Tebow will make the Jets 12-4 or better THIS season

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by jb1095, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    If the site was filled with more reasonable individuals such as yourself I would be. But for those types that claim in their avatar they are sick of hearing about Tebow, and then spend hours in a Tebowmania forum taking shots at him I use different tactics. Have to fight fire with fire with those just love to root against probably one of the nicest athletes in some time. Ive grown disgusted in time with those types that root against somebody of such high character, and will step up and cheer for a Micheal Vick.
  2. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Many have stated they are just here to rile up the Tebow fans. Well if that is the way it is, Im gonna poke them with a stick right back. Not all Tebow fans are Christians, common misconception.
  3. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Mark Sanchez beat Philip Rivers, Peyton Manning, and Tom Brady -- all in the Playoffs.
  4. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Wow this thread changes for the worst fast. There is no doubt in my mind that Sanchez is a far superior passer than him. Any one who thinks otherwise has their blinders on. As to preseason I agree that Tebow will be played much much less. No sense in giving any of the wildcat type plays away or creating any controversy. I'm a huge Tebow supporter but some of you guys are losing sight of what's happening here. Tebow is a Jet and as a Jet we need to support the team regardless of who is qb. Tebow even said he will do whatever he is told to do, which may very well never be starting qb.
  5. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    LOL. This is a fantasy of yours.
  6. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Because when two QB's face each other, they play against each other? To use one game to prove a point is one of the worst things you can do.

    Tebow and Sanchez both ended the regular season playing terrible. For Tebow 8-8 was a home playoff game, for Sanchez 8-8 was sitting at home during the playoffs. Tebow and Sanchez both collapsed down the stretch. The Broncos team put up the best defensive effort out of those 6 games for both teams down the stretch holding a team to 7 points. Both Sanchez and Tebow made horrific passes, Tebow throwing away the Bills game and Sanchez the Dolphins game.

    To say the only difference between 09-10 and the 11 season is that Mark Sanchez was given the reins is dumb and misleading. That ignores that Wayne Hunter was the starting RT, Braylon was gone, Cotchery was gone, Mangold got hurt, Cromarite started the year off really slow, the defense had gaping holes down the middle of the field and had trouble sealing the edge (Bryan thomas hurt) etc etc. To pin the Jets failures on one player is foolish as it would be to pin success on one player alone.

    The Jets told Tebow to bulk up. For him to become better at throwing, not bulking up is probably the better way to go. Why would they ask him to bulk up to become the main QB?

    Tebow has shown if the game can be kept close, he can lead late drives. That is it so far. He also shown he can run the ball inside the red zone and is good in short yardage situations. This is perfect for the Jets to devise some formations with Sanchez and Tebow in the backfield. Sanchez hands off to Tebow. Sanchez play actions and passes. Sanchez pitches to Tebow who runs. Sanchez pitches to Tebow to throw. Or if there is another RB in the backfield. Sanchez hands off straight to him. Sanchez gives to Tebow who runs the option with the RB. This would be the best way to utilize Tebow.
  7. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I don't know why people keep thinking that will work. Tebow is not a pure RB, has never been and probably won't be a good one. He's dangerous because when he's in the backfield, he's the QB/RB. Having Sanchez back with him would eliminate and extra blocker... which is huge. He's best used in a spread set empty backfield where the defense needs to spread out due to his threat of throwing, and he can play-action to himself, or run a draw with an extra blocker, or heaven forbid a defense does what the steelers did and Tebow can make them pay with his arm. Having Sanchez and Tebow on the field at the same time, though it may confuse a defense for a couple plays, is NOT the best way to utilize Tebow if your planning on utilizing him on the goal line or short yardage situations.
  8. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I am right there with you. Though I don't have a problem with Vick. He messed up, did his time in prison, and I'm happy for him he got a second chance. Doesn't mean people should forget what he did, but everyone screws up.

    But yeah, on Tebow... the hate he gets is sickening.
  9. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Keep educating them, they still don't get it, he chose to come here because knows he can take Sanchez's job.
  10. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Agreed. He'll do whatever they ask because he is 1) a team player and B) has no choice. Just like Denver last year, I am guessing here, but I don't think Tebow thought that offense was the best utilization of him as a QB but he publicly said the coaches were doing a good job.

    Make no mistake though, he would not come to the Jets to be the backup QB for 10 years. He's either going to take Sanchez's job, do well enough to get traded, or fail and not get another shot. I doubt he'd try converting to another position.
  11. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    youre so full of crap. It isnt even funny. If he wanted a starting job why not go to JAX where Gabbert is? He had the choice yet he chose the Jets. The one with the QB that just signed a long term deal and has been the starter for 3 years. With the HC saying that Tebow will be used in special packages. I think he came here BECAUSE he knew he wouldnt start, unless Sanchez gets injured.
  12. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    One game is all they have played against each other, and Tim Tebows team won and Mark Sanchez's team lost. Sanchez threw 18 interceptions last year, including a devastating pick 6 in the Broncos game.
    Tebow's 8-8 and Sanchez's 8-8 were worlds apart. Sanchez was in his third year on a team with one of the best defenses in the league, a defense that carried him to 2 consecutive AFC championships. Tebow joined the 2nd worst team in the league, a team that went 4-12, and started 1-4 before the brass was forced to throw him to the wolves. The turnaround from that point was dramatic and one of the biggest stories of the NFL season, baffling most of the so called "experts" and fans alike. What Tebow showed last year is that he can turn around the fortunes for an entire franchise. The fact that the Broncos dumped him for Peyton Manning will show to be a foolish move. The fact that the Jets picked him up will prove to be very astute, and probably will end up saving Rex Ryan's tenure with the Jets. Rex saw the writing on the wall with Sanchez, he just doesn't have the leadership skills to be that franchise guy. He just doesn't have that fire, Tebow does, you will see. I know you can't wrap your mind around it yet, but the proof is on the field, and fortunately we are getting closer to some real action.
  13. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    You are laughable, so one of the greatest players in College football history doesn't want to live out his dream of being an NFL qb, you think he will be happy sitting scared behind Sanchez? He just turned around a 4-12 team and took them to a playoff win, and you think his confidence is shattered? You think that deal Sanchez signed means anything?
    Maybe he likes Rex, and knows he will get an opportunity. He didn't chose the easier route to starting with Jax. Don't fool yourself into thinking the Jets are happy with Sanchez, they tried to get Peyton Manning as well. They have grown tired of his poor leadership skills evidented by the locker turmoil last season. They want a leader. They will not give Tebow the job, he will earn it. That is how Tebow likes it. You have got a lot to learn about Tebow, you wont be able to wrap your mind around it by my statements, but you will watch it unfold on the football this fall. Come check in with me late October.
  14. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    You were doing good until that part in bold.

    "Tebow turned around an entire franchise," is just silly. Tebow played a significant part in the turnaround, but there were lots of other reasons, including just plain luck, that contributed to that season.

    And as much as the Broncos are dead to me for doing it, if Peyton Manning's available and you don't have an elite veteran or an extremely promising young QB, you have to take that shot. Tebow will never be on Manning's level as the kind of QB Elway wants. The Broncos are set up pretty nicely if Manning even has a decent season, and Osweiler looks to be a good pick for the future.

    I haven't heard many Jets fans say they think Sanchez is "the guy" for sure, but if you're picking a starting QB, right now, you go with Sanchez. I hope Tebow improves to the point where he gets a legitimate shot, which the Broncos were unwilling to do, but you can't blame anyone right now for not anointing him starter until he shows he can read pass coverages better and can consistently deliver the ball into the tight windows required of a starting NFL QB.
    #314 catsigater, Jul 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  15. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Tebow was 8-5. Not going to let Orton's 1-4 record get added to Tebow's tally.:up:
  16. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    So a team is 4-12 in 2010. They start off 1-4, in 2011. Then the only change is they put in Tebow as qb, they immediately go 7-4, win the division, and then beat the AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers in the playoffs in which he throws for 300+ yds and you call it luck? I call it Tebow.
    Most Jets fans are exactly the same as Broncos fans viewpoints before Tebow got his shot. I am a Floridian, UF grad, I've heard all the criticisms ad nauseum of Tebow since he was a freshman in college. And then he gets in the game, and then he wins. The story here will be the same, except on a bigger scale in the media capital of the world.
  17. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    I cant wait either. Believe me...your dream is about to be shattered. Tebow went 1-4 in his last 5 games for a reason.
  18. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Except he doesn't just win does he? He has lost 7 games and won 9. thats a whopping 2 games over .500. Wow he is out of this world! Funny how Sanchez who has roughly the same stats per game as Tebow only wins because of his Defense but the Broncos win only because of Tebow.

    I cant wait for you guys to be proven wrong. Just so you will shut up.
  19. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Can someone please slaughter the sheep?
  20. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    So you aren't really a Jets fan. If we are proven wrong that will be bad for the Jets, that will mean he failed in a Jet uniform. Wow, you even have Jets in your avatar, but seeing Tebow fail in a Jets uniform will give you more satisfaction against a bunch of strangers on the internet. Your hatred seems to run deep, searching for any negative Tebow stat you can find. Even though he is on your supposed team, you spend hours on the Tebowmania fourm trying to validate your position that he will fail. So much satisfaction that gives you, rooting against a guy that at 24 years of age has built a hospital for children, and spends much of off the field efforts with charitable endeavors. Sad clown you portray yourself as, get ready for the most mind-boggling football season of your life.

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