What is surprising is no team sandbagged Lopez like they did with Lin and Fields. Someone could have offered him a contract and then BK would have to overspend to match.
Yeah with the Nets signing Teletovic to the tax payer MLE they're not bound by the hard cap so they can take on quite a bit of salary and money isn't an object with that crazy Russian.
More like Knick fans were set up, he had no intention on going to the Knicks. He, Wade and Bosh decided during the Olympics they'd all go to Miami.
The people I follow on twitter feel like someone is upping their offer or trying to tonight. It may or not be BK since there are so many conflicting reports
Jarrod N Rudolph @JRudolphSports @hoopscritic @hpbasketball: Yup. He'll be a Net unless something changes in next 24-48 hours. That update was about 830pm
Also looks like ORL is getting a bad deal out of this. Not getting much or anything they were looking for Which isn't saying much since Dwight is forcing the trade in one direction
On my twitter feed. Tommy Dee @TommyDeeTKB Nets were able to acquire another pick to include in the deal... could be done "as soon as tomorrow" Tommy Dee @TommyDeeTKB Anyway, this is for @netsdaily and all the other Nets fans out there. I hear the Nets REALLY pushed to close the Dwight deal today. He runs theknicksblog.com. He has broken some stories before
Is this true? I kinda took a break from the Howard talk only because I didnt think Orlando was going to do it this early.
My twitter feed (full of bball bloggers/reporters) is slowing down on the trade talks right now. Don't really know what that means. Oh you can stay on someone's twitter page even if you don't have a twitter and it will put through updates for you if you have a window open
@WojYahooNBA @KBergCBS I would keep an eye on these two. Most breaking news I get from them. If they don't break, they update quickly with details Oh and this guy was a NYK beat writer for the NYT and he is now a Nets beat writer, definitely follow him Nets fans: @HowardBeckNYT He's not a big news breaker for the NBA but a good follow for the team he covers
I am cautiosly optimistic, I think it is very possible it gets done but being I a root for a perenial loser in basketball, baseball and college football it's hard for me to get excited until it's a done deal.
That dude who broke the story of Dwight opting-in is real confident this trade is going to happen soon.
Completely understand. I couldn't believe melo actually came to nyk. Dwight is clearly pushing for the nets and said he wont extend except in bk kind of like melo did