There are pros and cons to the Jets parking pass situation. The cons: 1. You have to pay for preseason 2. If you need an extra pass for the day you have to go to ticketexchange which most of the time is face value but then you get hit with $10 in fees The pros: 1. It gives season ticketholders a perk. People who don't have a pass pay $50 to park in orange. As a season ticketholder if I'm not using my pass I can go on craigslist and get $45-$50 for my pass. I have managed to get a second pass the first two years in the new place through friends for close to face value and sold my pass at that price for most of them. A couple games I got $40 and a couple I got $55. When I've looked at how other teams handle parking I have no issue with the Jets giving club seat holders closest parking. The yellow/orange thing is a mess but there is a perk for yellow holders. You aren't directed out to izod if you come late.
49ers game is still holding really strong. amount of available ticket has gone up again to 7 to 8k for most games. patriots game is biggest upsell, 49ers is not far behind. none of the games are really killers price wise though. upper deck sideline and endzone naturally are shitting themselves. upper primes are holding pretty strong lower endzone is faring the worst at only 6 bucks above retail prices without figuring in any kind of psl situation. lower sideline has best return at almost 70 bucks over retail and the prices went up ever so slightly. this was the ONLY area that went up in price since i did the list in june AND in april. every other ticket area has gone down in resale value other than the lower sideline. i have to wonder if the absolute lack of seats in the lower sideline area may have something to do with it. its really only 4 total sections.
np cbg... if anyone else sees any kind of trends or anything else i missed please say something. thoughts are always appreciated, i am pretty good at doing the number crunching but dont necessarily know the reasoning behind them. i think i do, but that doesnt mean half a bit of dookie.
I have a question may have been answered before but someone in the other thread brought up the fact, WHAT IF......the jets move to LA or another location.... What would happen to the PSL that people have bought? Would they get some kind of refund? would it transfer to the new stadium? These are all thoughts and wondered if anyone knew.
you would have to look at the contract but i assume you would be assed out. i dont think that will happen though.
No way in hell this happens unless of course Woody Amway Johnson gets an offer he cant refuse for the team.
I once read the contract it's been a while so don't quote me on it but I believe it guarantees 15 years of having seats if not you get refunded a certain percentage of the PSL if they change stadiums. I'd assume the same would be for moving to LA.
I do but dont feel like reading it lol GMC what would you pay for 4 PSL lower level....I am really trying to sell 4 quick.
At the present time im not in the market for tickets thanks anyway. Im going to sit this season out and watch at home. Ive been looking to purchase a Harley-Davidson with my $5000 I would have used for tickets plus I had other funds saved. The PSL is just not for me at the moment.
What was the original offering price, how much did you put down and how much is owed on them at present? If you're not too upside down, perhaps someone will pay you the balance of what you owe on the notes and you can walk away w/o taking cash out of your pocket to make up the difference. This of course assumes the buyer is willing to pay full price for the 10 games this season and beyond.
Hey guys, hoping you can help a newbie out....I used to have sec 325 row 27 in the old stadium for $65/seat when I gave up my tickets (had kids, little time or money) but now I'm back in the game so to speak....I took advantage of the lower prices and grabbed sec 343 row 17 (closer to the 342) for $75/ticket but am thinking of of trying to upgrade to a better seat in the 300's for this year or possibly buying a psl next year on the secondary market. Anyways, my question(s) rep is out til tomorrow but will call me with options. Do you think there will be anything decent available and How much of a move is worth it compared to the price difference and resale....I was thinking of trying for $105/ticket to move closer to midfield but is it worth moving up higher? What about the $125/ticket seats?. I haven't been to the new stadium yet but have heard that it's high up...any advice??
Well i put down 2000 and owe 14500 on 8 psl....looking for 8000 cheapest for row 20 4 psl and tickets at face. If i dont sell will sell all 8 tickets to broker and make money and try next year or later on. I figure id have the person pay psl and balance of tickets to psl through jets so its easy and will take credit card.
Bob my advice is to tell them that you want to go check out the seats / take a tour,,,,,and go back and reread the middle of this thread. I sat in 342 ( this place ) row 20 and hated it-----HATED IT,,,,kids hated it ,,,,,,,very high ,, I mean hard to make out the # 's on jeresys high,,,and I have 20 / 20 vision-------good luck