Dan Marino: "Proven" Mark Sanchez will remain the Jets' starter

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by VanderbiltJets, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Cool man I got it marked down for you.

    Tebow will never play QB at the high school level
    Tebow will not start at QB at the high school level
    Tebow will not Win at QB at the high school level
    Tebow will not Win a State Championship at QB at the high school level
    Tebow will be heavily recruited but will eventually switch positions in Division I and will not play QB long term
    Tebow will not have the same level of success in the SEC c'mon this is not high school!
    Tebow will NEVER win a Heisman, that is absolute crazy talk
    Tebow will Never win an NCAA championship as a starting QB
    Tebow will never play QB in the NFL
    Tebow will never be drafted higher than the 4th (maybe 3rd) if at all
    Tebow will never start in the NFL
    Tebow will never win games as a starting NFL QB
    Tebow will not help the Broncos stop "sucking for luck" in fact he has increased their chances dramatically, the Broncos will just suck worse
    Tebow is just lucky once or twice but he is not going to have any more 4th Quarter comebacks this year or ever again (2011 after 2 comebacks)
    Tebow will not lead the Denver turnaround and whomever thinks they will win the division is crazy.
    Tebow will never win a playoff game as a QB in the NFL

    Insert here>>>>>>tebow will be out of the nfl in 4 years. the dude is a joke<<<<<<<<<<
  2. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Understand. Still, he's never missed a snap. It's sort of an infuriating fact.
  3. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Bannon - I'm not bothered by it. Sooner or later everyone misses time. NFL is a different animal. Many of the bigger QB's like Tebow or Russell or Newton are bigger than most of the LB's they run up against in college and arent too much smaller than some of the DE. That all changes in the NFL. Pretty soon everyone takes a big hit or two.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Question still remains whether he faces more danger / risk of getting hurt within the pocket, or when running outside the pocket.

    Again, to date, with as much as Tebow has run, what injuries he has had, have come while he was in the pocket.
  5. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Question does not remain. More dangerous in pocket. Over the course of his career, he will face more injury in the pocket.

    What his critics are grappling around and trying to get at is the following: "A quarterback cannot run the ball 20 times a game and still remain an effective NFL passer. The wear and tear of the hits will wear him down and sap his energy from passing, and his accuracy within the course of a game will suffer. He needs to learn to pick his spots, and rush it no more than about 6 to 10 times a game."

    But for some reason, Tebow makes people lose their mental faculties and ability to reason, they get distracted by something shiny, and they start talking about the likelihood of injury. ( Which of course, is most likely standing in the pocket and taking the hits, which all quarterbacks must do).
  6. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    If you understood it was a sack that hurt Tebow, then why say this...

    You clearly linked "the way he runs," with his injury against the Pats, which had nothing to do with him running.

    If you want to make the argument that he won't last long running 15-20 times per game, then make it. It's a fair argument.

    What I do somewhat agree with is this...
    I'd say he isn't a consistently effective pocket passer now. You may believe he'll never be one (which you didn't quite say), and you can certainly make that argument. But I'm banking on him becoming more effective over time. And if he can even get to "average" as a pocket passer, then I think his other attributes will keep him in the league, as a starter, sooner rather than later.

    But like I said, folks who don't believe he can aren't going to get a whole lot of push back from me right now. We'll just have to see.

    And yes, it may seem a stretch for some when people bring up Steve Young, but that's what Tebow needs to shoot for. Young was a threat to run throughout his career, but please show me who was touting Young as an HOFer when he was throwing 11 TDs, 21 INTs and completing 54% of his passes in 19 games with the Bucs.

    If someone like that can make the HOF, then I think Tebow can become a legit long-term NFL starter.

    If Tebow gets into the mid 50% range, he'll be fine.
    #86 catsigater, Jun 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2012
  7. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    Demos9 - I would say its all just a matter of bad luck and bad timing when someone gets injured either running the ball or dropping back to pass. Tebow throws the ball more than he runs, even if it isn't a Brady like 45 passes to 0 runs, so the law of averages say if he does get injured it will most likely be in the pocket.

    I should have elaborated more on my point. And that is because Tebow runs more than most QB's not named Newton, the likelihood of him getting injured goes up, only because he is exposing himself to shots that most QB's dont.
  8. metsnjets

    metsnjets Banned

    May 25, 2012
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    I would say no more than 3-5 times per game if he can manage to get into the high 50's. on his completion percentage. The threat of the run is more important than the actual running. If he runs too much he becomes one-dimensional and he can be defenced, if he doesn't run at all, he does the same thing. Hard to say the exact "right number" of runs but I thinks its closer to 5 than 10.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And there's also room for a Rich Gannon type of career arc and a nice career. Gannon was a physical runner who kept developing his passing through several stops.

    People lose their minds because Steve Young was a Hall of Famer, but that actually makes it a whole lot stronger point. It means Tebow could be a whole lot less accomplished than Young and still have a nice, effective career. So any hiccups in Steve Young's career path are all the more instructive.

    I mean, I don't think Matt Stafford will ever sniff the Hall of Fame (very few QB's do). But I wouldn't let that stop me from drawing a comparison that could illustrate historical examples of similar progress.
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    here's the way I break it down. In my view, just about all QBs will get injured at some point or another, whether it's an injury that keeps them out of 1 or 2 games, ends a season, or ends a career. And where do most of those QB injuries occur ? Standing right there in the pocket while 300+ lb linemen and big stout LBs are rushing at them trying to kill them (not literally).

    When Tebow actually runs the ball on option plays, he almost always gets passed the Dline guys at the LoS and ends up in the secondary. While he's running, he usually closes distance with linebackers. So, while they might tackle him, those tackles usually aren't the bone crunching sort.

    Sure, it's still getting hit more than if he threw the ball and didn't get touched, but they really aren't "hard" hits. And sure, those hits will add up over time, but Tebow is bigger and stronger than most LBs and even many/most RBs in the league. This means that he can take more of a pounding than most other QBs and still be good to go. That the accumulation of hits will have less of an effect/impact on him that it would on others.

    I'd definitely agree that Tebow shouldn't be averaging 20 carries per game, BUT, that's not to say that he shouldn't carry the ball 20 times in some games. It all depends on what the defense does.

    That said, if Tebow averages 10-12 carries per game, I still say that he is LESS likely to get injured than most other QBs in the league.
  11. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Tebow averages 5 yards per carry. He dosent 'often' take on defensive backs. He gets punished by linebackers quite often.

    As far as Tebow being injured running, it has happened twice in Denver. He bruised his ribs, tearing rib cartilage, in his 2nd preseason game against the Bengals, causing him to miss the following preseason game against the Lions. The second time he tore rib cartilage, this time bruising his lung, when scrambling around like an idiot against New England.

    Your boy isn't bulletproof.
  12. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    The difference between Tebow and Young is that on top of his scrambling ability, Young could throw the football very well. Tebow can't. Comparing the two makes you look like an idiot.
  13. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Cool story bro.

    Tebow is worth all of a 4th round pick, and is the backup to an extremely average quarterback.

    Everything else you posted means dick.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Turning in the pocket to avoid the rush and then getting sandwhiched between two linemen IS NOT RUNNING the ball.

    And no, he doesn't get "punished" by LBs very often. Go check the Bears game for example and see how many big hits Urlacher had on Tebow. I'll save you the trouble, few if any. Why ? Because those tackles occurred in the secondary, you know, after space/distance had closed.

    Now, tell me Genius, how would you prefer to get tackled by Urlacher? Scenario 1, he is about 1 or 2 yards away from you, has to come at an oblique angle or laterally to try and tackle you, or, Scenario 2., you are standing in the pocket like a statue, Urlacher starts his run from 5 yards behind the LoS and hits you 7 yards deep.

    Now, being the genius that you are, I'm sure you'd probably say that you would rather be hit by Urlacher after he's built up a head of steam closing the 12 yards and hitting you full force in the pocket.

    But anyone with a bit of common fucking sense would say otherwise. If Urlacher is going to take you down, get close to him so he has almost no momentum behind him.
  15. phaytal

    phaytal New Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Every time I read a post of yours, I picture you raging and furiously pounding on your keyboard like someone just slapped your mother in front of you.

    It's hysterical.
  16. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And every time I read one of your posts, I can you stepping of the short bus that brought you home from school.

    Run along now troll, surely your latest ban is up on the Denver forums.
  17. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    This is so silly and it gets repeated a million times like there is any kind of truth behind it

    Find where any one person said all of those things. It is pretty easy to take a collection of stupid shit said by anonymous message board members and make a list of slights.

    Who cares?

    I could make the same damn list about every single QB in this league

    If you spent half as much time watching football as you do keeping track of every time Tebow gets tweaked on the internet you would probably understand why your posts are silly
  18. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    What? Most great running backs are done by 30 average life of a RB is less than four years. If Tebow keeps playing the style he does he will not be in the league very long.

    You cant Judge a QB by completion percentage alone as this also has to do with the type of offense that is being run. Tebow thus far in his career has shown that he bails out of the pocket two quickly (does not allow the play to develop), He also been criticized for not being able to throw in tight windows. he will not throw the ball unless the guy is wide open and in the pros receivers do not get wide open a lot he needs to take more chances throwing if he is to develop into a pocket passer.

    To me his biggest weakness and the reason I do not think he will last is that he throws the ball like a baseball and has a six hour release. To make his release quicker IMHO Tebow needs to do two things fix his throwing motion and slim down he is to bulky to throw the ball quickly. The problem is if Tebow slims down then he is not longer the Tebow we know but maybe that is a good thing for the log term career if Timmy.
  19. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Most RBs also get the ball 5 or 7 yards deep in the backfield and are taking linemen and LBs head on. I'm not saying that Tebow will or should continue to run into his 30's or anything like that. But, he can do it for a couple of more years while he transitions to being a pocket passer (who would still be a threat to run/extend plays).

    You know, I have heard quite a lot of people talking about how in the NFL, receivers don't get wide open. That's just categorically not true of teams that have anything close to a decent receiver corps.

    As for throwing with anticipation, Jay Cutler is a great example of a QB who doesn't anticipate well. He's still very much a "sight" thrower. He sees a guy open, he gets the ball to him. Granted, he is more accurate than Tebow and can hit tighter windows. Actually, he can place the ball with the best of them, has one of the best arms in the NFL. But, he's still a sight thrower after something like 80 or so NFL starts.

    I'm not saying that Tebow doesn't need to LEARN how to throw with anticipation, but that also is something that can be developed over time.

    I don't think his size comes into play at all. They had a thing on Sports Science where his motion/release was something like 1/10th of a second longer than Brady's (or maybe it was the "avg NFL QB release".) But this too is something that can be fixed over time.

    Strange as it is, people seem to overlook or ignore the fact that Tebow has had a grand total of 16 or so NFL starts. Give him some time with a coaching staff that actually wants to try and develop him and let's see what happens.
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    edit double post******************
    #100 CowboysFan, Jun 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012

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