Tebow will make the Jets 12-4 or better THIS season

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by jb1095, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    So lets get this straight, you chose a Browning Nagle avatar because of Tebow fans? hmmmmm. That is your tribute to a long list of losers? wow. I will not be offended by being called an idiot by you for one second, in fact I will take it as a compliment coming from someone like yourself.
    What loyalties do the Jets have to you? Has free agency changed any of that for you? Growing up in Miami, we used to hate the Jets, couldn't stand Gastineau and the rest of them, they were the Jets. They were there year after year and were part of the community and after years a real loyalty and relationship would develop. Nowadays the Jets are on the Dolphins and the Dolphins are on the Jets. Where does your loyalty lie? to a uniform?
    Is there even one player on the Jets that you have any regional tie to? Even that you followed in College? Probably not, considering you live in the Northeast and have zero college football development in the entire region.
    Do you care if your team is filled with a bunch of thugs as longs the ones filling "your teams" uniforms are winning games and making you happy. Do you think these Jets give a crap about you or give you a helping hand if you were stuck in a ditch?
    Even if he knew all the shots you took at him, I am pretty sure Tebow would help you out of that ditch. Character does count, it counts a lot. THAT my friend, is what guys like you don't understand about Tebow and his fans. But you will learn, the game will tell the story, it always does.
  2. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Yes, he did accomplish all of that. However, I think most doubters (including myself) are looking at the bigger picture, which is that he probably won't repeat those feats, i.e. he won't consistently succeed in the NFL as a starting QB.

    Despite those accomplishments you listed, he was still traded for a 4th Round Pick (which, by the way, demonstrates his value set by the rest of the organizations around the league) in which he has been relegated to a backup role, as well as numerous non-QB roles. What does that tell you?
    #362 The Uniform Bomber, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You doubters just go ahead and keep doubting. I guess, eventually you might be proven right on some point. It's kind of like if you lose a big bet, the smart move is to just keep doubling down as you might eventually win.

    What's that going to be though ? That you doubt Tebow will win multiple Super Bowls ??

    Yes, Denver got the "instant SB contender" that they wanted in Peyton Manning and decided that Tebow was expendable. So what ?

    Last I checked, Steve Young has a few SB rings with San Fran, AFTER being traded by the Bucs. Drew Brees has a SB ring with the Saints after SD decided not to resign him and went with Rivers instead. Green Bay flat out released Kurt Warner and he later won a ring with St L. Hell, go back to Johnny Unitas who was cut by the Steelers after his first camp.
  4. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I didn't choose Browning Nagle because of Tebow fans, I chose him in 2003 when I joined. I would've never had the foresight to see the second coming to J.C. himself who was only a highschool kid at the time would one day suit up in a Jets uniform.

    I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your crap though I am glad you mentioned you are a Dolfag fan, that says alot.
  5. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The circumstances to Tebow's success probably would never happen again in a 100 years. That's why people are skeptical still. It's like the beginning of the season when the Bills were intercepting every tipped ball. At some point that falls and it either falls off big or gradually declines.

    Tebow is going to have to improve greatly if he wants to repeat the success of last year. Same thing happened to Sanchez and the Jets from 11-12. Remember the Jets stole wins with HOU, DET, CLE, DEN, and a couple others I am blanking on. They were an 11-5 team that snuck out a lot of wins. Also the Jets recovered an unsually high number of fumbles that year and had low amount of injuries. You switch to 12, obviously a lot changed, but injuries rose so the team was closer to league average and and fumbles started bouncing the other way going back to the average. The Jets went from 11-5 to 8-8. The set of circumstances where Sanchez made those late drives didn't happen anymore this year whether it be due to Sanchez, the defense, or ST.

    Look at Tebow's games. Two overtimes where his defense forces a turnover. Another game where his defense has a pick 6 and a tackle was missed in the EZ (Jets game). That same OT game had two 50+ field goal tries and makes. Tebow played great late in those games, but that is a lot of breaks. Unless you truely believe Tebow is magicial, those breaks go the other way. What happens then if Tebow doesn't improve greatly

    A lot of circumstances broke the right way. Can he improve greatly, of course he can but based on what he did last year, that isn't going to keep on leading to wins. Just like 8-8 in 7/8 divisions last year makes you miss the playoffs but the Broncos were in the one division where it gets you home field.

    THe difference between starting/coming in as a backup is completely different. Currently it seems like Tebow will not be the starter this year so he still won't have that. He will come in fresh if he comes which is beneficial to him.

    A lot of things are moving, if anyone takes last season and uses that to completely say Tebow is a great QB that is just wrong. Not an opinion, it is just wrong. Can he BECOME a great QB, yeah.

    Don't even start the heart or competitor or hard worker stuff either. That's completely subjective and unless you are in the locker room you have no idea.
  6. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    It tells me that he just Tebowed you with real-life football accomplishments and you are running out of ammo. Peyton Manning was cut, put on waivers. There are many things that go into trade value that aren't made public. Elway knew he was in for a PR nightmare if he played hardball with the Tebow trade after the kid just took his team to the playoffs. He gave Tebow input as to where he wanted to go, and helped him out by making the trade happen. Tebow chose to go to the Jets over an easier path to starting with the Jags. Its the best thing that ever happened to your football fandom, you just don't know it yet.
  7. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So a starter for 3 years vs a new QB who struggled mightly and Tebow would be in his "home" state and NY is the better place to go? Please expand because that sounds like nonsense right now.

    Right now I think Tebow chose the Jets because as much as people dislike the Jets chances, they are still better than the Jags. And Tebow can establish his name and make $$$$ in NY over Jax.
  8. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I didn't expect you would be able to wrap your mind around the philosophical part of my post, that was put out there more for my brethren who like think about why they root for who they root for. Thats a little to deep of waters for you, Ill take it back down to middle school insults if I want to poke fun with you on your level.
  9. Apple Jack

    Apple Jack Banned

    May 15, 2012
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    All those things probably did figure in on Tebow's decision, but the primary reason is probably that the Jets coaching staff and FO wanted him. From his remarks while interviewing Sexton to being chosen by McDaniels, the need to be aligned with people who believe in him seems incredibly important.

    Other than Khan, no one in Jacksonville wanted him. It would have been even worse than the situation he ended up with in Denver.

    Whether it's as a situational player or as a backup, the Jets wanted him and believe in him. The locker room seems happy with him and from all accounts, the players have been impressed with him.

    I honestly don't know what all this arguing is about. If Tebow never improves, the Jets lost a 4th. If he improves, you have a good backup with a very useful nontraditional skillset. If he really improves, then you have a worthwhile QB contest next year and the best man will win out. Sanchez is a big boy and sooner or later someone will press him for the starter job. That's part of the game.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Well the person I quoted said the Tebow came to Jets because he knew he could get this starting job. I provided what I though which was JAX was clearly the better place to go if he wanted to start. So I asked why he thinks NY is a more favorable place to start.

    This was a solid trade. I would have rather tried to use those picks to acquire an OL at the time, but I'm sure Tanny tried to trade for one and nothing was available.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Dude, there isn't a person on this board or in this subforum who is saying that Tebow is a great QB. NONE, NADA, ZILCH.

    What some have said is that he's already better than Sanchez and should start. (I disagree).

    What most others have said is that he is a young QB that still needs to grow, develop and gain experience.

    Now, let's look to "your side of the aisle". What is the predominate view ? That Tebow completely sucks and will never be a starting QB in the NFL.

    Think about that and tell me which side is being much more rational and realistic.
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    There are any number of things that make the Jets a better situation than the Jags.

    First off, it's the Jets vs. the Jags, nuff said on that one :)

    Secondly, it seems that the coaching staff here actually wanted Tebow and had plans for him, whereas the Jags coaching staff might not really have wanted him, but the owner did. As a player, I'd rather go where the coaches wanted me and had a role for me.
  13. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Well, not that I agree with the position exactly, but Rex and company wanting him here would actually make a QB competition more open and honest, compared to what Tebow went through last year.

    if you go back and look at the game stats, Tebow actually did better than Orton or Quinn in terms of completion % and passer rating. Fox and Elway didn't believe in him, so after they couldn't work out trading Orton, they made him the starter.

    Why didn't Fox/Elway "believe" in Tebow ? Any number of reasons. It could be that they just don't think he'll ever amount to anything. Or it could be that he just isn't their "type" of QB. Or perhaps they didn't want to spend the time to let him develop, but rather, were more interested in the short term goal of winning games.
  14. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Nicely said. I agree with everything you say here
  15. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    The side that thinks Tebow is starting game 1 because he is better than Sanchezi s the least rational. There are 3-4 posters here saying that.

    All this still doesn't explain how NY is the better place to steal the starting job. I understand its nice to feel wanted but if Tebow purely wanted a starting job, JAX was the place ago. Thatp oster who I quoted still hasn't responded to me so I am not sure what he/she thinks, but that's why I quoted them.
  16. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    No way there is 3-4 posters who say that. Everyone has been reasonable except maybe 1 or 2 when provoked.

    Did you ever think that as much as starting sounds great...starting for a shit team with no chance of winning sounds horrible. The Jets are by far a better football team and if there is one think that Tebow wants to do is WIN. Doesn't matter if he's the starter or a situational player..he just wants to win baby.
  17. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think he's stretching the facts. There are 3 or 4 posters who say that, if it were up the them, they'd start Tebow. There are not 3 or 4 posters predicting that he will start day 1. That's lunacy -- he's clearly not. There is no open competition and I don't even think Tebow would look better in an open competition.

    I'm one of the ones that would start him and play him every week. He's a football genetic freak, and he's going to keep getting better, and better, and better if he gets the chance to actually work the reps like he needs to. He's never had a time when he got intensive training camp style practice at running the playbook. Tebow is like Michael Vick was -- he's different. He needs to play . I think he's a franchise quarterback, full stop.

    But I'm in the minority, I know that, and I respect the opinions of those who don't see it that way. What opinion I don't respect is the one that says he's not even an NFL QB, doesn't even belong, misses it by a mile. That's wishful thinking by people who don't like him or see something about his motion when he throws that looks wrong.
  18. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Tebow chose the Jets because both the coaches and management wanted him.
    In the case of the Jags, it was the owner, not the coaches, who wanted him.

    You can look at Vince Young and Jeff Fischer as an example of what happens when the coach doesn't support a QB the owner likes.
    #378 catsigater, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  19. FakeSpike13

    FakeSpike13 Banned

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Ha..the two losses against the Pats?

    The first one the Broncos had an early 10-14 point lead (I don't remember exactly how much they were up by)...

    The second one the Broncos D gave up 5 Passing TDs in the first half (hardly Tebow's fault, and not something I would expect any QB to overcome)

    And "blind squirrel luck?"...I would think you would be hard pressed to get "lucky" 8 times. (For the record, I can think of just 2 games where he had a good amount of "luck" on his side...The Fins game and the Bears game...So what about the other 6?)
    #379 FakeSpike13, Jul 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  20. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Plus, the Jags just drafted Blaine Gabbert, and I think it would have been an awful situation, with the "quarterback of the future" that the GM drafted gradually imploding, and the pressure to do a swap with Tebow.

    Sanchez is in a different place in his development. Going into his 4th year, Sanzhez is more in the "put up or shut up" stage, with an opportunity to turn to Tebow if it becomes clear Sanchez is not the future. In the alternative, if Sanchez nails it down and will be the franchise quarterback for years to come, Tebow can get 2 solid years in, working on his game, and helping the team win. Then sign somewhere else and hopefully get his chance to start.

    It was win-win for the Jets and Tebow, because the Jets needed a legit alternative to Sanchez (either to bench Sanchez or waiting in the wings in 2 years), and the Jets like that Brad Smith stuff. So it gives the Jets the ability to say to Sanchez "What? You're still the man, we're just doing the Brad Smith thing." But if they had drafted a quarterback high, it would have looked like they drafted him to be the heir apparent.

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