It probably disappears in the same way that most of the hostility towards Bush's policies was nowhere to be found after 11/2008, even though Obama extended many of them despite his own campaign promises.
Reading the original post here is it clear to everybody what the level of right-wing panic was upon Obama's election and how far off the mark they were?
Obama has fought Arizona's attempt to protect its borders and has now adopted an amnesty program. I would call that a win for the OP. Until a month ago the official position of the white house was against gay marriage. If Biden had kept his mouth shut who knows if Obama would have had the guts to make this call. Another win for the OP.
So an executive order that stops deportation of undocumented kids = "Obama will give citizenship to every illegal alien in this country." Got it. Edit: It's too bad that no one made a list like this back then for all the things McCain would have done instead. But people aren't into the whole solutions thing, so the list would probably just say "the opposite of what Obama is going to do."
Want me to pull up the pictures of Bush walking around holding hands with him? Some cultures -- shockingly -- have different customs than us. Are you suggesting that it's bad for our foreign relations for one head of state to observe the norms of the culture of another head of state?
I actually don't see what's so wrong about Obama kissing the Saudi King's hand. It's what US foreign policy in the Middle East has been all about for the last 60 years or so. He said he'd give us transparency and what we got was watching an American President abase themselves in front of the Saudi Oil Machine. Maybe Americans will be more interested in energy independence when they realize that the status quo is we kiss up to extreme Islamist regimes instead. Every American President since Eisenhower has quaked in front of the Saudis. It's what you do when your pusher holds all the cards and you're jonesing hard every day.
Obviously I can't prove anything during executive privilege standing but I bet there's something nice and impeachable in the protected documents. In this day and age privilege is just to protect one's own ass. Wait for the court.
Thought this was interesting for anyone who may oppose the use of Executive Privilege
Reagan was one of the better presidents if not the best president we had in this century. With that being said, he was a man and not a God and he did make mistakes. Giving amnesty to millions of illegals did not help reduce the number of illegal aliens that subsequently came over the border since then. As much as I like Reagan, our current problems are not all the same ones we had in 1980 and even if they were "doing what reagan did" is not always the right answer.
There's so much invention here it's hard to find any facts. Conservatives reinvented the image of Reagan in the 90s as the lord of all that is conservative. Even if you agree with much of what he did (obviously you can already tell I do not) for most of the last term Americans sure didn't. He was inches away from impeachment over Iran-Contra. Not exactly the "best" when you're close to impeachment for your actually policy decision (as opposed to what happened about ten years later). We already had a lot of bitching and moaning about aliens in the 80s. I grew up in Texas in the 80s and you heard it all the time here. It may not have been a problem in the north or as widely publicized but it was going on. Certainly, things have gotten worse since NAFTA began displacing jobs in Mexico but it's not a new problem or a sudden disaster. Immigration has been an issue in this country since the 1910s.