...watch Mark Cuban destroy Skip Bayless on ESPN: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-b...oys-espn-skip-bayless-air-202818568--nba.html Although this is about basketball, hopefully it will put to rest any thought that these pundits know more than the casual sports fan. I would like nothing more than to see this happen to the SOJ media. Kudos to Mark Cuban on this one.
Maybe but i didn't think cuban was that crisp either. Exaggerations and too eager to kill off skip he got into 'this is the most ridiculous ever ...' mode. I just expected he cleaner kill.
As big an ass as Mark Cuban is, he's right in this case. To say one team "wants it more" than another is just stupid.
the only thing this puts to rest is that Mark Cuban knows more than Skip Bayless. how the hell does what Mark Cuban knows project to the casual sports fan? the logic in your post contradicts your own assertion.
ive always thought that the sports media doesnt know shit, but skip bayless definitely wants this to happen. He gets paid for ratings and people watching. Him getting owned on television results in ratings and people like me and you watching it. You would of seen him defend himself way more if he cared. Also... its skip bayless
Bayless offered nothing more in his defense other than "they wanted it more" or "Lebron just stood out there." That is about the same level of analysis we get around here about the Jets, though in your case it may be a bit more.
...and once the media drops a buzz word on a player, they all use it, like Coples is "lazy". Once they hear it every media hog uses it without even checking or watching Jet camps. If anyone's lazy it's the media. And me. I'm lazy too.
Most sports media is terrible. Look at Cimini. He's the Skip Bayless of Jets reporters, except Skip is actually a gimmick and Cimini is dead serious. He stirs up so much unwarranted bullcrap and really knows nothing about the game of football, well not much more than we know. For instance, if you know ANYTHING about football and career progressions we should expect Sanchez to have a pretty good year under this new system and because it's his 4th year in the league. I wouldn't say it's outside the realm of reality that Sanchez throws for 3800 yds with a 59-61% completion percentage with around 25-30 tds and 15-20 ints. Cimini would have you believe that Sanchez is not only going to get worse but he has no chance of keeping his starting job yet doesn't use any sort of true analysis. For instance, I got those numbers after comparing the year by year totals and career totals and progressions certain QB's around the league that have had comparable stats to Sanchez through their first 3 years.
Absolutely. ESPN should fire Skip Bayless and Fox News should hire him. After all, FOX News has the biggest trolls on their television lineup.
Which is why I don't trust most Jets reporters at all. There are some Jets reporters and bloggers who are good, but it's not everyone.
I think it's more important that Bayless couldn't even hold an intelligent conversation about something he claims to be an expert at ( or at least enough to make the statements he does on his show ). When Cuban asked Skip a question it was like I was watching a third grader get given a pop quiz on Thermodynamics. And proves that he really doesn't pay attention / know anything. Which means his opinion ( as i've figured ) is 100% useless.
Skip Bayless should get a bay like the rest of us. This has gotta be one of the worst jokes of all time. Anyway, Skip Bayless likes Tim Tebow better than his own mother...or so it seems. You guys must know this.
The "collective conscious" generalization descriptions of teams by the sports media has always annoyed me. They are all guilty of it. Mad Dog is the worst. The entire 40 man roster is "playing loose" or "wants it more" or, whatever. What it comes down to, is that these talking heads need words to say, so they say "stuff". Let's face it, we (sports fans) just eat it up.
To be fair, Mark Cuban owns a basketball team and, thus, knows way more about basketball than "casual sports fan"