Tebow will make the Jets 12-4 or better THIS season

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by jb1095, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There are two sides to the coin... if Tebow stole your childhood girlfriend, beat up your college teamate, cousin, uncle... whatever, then by all means come in here and bash the guy. I like Tebow because he is my fellow alumnus and I am a UF fan. He did great things for my school. What's your excuse for the obsession you have to monitor the Tebowmania forum just to post negative comments?

    I do not idol worship Tebow, and am fully capable of understanding he is not any better than you or me. I am just a fan of his athletic achievement.
  2. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Putting a celebrity you don't personally know, like Tim Tebow, on a pedestal and pretending he's a perfect hero, works better for some emotionally needy individuals than facing the reality that the nobody in their real lives is anything close to being the perfect hero their Tebow fantasies make him.
  3. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    I can see why you are here then, you spent time with the kid. Worked with the team, etc. By all means defend away. I am sure that must have been one hell of a fun time! By the way one of the guys I play rugby with was a DE for Urban Meyer at Utah (he was on the undefeated team) and said Meyer is a great guy. My barbs are pointed at these guys (and gals) that haven't been in the same state as Tebow much less ever met the guy that act like he is their baby brother or something. He's a guy.Who happens to play a game for money, no better or worse than most people.
  4. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You guys are making some pretty large and unfounded assumptions. I don't think anyone here is saying Tebow is their "hero". I am much older than Tebow and do not look up to him as a person. Matter of fact, my views on religion couldn't be further from his. I like Tebow as a football player and fellow alumnus... period.
  5. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Because his fans make me want to vomit. See, I am not a fan of how he plays football nor how his fans railroaded the Denver FO in to starting him. My fear is they will be on Sanchez from training camp on, see Tebow fans only care about Tebow and they will do anything to see him play and that includes creating problems within a team to get him a shot.

    I have never met the guy, nor am I a UF alumn (it was a top 5 choice of mine for my MBA though) I don't dislike Tebow the person, he seems genuine and I respect that he has the balls to stand up for his faith, but I dislike the way he plays QB and the way his fans make excuses and or blame everyone and everything other than Tebow.
  6. dr.terryeddy

    dr.terryeddy New Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    How many losses will it take for the Sanchez ouster in favor of Tebow? 1?
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There are several ways it could happen. If they win, but the Tebow packages are seen as the reason why, you will hear more clamoring for Tebow to start. If they lose and Sanchez is seen as the reason why, same deal. If I were to put a number on losses, I'd say after 6 games if they are less than .500 you will start seeing the media storm and fan outcries. It will be a complete mess, that I can guarantee you.

    Anyone who thinks Sanchez has this job locked barring injury is kidding themselves. He's got immense pressure on him to not only win, but make sure it is obvious that he is the reason.
  8. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Your fears are well-founded, unfortunately. Tebow's fans will be on Sanchez from day one. I don't think it is fair to Sanchez, but in the long run it is better for the Jets to build around Tebow.
  9. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Thing is, many of us LIKE the way he plays QB, and we hope that he gets better at it on the NFL level.

    Who doesn't like a QB who runs at Darelle Revis, and instead of going out of bounds or sliding, he lowers his shoulder to run right through him ?

    Most of us fans realize that he does indeed have to get better as a passer. At the very least, he needs to develop some consistency. That said, we look at what he did last year AND we take some rather common notions into acct.

    If it was any other QB, most would say "He is young and still developing" when looking at many of his problems. Oh no, Tim Tebow has difficulty reading defenses. Duh, most young QBs have that problem. Tebow holds the ball too long. Duh, most young QBs have that problem. Tebow doesn't see open receivers. Duh, most young QBs have that problem. Tebow needs to learn how to throw with anticipation, to "throw his receivers open". Duh, most young QBs have that problem.

    If you look at things objectively, you'll see that most the problems/flaws that Tebow showed last year are things that most young QBs have trouble with. But, where people say that the other young QBs just need time, people like you scream about how badly Tebow sucks.

    Another thing. I sit back and listen to NFLN and ESPN when they are talking about things other than Tebow. Take the labor issue this past season. Everyone comments on how the lack of preseason preparation hurt most players and most teams. This especially comes up when talking about young players at various positions, not just the QB slot.

    But, if any of us bring this up in defense of Tebow, why, we are just making excuses.

    Or when talking about other young QBs that didn't have the best of seasons, the "experts" started looking at the players surrounding the youngsters. They looked at the Olines the guys were playing behind. Denver's RT, Orlando Franklin makes Wayne Hunter look like an All Pro.Denver had one of the worst passing Olines in the NFL last year, and that was the case whether Orton or Tebow was the QB.

    Said "experts" also talked about the lack of a receiving corps for the young QBs. Denver also had one of the worst receiving corps in the NFL. For weeks, Eric Decker was the #1 receiver for Denver. Eric freaking Decker. At the start of the 2011 season, Eric Decker had played in a whopping 9 games, had catches in 4 of them for a grand total of 6 NFL catches to his name. And he was the Broncos primary receiver for a while.

    Then, you have Demaryius Thomas who was coming of another injury. He started playing when Tebow took over, but he wasn't in "NFL game shape" til later in the season. His level of NFL experience prior to the 2011 season ? 9 whole games and 22 receptions.

    let that sink in a little bit. Denver's top 2 receivers for Tim Tebow to throw to had a total of 2 years of NFL experience, 18 games and 28 receptions between them.

    Now, I happen to think that both Decker and DThomas will end up having nice careers as WRs in the NFL, but they had no experience to speak of at the time Tebow took over and for most of last year, they just weren't that good.

    Hell, even Deion Sanders commented that Denver needed to get some weapons to surround Tebow with.

    Oh, but those are excuses huh ? Just out of curiosity, what is your opinion of Sam Bradford ?>?
  10. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Big difference is you don't hear people talking about Luck or RG3 or other rookies as a "proven winner" or "just knows how to win" and acting like his spot in the HOF was predestined. Obviously people are going to pick out the deficiencies in a rookie (or any other player) but your fellow Tebow fans built him up so much it's impossible for him to ever live up to that hype.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    What ? You don't hear about Luck or RG3 as proven winners ? What planet have you been living on ? Luck and RG3 have been the most hyped QBs coming into the NFL in years. The Colts just cut Peyton Freaking Manning so that Luck can come in and start immediately instead of riding the pine for a couple years.
  12. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Sam Bradford... is a wuss. If he could stay healthy he may be something in this league but I don't give him much of a shot.

    Yes they are excuses, you play with who you got. You find ways to get the ball to the people on your team and try and make them successful, plenty of decent QB's MAKE THEIR WR's BETTER.
  13. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    They cut somebody who had a serious, season-ending injury and has a questionable future. The Indy FO made the decision to cut their losses and move on from the Manning era. Look at the cuts made to the coaching staff, not just the QB. Washington also lacks a solid QB, so like the Jets in 2009, starting the rookie is the best option on the table.

    Yes, they are hyped. However, if you can find me where people are talking about their pee wee records as proof of their NFL success then I can agree with you that their hype matches Tebow's.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And it's often the case that when you have a terrible offense surrounding you, even good QBs don't do well. Steve Young ring a bell ?

    As for Bradford, look at his stats from last year and see how bad they are. Yet, most experts will talk about how Bradford is a good QB, he just doesn't have any help. His Oline sucked and got him killed. His receivers were a joke and they didn't have a running game.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    If the Colts weren't in a position to get Luck or RG3, I'd wager that they would have kept Manning.

    As to them both being hyped, the hype is different. While both are seen as being "winners", both are also seen as being "NFL ready", and people aren't questioning that, so they aren't talking about their intangibles.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Bradford sucked last year and had plenty of criticism as everybody talked about drafting RG3. Again, Bradford is a pocket passer Tebow is not that is the difference. To play Qb in the NFL you have to Throw from the pocket. Not only can Tebow not read defenses he is not accurate enough to through the ball in tight windows. To top it off he has the slowest release in the NFL.
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    "everyone talked about drafting RG3 ?" Guess that's why they traded the pick away to the Redskins so early ?? And why they started shopping the pick around just about as soon as they officially had it ?

    You sure you aren't thinking about McCoy ??
  18. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The team did not talk about the media did and Fisher squashed the rumors pretty early. The point is Bradford has his critics you said he did not the Rams like him the Broncos did not like Tebow because he is not a Qb but a running back.
  19. Major

    Major New Member

    May 28, 2012
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    Tim Tebow

    I,m pretty sure everyone would love to see tebow as the starter for my jets! The only way it would happen is if Sanchez plays like last season! Which will not happen!!! Due to the fact That Sanchez knows tebow wants this to happen & far as accuracy there's no comparison,s between these 2 Q.B.s!! Above all Sanchez has alot more experience at pressure situations. Some people think just because Tebow did the impossible at Denver during his short time there he's just as good as Sanchez!!~ WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mark Sanchez is the more experience & has a better understanding when it comes to reading defense,s!!! Not to mention the fact Mark Sanchez has much better Q.B.mechanic's & continues to improve!
  20. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    There is good reason for that... they didn't win it all and aren't proven winners. They are proven "almost winners".

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