HAHAHA faked me out too, well done! We all "bit" on that play. Then I thought Chaz was the fake photo as I'm sure many others did too. AWESOME. It got us TWICE. A++++
Deese people really need to do something betta with their lives den wastin' all dis time docta-in photos and puttin' my head on da body of one of dem transgenda people. Horrible kids with their blogs. I can't take anymaw of dis nonsense. Ro, get in heyuh and shut dis computa off.
How Will Fatcessa react to David Diehl being arrested for DUI? "Mah sawces haven't confermed any of dis, OK? So bahfaw ya cawl up and try to crucify a classy giant playah, let's git awl da facts OK? Dis isn't like when Braylin Edwidz got caught, OK, we knew he was guilty right away. Very busy show taday, we gawt Devils stahs on awl day as dey try ta fawce a game 7. Back afta dis"
arrests under current HC's: Rex w/ Jets: 1 in 3 seasons, .33 Coughlin w/ Giants: 10 in 8 seasons, 1.25 The Giants are all class, the Jets are classless
I dont listen to the ass-clown, so someone will have to post what he says..............actually dont bother.
Because Michael Kay's whiny high-pitched rants when he gets a bug up his ass are even more unbearable to listen to? I don't know. Just trying to answer your question.
Jets fans should Blitz his show asking what he thinks the Giants should do.... People should call from MADD and claim he should never play again..... lol THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may even listen today!!!!
Let's not forget: "He coulda killt somebody!!! ya think mistah T wants Edwidz driving around in his neighborhood?!?!"
This will expose Francesa as a clown even more. He won't even mention it and will talk about Yankees/Mets all day today.
He'll acknowledge it in a 1-minute no-calls-on-the-topic rant. Sorta "we don't like it, but it's not like he killed someone". And then it'll be all about Mets/Yanks, NBA finals, hockey, boxing and whatever else. You don't expect intellectual honesty from this fat slob, do you?
No ones ever been suspended a game for a DUI, yet when Edwards got it he demanded him to be suspended for 1 or multiple games. I doubt the Giants even bench him for a quarter or anything, and Fatcessa will act like it never happened.
And I love how fatcessa always bitches that the Jets never support their own players and pay them, yet the Giants have shitted on Osi for the last 2 years.