that? 1 simple roster move and you are guranteeing a Super Bowl victory....sounds slightly familiar and reeks of irony.