Have been asked a number of times why do I like Tebow...

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Demosthenes9, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Cam stole hearts with his play, but he also had a big minus with how he came across in that he seems to be a severely narcissitic prima donna.

    This is something that was reported in one of the pre draft profiles:

    Time will tell with Cam. It may just be that he's immature and needs to (and will) grow up. Or it could be that he's actually a really great guy, just severely misunderstood. That his competitiveness comes across as selfishness and ego, but that's not the way he really is. Or, it may be that the report hit the nail right on the head. That Cam is all about Cam, and that will be a problem.

    With Tebow, there is no such concern and never has been that I'm aware of. He's extremely selfless and always gives the credit to others. It's never about him.

    That's endearing to many people. Couple that with the heart and determination that he shows on the field and it makes it easy to really like him.
  2. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    There no way in hell u can compare Cam and Tebow. Cam the way better player. As for the ones who says about cam stealing that laptop. Why don't u go look in that book Tebow always pearching and see what it says about forgiving?
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    ya know, Cam is a better passer, but I would have loved to have seen Tebow running that offense down in Carolina.

    As for forgiveness, just because you do forgive someone, doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't be leary of them.
  4. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Just to reinforce this statement, during Tebow's years with the Gators, those teams sent more players to the NFL than any other school, in a four year period, in history. Most importantly, his entire offensive line made it to the NFL, which included two 1st round picks.

    I'm a UF grad, and think that his cult is borderline Westboro Baptist crazy most of the time.
    #24 phaytal, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  5. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Can you provide a source for this? I'd like to read up more and compare to some other recent SEC teams. See how they measured it, etc. I know about the Pouncey twins, Harvin and Aaron Hernandez. Also Lewis Murphy.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  6. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Wow. That seems sort of extreme. I've seen where that group protests at fallen soldiers funerals, and tells the parents God wanted their son to die.

    That comparison calls your judgment into question, makes it seem like you've got something else going on.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Thanks for demonstrating my point perfectly. This is the type of nonsense that people hate. Fallacy stats such as the ones above. Do you really think first 16 starts late in a QBs career is a valid comparison to rookie year in terms of skill? Development, coaching and team chemistry mean nothing apparently. Let's also forget to mention that the alleged better stats include Tebows entire career #s(not just the games he started). Fallacious faulty illogical stats. Thank you drive through.
  8. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    "LATE IN A QB'S CAREER ? Shit, did you really just say that ? You do know that 3 of those starts came in his ROOKIE FREAKING YEAR and the other 13 came during his SECOND FREAKING YEAR ? Yeah, that's really "late in his career".

    And no, those stats only include his FREAKING STARTS.

    Do you want to get into the fact that Sanchez walked into OTAs and TC as the starter and got the first team snaps in his rookie year, while Tebow did not ? Do you understand what a difference that makes ?

    Let's put it on the table. Sanchez comes in as a rookie, goes to full OTAs and a full TC as the starter, getting all the first team snaps and all the attention from the OC and the coaching staff. He then racks up stats over 15 starts that year.

    Now, Tebow's situation. He DIDN'T go into camp as the starter. He DIDN'T get those first team snaps. He DIDN'T get al the attention from the OC and the coaching staff. Add to that, there was a coaching change midway through the year. Tebow was then thrown in as the starter for the last 3 games of the season.

    Next, there was a lockout which led to an abbreviated preseason. Very little time for OTAs and TC. Still, Tebow wasn't the starter even then and didn't get first team snaps. Also throw in yet another coaching change as John Fox took over the helm and McCoy took over the playcalling for the offense.

    After the Broncos started 1-4, Tebow was thrown in as the starter.

    So let's look at the differences. Tebow had a couple more months in the freaking league by the time he made his 15th start, and he had a shortened preseason where he wasn't even getting first team snaps.

    That's about as close as you can get to an "even" comparison of situations without them being identical.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    It's just an attempt to try and level out the sample size -- if you just compare "rookie year" stats, Tebow was higher than Sanchez in quarterback rating, yards per attempt, touchdown pass percentage, interception percentage (lower), etc.

    So Tebow's stats need the "normalization" of a larger sample size just to bring it to within range. His passing stats are not much affected by including games he didn't start.

    The point is not to say Tebow has been better than Sanchez. The point is to provide context, and a little bit of reasonableness to all the people who attempt to stand on the idea that Tebow has been supposedly "horrible" statistically.

    (To be fair, people also say Sanchez can't cut it, and cite his stats. So it's not like we're comparing Montana and Elway here, statistically).
  10. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Except when he finds an excuse to run in front of a camera to perform his signature move or declined to show support for Orton and prove himself a team player. :lol:
  11. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He doesn't have to run in front of a camera. They point at him for a reaction almost nonstop.

    As for supporting Orton -- it's his one vice. He wants to be out there every play. Can't help it. I gotta admit, for those of you who desire a backup quarterback who's content with that role, Tebow is not your guy. I think the concerns that Sanchez won't hold up are well-founded.
  12. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Let be real u would just love to see Tebow run any offense. Cam a better runner and athlete. The one thing I would give Tebow over Cam he maybe have more passion.
  13. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually, I meant exactly what I said, which funny enough, is why I said it. Carolina's offense last year involved a heck of a lot of Spread Option from the gun, which is something that Tebow is used to and does very well in. Carolina also had a much better weapons surrounding Cam.

    Won't say that Tebow would have put up Cam's numbers, but I think he would have done much better than he did in Denver.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You mean the signature move he has been doing since before cameras even started following every move he makes ??

    Oh, wait, I know, Tebow should stop Tebowing now since cameras show it and it offends your sensibilities. That about it ?
  15. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    ftr i don't hate him.i like the gators and lived in jacksonville for a while.was there for all 3 national titles and still root for them
    i hate you and your type for coming to this sight and eating up the media bullshit so the fabricated qb controversey will not rest until it tears the locker room apart.
    you guys are as much a reason why tebow was shipped out of denver as anything elway saw on game tape.
    i don't respect you as nfl fans because you don't root for team but rather a person and that is not a concept i can comprehend.and i hope for the day tebow is sent to another team so you will leave this board and i can root for tebow again as long as he is not playing the jets,the team i love and have been rooting for since as far back as i can remember
    #35 FJF, Jul 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2012
  16. stephenpe

    stephenpe New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Facts are a bitch........but we all know TT sucks and will never be an NFL qb because he does it all wrong.
  17. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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  18. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Oh yes, I'm generating a whole lot of controversy considering the fact that I have said repeatedly that Sanchez is the better passer and most definitely SHOULD BE the starting QB. That it will do Tebow well to have another year to develop as a passer, but in the mean time, he can contribute to the team running the Wildcat or whatever the coaching staff has in mind for him.

    yep, a whole farking boatload of controversy there, huh ?

    What a freaking joke.

    "We guys" that you refer to mainly are of the opinion that Tebow is still a very young, raw and inexperienced QB. That he definitely still needs to work on his passing and continue to develop. Yeah, we were the problem in Denver huh ??

    As for what you respect, personally, between you and me, I really don't give a shit. So you are some great guy because you have rooted for a single team for a long time. Great. If I was there with you, I'd buy you a cookie as a reward and give you a nice shiny gold star sticker as well.

    Tell me, has Free Agency done anything to diminish your appreciation of players while they are Jets ? Did you like Curtis Martin less because he was drafted by, and played for the Pats before he came to the Jets ? Did that make him less of a Jet ?
  19. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Cam is good, but if you think he would have had the same numbers he had in Carolina last year in Denver, you are mistaken. At least, not under the same conditions that Tebow had. Don't forget that while Cam had stats, he lost quite a few games in the clutch with turnovers.

    BTW, I like Cam... had him as my starting QB in fantasy football. I personally think Tebow is better.
  20. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    The organization Focus on the Family is a confirmed hate group. They have picketed both gay and athiest marriages, as well as gay funerals in the recent past. They are also the organization that bankrolled Tebow's anti-abortion ad during the Super Bowl a few years back. The Tebow family just happens to be one of their most steadfast supporters both in the media, and financially. Some of his fans aren't far behind.

    Feel free to Google them. I'd link relevant articles, but I dont have the post count. I suggest you start with the SPLC.

    I'll get you the draft stats tomorrow. Regardless of what those stats reveal, it does not take away from what Tebow did in college, which I think everyone that knows anything about football, will acknowledge was great. But the point is he was surrounded by arguably the greatest NCAA team in history. The second he lost Harvin, who was a circus catch machine at UF, and the older Pouncey brother to the draft, he beat one ranked team (LSU, which UF's defense won for them 13-3) and got man handled by the Tide in the SEC Championship his senior year. He lost a couple of first round NFL picks and crumbled. Its really that simple.

    Not one person with any sort of football knowledge should refuse to acknowledge his college football greatness, in the Meyer system, at UF. It was custom built for Tebow, and worked fantastic for the most part. But to ignore the ridiculous amount of talent around him during that run is extremely close-minded, and down right irresponsible. Average quarternacks could, and would have won championships with that amount of talent around them.

    Edit: Peace, I'm drunk and cant spell.
    #40 phaytal, Jul 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012

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