Complete joke, he can say this now but come training camp he better ask Mara and Coughlin how many games Diehl is being suspended.
Totally off base alot of you are. Francesa destroyed Diehl. Some of you hear what you want to hear... He let him have it and wasn't stopping.
I feel very leayee of gettin inta Joe now dat he's gone. He can't duhfen himself and I don't want his ghost comin back ta hawnt me. Back afta dis.
He did destroy him but the thing is its only June. Francessa better bring this up once when the season is approaching and not act like its any different to to do it during the offseason than in the regular season.
You must have Missed Braylon Edwards WEEK plus of Destruction.. he had moms calling in... MADD members... It went on for entire shows for days. This is a about 10% of the attention Braylon got IMO. TEN FREAKING PERCENT!!!!!
If this were the Braylon Edwards week then Today would be the most intense Drunk Driving discussions of the week and OUTRAGE.....
Francesa Everything that Francesa is saying is true. We all could be saying the same thing. This is insight? We all know that they do not have top offensive players. That is no newsflash. No Jet fan would dispute it. So stop repeating yourself talk about something else.
Mike Zon is back. Normally, I think he has said stuff that isn't true just to goad fans; but today, he's actually speaking honestly. He even praised the D and thinks they'll be better than last year. Sure, that' not insight; but in the past he would just bash the D no matter what -- he seems a bit fairer this time.
Beating a dead horse I would say. We see the games. I spite of what he thinks some people know as much as he does. I do think however, that there is something to be done on offense with the two quarterbacks. It might not be pretty but the idea is to score points in what any way possible. Defensive coaches hate teams that are unconventional. That scares them more than the predictable offense they see every week on film.
Any word from him on the Giants "out of control" locker room after this weekend? They are supposed to be classy after all.