Tebow will make the Jets 12-4 or better THIS season

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by jb1095, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Thats some shitty lemonade.
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Division title and playoff win from 1-4 start. Good lemonade, IMO.
  3. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I don't see it since Tebow's not a week 1 starter. I think if Tebow gets the starting nod, it will only be because Mark Sanchez will do-what will by then be- irreparable damage to the season. I see Mark getting at least 6 starts, and if he stinks it up, Tebow will truly need to perform miracles to make it 12-4 by the end of the season in this division.

    If Tebow truly starts doing better than Sanchez in training camp and then in the preseason, they need to be decisive and make that decision before hand. Allowing a controversy to happen mid-season will split this locker room a lot more than Orton/Tebow did in Denver.

    But then again, I'm sure the brain trust upstairs knows what they are doing. Or hope so.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Exactly. Tebow isn't the starter currently. If he takes over it means the Jets are doing bad or Sanchez got hurt. Most likely it will be Sanchez doing real bad. If he is doing that bad they probably have more than 4 losses.
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    they know what they are doing. They picked up a part time gadget player for a 4th round pick.. not bad.

    The only way he's ever being considered as a starter is if Sanchez's arm is in a sling which judging by the offensive line they have assembled I suppose that's a possibility..

    Tim Tebow isn't going to look better than Sanchez in training camp, that's laughable. Judging by his practice performance over the years and the fact that he struggles with an NFL offense he should be concerned with outperforming Greg McElroy in training camp/preseason.

    I also would not be suprised if we don't see much of Tim Tebow at all during the preseason games. His wildcat offense can be worked on just fine in Cortland, NY. And the Jets can run regular plays in the preseason games and not have to worry about stunting the development / evaluating the players that can actually play the real Jets offense (or a vanilla version of it)

    That will also serve the purpose of showing who is actually running this team, Rex - taking a strong stance on who is the Jets QB and who is not, and at the same time will allow him to keep his cards hidden for the Regular season where we will see Tebow a few times a game in the red zone/short yardage/special teams.

    I see Tebow getting maybe a series in game two, a couple series in game 3 and possibly not anything in games 1 or 4. Maybe Rex will give him snaps at RB in game 4, because he does shit like that.
  6. SDI_Gator

    SDI_Gator New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Unless Tebow really has made huge strides in his passing game (which I doubt, given that we have heard that every year, House is more than likely just talking in coach speak) I agree on most every point.

    Tebow just wasn't acquired to take over as the full time QB. He was brought in to challenge Mark (he too plays better under pressure, get over it) and bring out the best in the running game.

    I will be rooting for the Jets and Tebow to do well, just don't whine about it when Tebow doesn't start this year.

    I've mostly stopped posting on this forum because I can't get behind all the dumb stuff that everyone has to say about this. Both sides are basically just trolling the other in an effort to get the other to leave.

    Tebow will get his shot either on another team, or IF Sanchez gets injured/crumbles and plays worse than he has.

    Go Gators.
    Go Jets.
    Go Tebow.
    #286 SDI_Gator, Jul 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  7. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    We'll see. I think you are giving Sanchez waaaaay too much credit. Sanchez isn't that great a passer to begin with. He's near the bottom of the league. It wouldn't take much to outperform him.

    Of course I think practice will limit what Tebow can do because he's biggest asset is his ability to improvise and extend the play. Something he is free to do in a real football game, but in practice he would be more inclined to stick to the drill. Probably why you hear he's better in the game than in practice.
  8. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He is the #2 QB and backups get a lot more playing time than that in preseason. You think they'll play McElroy more than tebow? Because Sanchez isn't taking every snap in game 1 and 4... That's just not how it works.
  9. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I could answer this in one word - Yes.

    But I won't

    I know you probably havent watched the Jets prior to this season so I'll give you a pass but last season McElroy played a hell of a lot more than Brunell (and Bru even at his age can actually run an actual offense)

    Game 1 - Sanchez plays 2 series - Mac the rest
    Game 2 - Sanchez plays in 2nd quarter, Tebow gets the last series or two minute drill, Mac plays the second half
    Game 3 - Sanchez plays all first half, first series into the 3rd. Tebow gets the rest of 3 quarter ( 2 series?) and Mac finishes it.
    Game 4 - Mac takes every single snap at QB. Maybe Tebow gets a carry out of the backfield or two or a fake punt or something. Sanchez eats a hot dog and gets ready for the Buffalo Bills week 1.
  10. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I would be EXTREMELY shocked if that's the case... What back asswords team plays their 3 more than their newly acquired 2... That would make zero sence to me... As for last year, they knew what they had in Brunell and McElroy was new. Am I crazy or is this really what the jets do????
  11. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Sanchez isn't a HOFer but he is light years ahead of Timothy Tebow as a passer and as an NFL QB. He's not losing his job straight up to Tebow so I am not worried about a controversy. If Sanchez gets hurt or really plays like shit then the season is a wash anyway so the Jets might as well revert to the spread that Denver ran last year because they will just rebuild after the season and get a new starting QB in the offseason (not named Tim Tebow)

    I am not against the Tebow acquisition because he is the new Brad Smith on the Jets. When Smith left for Buffalo it hurt the Jets offense. Tebow fills that role, for a 4th round pick, the same as where Smith was selected and where Tebow should've been picked anyway. I believe Smith could've done the same thing Tebow did with the Broncos last year if they ran that offense for him but most teams don't change on the fly like that for one player.
  12. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You think Smith could have Thrown for 300+ yards against the leagues #1 passing defense.... REALLY?? smh

    I don't disagree with you about Sanchez, his job is safe and it's his to lose, but your perception of tebow is way off. Smith didn't go to passing guru's during the offseason to better his throwing motion. Make no mistake Tim is here to compete as QB. He will use his skills here and there as opposed to just sitting on the bench, but he is here to compete. I don't think he's going to take the job away from Sanchez, but he's sure as hell going to try!
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    A team that knows their 3 is worth playing and developing because he can run THE SYSTEM (ultimately benefiting not just himself but his teammates that are also developing) and quite possibly could become their 2nd string QB in the long or short term.

    Compared to a number 2 that can really only run a gimmick offense that you would most likely not want to give away in an exhibition, not even to mention the complexity that Tebow playing a lot in the preseason would bring.
  14. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    That's assuming that your CONVINCED Tebow is incapable of running a regular offense and that he is beyond improvement and that you don't want to even see if he's improved. I think your view of Tebow is stubborn, close minded and just a regurgitation of the media pundents... I guess we'll see, but I'm not betting against Tim.
  15. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Yes I do think Smith could've completed 10 passes against that defense that was missing its safety because of the elements and as a result had guys in there that really played poorly.. It was a great game but lets not try to Tebowize the real story in that game that Pittsburgh's secondary (particularly their safeties) played terrible football. When you only complete 10 passes and you have completions of 80, 58, 51, 30, its a sign of bad defensive play - I'll give credit for Tebow to actually find those guys and to throw to Thomas (duh) but I think Smith coulda done that...

    I also think he could've lost 45-10 to N.E. or had 4 disasterous turnovers against Buffalo or put up 3 points against K.C. in virtual playoff games as well. But that's why I wouldn't want him as my starting QB and why the Jets ultimately let him go when he was offered a salary above his ability.

    I don't doubt Tebow's ability to compete and for that I am glad he is a football player on the NY Jets I just think he and the team he plays for needs to know his role for him to be effective. I like what I hear so far about bringing him in the red zone or on short yardage. He can be good in that role to keep the chains moving for the main QB in the long-term (hopefully Sanchez but it could be whoever).

    It's the American way to keep on getting promoted until you have been promoted just one-step above your ability and I fear that Tebow is trying to do just that, he needs to settle in where he can really excel - a part time QB/RB gimmick player and an excellent teammate.
  16. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    If we finish the season 12-4, how the hell would Tebow end up the starting QB ?

    I mean if were 4-4 no way is Tebow finishing the season 8-0, so if were like 5-3 or 6-2, why would Sanchez get demoted ?
  17. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think we agree on how Tebow can be utilized best this season. We just drastically disagree on his long term ceiling. I think he's not as bad as you make him sound and he has plenty of room to improve and I think he'll do just that. You think he can only be a situational/gimmick player, and I think if he can just improve his passing game to be average, he can be a dangerous and above average starting QB with everything else he brings to the table. I guess only time will tell which side of the argument is correct.
  18. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    As a tebow supporter I can say that I have no idea what the hell he's talking about and it's probably best just to ignore him.
  19. ItsTime

    ItsTime Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Your knowledge of Qb's is laughable and evident by your Browning Nagle avatar. Sanchez is far from light-years ahead of Tebow. The facts say otherwise. Tebow took a horrible 4-12 Bronco team and beat Mark Sanchez in their only head to head meeting. Sanchez may throw a prettier spiral, but too often it ends up in the hands of the wrong team. 18int's? ouch. Case in point in their only head to head meeting Sanchize threw a devastating pick-six. While Tebow struggled against the mighty Jet D, in crunch time he went 95 yards to send Mark home on the plane a loser. Sanchez had a much better team and supporting cast in 2011 than Tebow did, but when given the reigns with passing game turned the Jets from a contender to pretender.
    Tebow is here to take Mark's job, as a true Jet fan, you can't seem to wrap your mind around it yet, but in the end you will be very happy.
  20. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    While I don't disagree with your arguments, you're rather abrasive and if you're trying to win people over, your not going to do it by belittling them and dissing their current QB. WWTD :p

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