Why Yes, I would Trade Revis

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RochesterJet, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Sorry, I was wrong about Pool...figures, the one guy we can afford gets let go. LOL

    Scott = 7.2 in 12 and 1.5 in 13 if cut.

    Pace = 9.1 in 12 and 3. in 13 if cut.

    Harris = 20.9 in 12 and 9 in 13 if cut.

    As I said, Pace and Harris = 12 mi. if cut before 2013.

    My point is, these guys tied up a lot of cap money for one position.
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The problem the Jets have in a nutshell is that Mike Tannenbaum is a cap specialist so he sees everything in terms of the cap. When all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.

    The fact that the Jets cap never explodes is secondary to the fact that it doesn't cover enough talent for them to be more than an also-ran most seasons. Having a cap that is never breached forcing cuts doesn't matter very much if the players under the cap aren't good enough to beat the elite teams consistently.

    The Steelers have the opposite problem. Their cap builds on them and eventually forces them to let players go, almost all WR's since that is an overpaid position in the NFL at this point. However they get enough value out of the players under the cap to be consistently elite.

    The Steelers lose their top young WR on such a consistent basis that you have to think it's part of the plan at this point. They kept Mike Wallace this season because nobody else was willing to both pay him and pony up the picks for a restricted free agent. Next time he goes free agent he'll be gone unless the Steelers have figured out how to get him under a cap-effective contract by then,

    The Steelers also lose their aging linebackers and offensive linemen with some regularity, likely because those positions are overpaid for the effective play value they provide and the Steelers don't want to overpay a player for the year he declines in.
  3. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    But... They save 16 million dollars by cutting Pace and Scott after this year.
  4. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    So if you factor in the dead money that's about an $11MM savings. That's not a lot of money when you consider that you NOW have to replace those players. Remember they are not bad players, just overpaid.

    After that you have the expanding contracts of all the OTHER well paid players who where signed to contracts that increase their cap consequences. So once a gain the Jets will be forced to extend contracts and band aid others so that they wind up with just a few dollars to spend on next year's FA class

    I know Tanny is viewed as a "cap specialist" and he should be credited for keeping the Jets barely afloat each year and avoiding a true cap hell. But its just a fix, not a solution, so the Jets are left being LESS competitive than their biggest rivals in the AFC

    Every time you "restructure" a contract, there is rarely money being given back. By and large, the team is taking a savings today, BUT adding cap costs down the the road. The Jets FO has done this very effectively, but it gets more difficult every year Last season the Jets left $8MM in cap space go unused because they knew they needed that space to cover increased cap costs for this season.

    Like it or not. Refuse to see it or not. The Jets HAVE been limited the last 2 seasons in the FA market BECAUSE of their cap situation.
  5. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Well, I don't think anyone has denied our cap has been a limiting factor.
    11 million is a lot to save on just 2 players and I think their replacements are already on the roster albeit unproven so far. We could also resign these two or replace them at a much better price. 2-3 mil vs. 7-8 mil. a year.
  6. The Jets are not the Steelers. Different front office. Different history.Different market. Why do they need to emulate anyone? Herm's Jets were trying to be the Bucs, Mangini's Jets were trying to be the Patriots. Does any of that stuff ever work?Jets need to be themselves. Do it their way.

    The Steelers have the benefit of a rich history & a market with some patience. Steelers can afford to let young players develop in their system and work their way through their mistakes. Additionally their roster has been well established for a long time.That allows them to draft BPA which lends to building depth & continuity. Jets just started building BPA arguably 3 years ago. Even so...a player like Vlad with a need for seasoning gets killed by people who cry for the Jets to release him after 2 years b/c he "Hasn't produced".

    In this market, you need to sell "off season improvement" on an annual basis. Every season that doesn't end in a SB is considered a "disaster". "We're confident in our young players development & our continuity" doesn't cut it on WFAN.Maybe the Giants can get away with that but the Jets can't. The only way to survive that with success in that environment is Mike Tannenbaum's way.It allows flexibility,although sometimes limited, to cut scrap and pieces in the offseason...while remaining responsible w/ the cap.

    Even so...you are really trying to sell that the Jets lack talent? Really?! They are loaded with talent all over their roster. When has this franchise EVER had this many household names? The Jets problem has been self inflcted wounds. Both on the field and off. Execution.The talent is there. Time to put it all together.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Couldnt agree more. This team has an awful lot of talent.
  8. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Hey if you don't know wha you're talking about then don't bother.. They save 16 million by cutting them, total. Not 11. Not 12. Not 8. Not whatever else. It's 16 million. And they already have Scott's replacement in Demario Davis who will be making peanuts the next 3 years. Thanks for the (wrong) input though. Much appreciated!
  9. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Out of interest, which FA's would we have tried to sign if we had cap space? Normally I'm damning Tanny for putting us in "cap hell" but I've not noticed too many FA's this season that would (a) improve the team and (b) realistically would have considered signing for the Jets.
  10. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Okay, I dig the optimism, but "loaded with talent all over their roster?" I want to see our guys do as well as anybody, but that's a little over the top, isn't it?

    The way I see it, the OLine is an injury (or just a regression to the mean from some guys) away from being totally mediocre. Our tightend can't block, our wideouts can't get open consistently, our QB is developing and could be years away from clicking if he ever does. I think he will, but the available evidence could cut in both directions. I like our backs, but I'm concerned about them staying healthy all year, and none of them can catch out of the backfield very well. Add a new OC famous for FG attempts and the Tebow circus and I'm not expecting great production on O.

    D is much stronger, but aging LBs and really questionable safeties. Not exactly loaded with talent, except on the corners.

    Just one man's opinion. Again, I like the attitude, I just don't feel as optimistic about the roster.
  11. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Didn't you get the memo?? There were a ton of superstar safeties we weren't able to sign the past two years.. Having Revis here screwed up EVERYTHING!!! We couldn't even sign Reggie Nelson! We should have cut Revis so we could sign him and a bad corner instead. That would have been the tops!
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I hear what you're saying.

    That said, do you recognize that the gist of it is "the Jets need to be allowed to operate in a sub-par fashion and take risks and chances that no other successful team would accept because they are the Jets?"

    Seriously, the Jets aren't going to win a Super Bowl signing second-tier free agents and drafting mostly mediocre players and trading for other team's problem players.

    It just isn't going to happen. The end-product of a bunch of iffy decisions is always going to be iffy. That's the perfect description of the Jets right now: iffy.

    Here's what they've actually accomplished since the last FO left town:

    2001 10-6*
    2002 9-7*
    2003 6-10
    2004 10-6*
    2005 4-12
    2006 10-6*
    2007 4-12
    2008 9-7
    2009 9-7*
    2010 11-5*
    2011 8-8

    That's not the track record of a successful franchise at this point. It's the track record of a mediocre franchise that has shared a division with two teams that were substantially under .500 over that period of time.

    If you remove the 3 playoff appearances in 4 years from 2001 to 2004, which relied heavily on 4 1st round draft picks that the Jets made before this FO came to town it's a really poor track record.
  13. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    I agree scrapping players when their rookie contract is up, is the way to go.

    The Patriots-Giants-Steelers have all been doing this for years now. It also comes down to execution, the Jets were a few plays away from being in the Super Bowl twice. Stuff like that cant be controled by the GM or the Coach. It is what it is.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    You don't scrap QB, TE (if they're good), LT, C, RT, RB (if they're very good), DE, DT, ROLB, MLB (LILB), FS, SS.

    If they're high-priced you scrap G, although keeping a LG is an option, WR (if they're not among the absolute best in the game), LOLB, RILB, CB.

    The teams that have kept their high-priced WR's over the last decade have been the Colts, Falcons, Jets, Cardinals, Texans, and Panthers. Draw what conclusions you want from that.

    My conclusion is that it worked for the Colts due to Peyton Manning. That it sort of worked for the Falcons because they had a #3 pick QB they had to groom. That all of the other teams that made keeping a superstar WR a big priority paid a big price in other areas. Andre Johnson was hurt last year for more than half the season and lo and behold the Texans made the playoffs anyway.
  15. Professor Frink

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Daniel Fells, Robert Meachem, Eric Winston, and Mike Tolbert come to mind. None of those guys broke the bank, and I think all would make this offense better.

    Steve Gregory is a guy I know pretty much nothing about, but apparently he is a pretty decent safety with some coverage ability, the Jets could definitely use one of those.
  16. Professor Frink

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Just curious, how do you think the Lions would do if they lost Calvin Johnson for the year?

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Many NYJETS fans including those here who criticize Revis cant handle the fact that we have a SUPERSTAR FRANCHISE PLAYER they are mired in shit like they have been for years. Support Revis or pick a new team.
  18. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You are so shallow its kind of funny... You telling other people that if they dont support a player who wants to get paid AGAIN at about 15-16 million a year at a position that simply can not impact the game every play like other positions can.

    You make it seem like by some thinking a little deeper than what appears on the surface they are committing blasphemy. NO ONE is denying his ability or talent; YES, he very well can be a hall of famer and maybe even the greatest CB to ever play the game, but due to the way the NFL is played and spread out today, his position dictates his pay. If he holds out again, I dont know how you can support him. Are you willing to sacrifice that much of the cap for one player that may impact maybe 10-12 plays a game, if he’s lucky?

    Well I guess you are. But dont act like your opinion is rule and all others aren’t true fans. Get over yourself.
  19. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    If John Conner was the undisputed BEST full back in the NFL should we pay him $16m/yr?

    No? Why not?

    He's 'elite'.

    He's never misses a block.

    He's never allows a sack.

    Even Rex calls him the best FB ever.

    If he's truly the best at his position, then he should be paid whatever he wants.
  20. Professor Frink

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Do you honestly believe the impact the FB position has is comparable to the impact a CB has?

    If that's your position I'm gonna have a hard time giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not an idiot.

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