But I would add if they did move to another city the Jets name and logo should stay. Whatever team moves to whatever city the name should be changed. That would be an easier way to ween myself off of them. After the current roster retires or fades away I would have nothing to do with that team. Then New York should get a real team with a real New York City market and play in one of the boroughs. That proposed west side stadium would have been awesome but the Dolans, Sheldon Silver and Mike Lupica killed it. Hey Dolans where are those low income housing project you proposed for the west side? Thought so.
If They Moved The name should stay with the city. I would hate them but I don't think I could root for another team. I hate them all except the Jets. I also don't recognized teams that move i,e Raven, Titan, Rams. So it would be a very confusing time for me.
If they had the nerve to turn their back on me, I am turning my back on them too. P.S. On a second thought, I'd guess that's better for my physical, psychological and emotional health. By now I have passed that casual/average fan level (or so I hope) and I'm more and more intrigued by finding out how each play works, and how a progression of a drive works etc - and the entire game plan works. So... if Jets do bolt from the NYC, then I will be watching football without rooting for any team from that moment on. (I am very close to that stage as a matter of fact now. Thanks, Schottenheimer.)
Lets add to this conundrum. If the team leaves and you stay a fan, what about when a team moves back to New York? The Titans probably kept some Oiler fans after their move, as well as the Browns. What did these fans do when the Texans came to town, or the Browns were reborn? If a new team landed in NY, would you jump from the Old Jets to the new team in town?
I Would Go With The New Jets It would be like the old AFL again. But with checks that players could actually cash.
Pretty much this. I wouldn't have a problem rooting for the LA Jets, but I couldn't deal with the rooting for the Nevada Gamblers or Georgia Hailstorms. I'd be waiting for the NY Football Mets to be developed.
If the Jets moved it would be no big deal for the average fan who follows them only via TV anyway. The NFL would definitely have the AFC broadcasts of the newly moved Jets beamed back into the NY area for quite awhile after the fact. They'd do this because whoever held the AFC rights would demand it. The most likely destination for the Jets would be LA and so the Jets and Giants games would rarely be in conflict from a scheduling perspective. It'd be easy to make staggering them for viewing consumption work well. There are no obvious replacements for the AFC game at this point, with the Patriots much hated in NYC and the Bills too far away and with too small an NYC fanbase to make televising them here worthwhile. Jets fans in NY would be unlikely to watch random cherry-picked matches that the rights holder chose to televise here. The obvious solution would be the LA Jets televised in NYC and at least for the first few years that's likely what would happen. After that it's not clear what would happen but I suspect another NFL team would relocate to NYC and transfer to the AFC if necessary. The Giants would fight that but the networks would beat them in the end. Must have an AFC team in the country's largest media market.
Woody Amway Johnson would sell this team in a heartbeat to earn a profit. Anyone who thinks he wouldnt guess again. He has no loyalty to anyone.
Woody Johnson is the most likely person to move the Jets to LA given his ties to the city. He might well have done this after the West Side stadium fell through if it weren't for the accumulation of political power in LA behind the folks trying to acquire a franchise for the city. It's going to be really hard for an outsider to bring a team into LA without paying a premium to do so given the investments that local power players have made already. If Woody sells the team it's much harder to see them moving to LA, or anywhere else for that matter, due to the heavy debt load the team has and the cost of getting out of the NJ obligations. The Jets are kind of tied to the metro area at the moment due to the high cost of acquiring them and then settling the other financial issues around any move.
It would be hard to restart all over and root for another team then you have you would have to get rid of all your Jerseys and paraphernalia and learn the players all over. I guess in time things get better but we all like certain players and coaching staff and make that bond.
I'd still be a fan regardless of their physical location. I've been following them more than 10 years now and the current roster has grown on me. The only way I wouldn't stay a fan is if they got all new players and moved at the same time, which doesn't generally happen. If the players stayed in NY but changed the name I'd still follow that team.
It would break my heart. I don't think I could root for them if they relocated. I would feel cheated if they ever won a SB in a new location (and I don't even live in the NY area anymore). I would either not root for a team or latch onto a team/city that I always kinda liked with a strong identity (like the Broncos) or maybe a newer team, like the Texans. It would NEVER be the same though.
I agree If they left and changed name, they are no longer the Jets. But I would rather drink broken glass than become a vaGiants fan. Would have to go with the Pigeons in Philly.
I'd always be a fan of the team but... If I couldn't watch every game at my local bar I just wouldn't be as fanatic as I am now.