That's not even the funniest tweet. About 5 minutes after Deron posted Broussard then tweets this: Chris Broussard @Chris_Broussard just got this text from Deron Williams: "staying in Brooklyn.''
I looked at the time stamps when it happened it was like a good 15 mins. Espn is such a clown organization sometimes
Deron Williams is really good. Top 5 PG I think. Westbrook, Paul, Rondo, Rose, Williams not in that order. Top 10 at worst Doesn't matter, MSG will always fill up. Bandwagon fans are bandwagon fans. The majority of both the Nets and Knicks fans aren't bandwagoners considering there has been little to no success from both franchises recently
Going to the games, even if it is only when the team is good, doesn't make someone a bandwagon fan. most fans dont go to games often so attendance doesn't reflect whether someone is a bandwagon fan or not. if you follow the team good or bad but don't find the expense of a game worthwhile if they are bad, that doesn't make you any less of a fan. there is no award for spending your money on a product that doesn't have the value. bandwagon fan is only someone that only likes a team when they are good. but regular fans are certainly more interested in going to the games when the team is good, just like bandwagon fans, so you can't use attendance behavior to say whether someone is or not.
The NBA is the biggest banwagon league, I dont blame people that banwagon though. Cuz lets be honest, only 4 or so teams have a real shot at a championship. In the NFL, nearly every team has a SB shot at least once every couple years or so. In the NBA you can go decades without any Finals hope.
If you're talking about going into next season you have to swap Parker with Westbrook, even after a great season.
Agree I was just making a point that MSG always fills up and makes noise whether it be boos or cheers. Agree on swapping tony parker out for next year, he also isn't as good defensively as the other 5.
I can't believe I actually agree with you on something but for a different reason, in the NBA the league only markets it's superstars which is why you don't see somebody like Seth Curry although a good player getting any pub. If he played on the Lakers or Knicks he'd be a star. People gravitate to what they think is cool which when their own league makes them an afterthought it's hard to find fans of certain teams outside their market. Right now the only people who are Nets fans are those that are from in and around Jersey with very few non local natives supporting them. Now if they get Howard how fast do you think the NBA will start putting them on TNT and NBA for big games?
That's the NBA. They best way to get better is to get bad really fast. BUT if you tank you might not get the best pick. AND being a middling team that is good but not great and good but not bad gets you nowhere. You become the Hawks basically. It's a terrible system but the NBA can market their stars like no other league for some reason.
Well moving them from Jersey to Brooklyn will spike their popularity a bit. I mean they keep the jersey fans, plus now they're in NY so But Howard def takes it to a new level, no question. They'd be almost as big as Miami in < a year
Fewest players on the court, most playing time/action per star, and no bulky helmets and crap covering them. Its the only sport where one player can be the whole team.
Disagree Parker was a top 5 player last year in the NBA and is easily a top 5 PG. I would put Parker in front of Rondo, Deron, and Wesbrook. Parker was leading a high powered offense and was very underrated.
Going into next season, I like Westbrook over Parker for sure, once he develops more awareness he'll get his teammates more involved and will be far more dangerous. My top 5 1. CP3 2. Rose 3. Rondo 4. Tony Parker 5. Deron Williams
My top 5- 1. Paul 2. Rondo 3. Westbrook 4. Parker 5. Williams Two honorable mentions- Rose will get back on the list when he is healthy and playing well again. He is my favorite PG, but I'm not going to rank him till he's okay again (if ever). Kyrie Irving should crack the top 5 maybe as soon as the 2013-14 season.
top 5 POINT guards. 1. Chris Paul 2. Rajon Rondo 3.Derron Williams 4.Derrick Rose 5. Steve Nash ( Kyrie Irving will be top 5 by mid-season)
Westbrook does handle the ball regularly and the OKC offense runs through him. He is not a shooting guard. Obviously, your point is that Westbrook does not pass the ball enough and probably should be called a combo guard. Thing is, Rose is the same type of point guard. Both look to score first. They don't average 10 points and 12 assists.
Westbrook shoots the ball much much more then Rose, rose also doesnt have the best scorer in the Nba to pass the ball too, Westbrook DOES and still put ups more shots. Rose can score but he LOVES getting the ball to his teammates. Also the offense really runs through Kevin Durant but I digress.