Defense was good, but certainbly not great last year. Now he says THIS YEAR he's going to be more involved... Translation, my DC didn't get it done and I'm gonna run the show this year.
Its hard to tell because it depends on your players that you have. Like recently Belichick lost all his talent on defense and has had one of the worst defenses in the NFL. Does that make Bill a bad defensive coach? hell no Bottomline is you cant be good without the players. Looking at the 2009 Jets defense for example, ranked #1, definately didnt have the most talent, but rex got the most out of them. Without any pass rushers, Rex has done pretty well.
he is not the best defensive coach in the league so stop. there is a guy in pittsburgh that has been at the top for many years oh and he won super bowls as the dc
Have you ever noticed how Brady doesn't say stuff like that? He doesn't care about where he is ranked, or what other people think of his play. All he cares about and works towards is winning football games, the rest is just gravy.
Who cares what he's got to say, he's said plenty of dumb things throughout his career. Simply put Rex should have the confidence to say that he's the best in the NFL. Check his statistics. He's never been outside of the top 10 in total defense except for I believe one season. Dude knows his shit.
Honestly, he might be right. There's an argument to be made for Rex being the best defensive mind in the league right now. He's certainly on a short list. The thing that I want to see from him is some involvement in the offense. The greatest flaw Rex has is that he seems to still consider himself a defensive guy at heart. He needs to put his stamp on the offense; not just rubber stamp whatever gameplan his OC comes up with.
This isn't Rex saying he's "one of the best". He's stating that he IS the none BTW- I'm not saying that he isn't one of of the top DC's in the league, because clearly he is. But what is confounding about this is that he feels the need to hype himself. Name me another coach who does things like that. And don't give me that, "he's deflecting attention from his players" crap. That was old 2 years ago. What he is doing is making a laughing stock of himself. It was amusing and entertaining the first time around, but now I get the impression that even Jet fans are getting tired of the same old act. And if the fans are getting tired of it, what do you think the players are saying?????
He isnt stating shit. Read what he said "I look at myself as the best" he didnt say im the best, he shows what kind of attitude and confidence he has.
Well we all knew the blowhard couldn't keep his blowhole closed for long...i just thought it would be after a few games not the first day of camp...he's ahead of schedule as for the tough guy thing he's lucky brandon jacobs didn't demolish him right on the field last year : )
Cool job! How long have you been doing it? Stepped on the moon yet? Got any pictures? Totally fine with the statement he made. He feels that way. If i was him with his resume i probably would too.
Uh-huh, expressing confidence in yourself in a private conversation with your new boss is totally the same thing as calling yourself the best defensive coach in the NFL in front of the media. Look, I don't have a problem with what he said, I just think it's kind of stupid to compare yourself to other coaches in front of the media. Does it ultimately matter if he's the best coach or not? No, the only thing that matters is whether he wins games. Why bring it up at all? What purpose does it serve the team by declaring yourself the best defensive mind in the NFL?
Its interesting to see how the media totally misrepresents what Ryan said. He didn't say that he was the best defensive coach in football...but that is what the media reports him as saying.
Nice to see most peopler read headlines and not quotes: "You know what? I look at myself as the best defensive coach in football," Ryan said after the Jets' first training camp practice on Friday. "That's saying something because Dick LeBeau is pretty darn good. Bill Belichick is pretty good. But that's the way I've always believed. And you know what? I believe it because (of) the guys I coach with, there's no doubt about that. And the guys I've coached. But that's the truth. That's kind of how I feel." Yep some huge trash talking here. It's funny how many people jump at the headline and never read the quotes. It's why most opposing fans miss how much Rex praises his opponents win or loss or how much respect he has for opposing coaches (Coughlin and Bill) or QB's (Peyton and Brady) etc etc. Oh and yes I believe is one the best defensive minds in football. It's hard to compare since defense relies on players not only on defense but offense and ST, but he has to be one of the best if not the best.