The Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by FITM, May 26, 2006.

  1. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Yup. Cena/Rock 2. Cena wins this time.

    Rock will have trouble appearing before WM now that GI Joe was pushed back to the week before Mania since he likes to travel all around and promote his films. I don't think he'll be in a title match anymore.

    Rock vs. Cena or Rock vs. Punk
    Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

    Those will be the 2 big matches for next year probably.
  2. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    That's true. He should be over, but unfortunately, he isn't quite yet. His time will come man.

    This is the primary quote I want to reply to. I love Punk, but believe he is totally stale now. Had he left after MITB for real, he would have given the Rock competition for my favorite ever. Since then, he has been so stale. Phil was the only reason I was still watching at that time, and now I pretty much fast forward thru every WWE televised show. Bryan I think has talent, but he honestly does nothing for me. I couldn't care less. Kane I've always liked, but the new mask idea (which I was all for for YEARS) has disappointed. We know what his face looks like, and he was stale for YEARS, and YEARS. I couldn't care less yet again. That brings me to your last point... Before I even read "Dolph Ziggler", I was thinking of him. Since his main event with Punk awhile back, I've slowly grown to love him. His mic skills used to be average. Now I feel they are near the top of the company. Swagger, and Vickie, are holding him back. I agree with that. I hope he gets a new twist to his character now. I've hardly been watching lately! I have always felt like (as Swagger is to Kurt Angle), he is a cheap ass rip-off of Bad Ass Billy Gunn. Everything about them is similar. BG won KOTR, but never got pushed correctly. Hopefully they change that with Zigg.
    I don't think Rock will come back that early. Sure he said that some day he will be WWE champion again, (which I believe) but it won't be until he is about 40-42. He's too into acting to comeback so soon on a permanent basis. He's my all time favorite, so I wouldn't be upset lol, but yeah....won't happpen.
  3. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Drew, I know you've always been a big WWE fan, So I won't debate you too much, however I disagree to a point.

    I don't think Rock has anything to do with next WM. If he does, it won't be in a match. I believe Taker is done, but wouldn't be surprised. IMO, if he won't be a full time wrestler, he should just end his career at 20-0.
  4. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Well the Rock came out and said at the WM29 press conference that he'd be there next year, so I'm just assuming it'd be in a match. If not, I think he will be inducted into the HoF since it's at MSG and that building has a lot of significance in his career.

    I think Taker should be done also, but I just don't feel like he is. If he was done, they would've made a bigger deal about it. The whole "End of an Era" to me was just like the last time they'd be in the ring together. Maybe have Taker take on younger guys from this era now, the attitude era is over.

    And I agree about Punk. He's gotten stale. He's a bad face. But they need someone to build up. They need their next Cena. Jeff Hardy fucked up so bad because he had the kids in his corner and started winning championships.

    I'd love to see Ziggler become the next Edge. The next great heel.
  5. CodeGreen

    CodeGreen Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    God that would suck, I'm tired of Cena main eventing these last two PPVs. I can see how they want to reassert his status as an underdog.

    I see what your saying about Punk. I think they have run out of people to match him with both in the ring and on the mike. I like having him with Bryan from a pure wrestling standpoint but the build up to his last match and this match is pretty bleh. Punk as a face is only good if he has a really good heel to compete with.
  6. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Cena/Show will be the NWO main event. That means the last time a title match was the main event pay per view was at TLC in December.

    Royal Rumble match (understandable obviously)
    Cena vs Kane in a ambulance match at Elimination Chamber
    Rock vs. Cena (understandable)
    Cena vs. Lesnar
    Cena vs. Laurinitis
    and now Cena vs. Show

    It's pathetic.
  7. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Nobody did it like Joel "the true condom filla and it taste's like vanilla" Gertner. There is like some 9 minute rant of his on youtube that is un fucking real.

    Always liked Jericho, the fued he had with The Rock back in like 2000 was pretty good. It was right after Jerricho came over from WCW and the Rock busted on him for beating "guys named Juventud"

    For me if I'm strictly going WWE/F nobody even comes close to Savage but Ricky Steamboat is up there as is The Rock. Edge is pretty close to my list as well. Just always liked watching him wrestle. Never thought he'd have the career he did when he was part of The Brood.
  8. CodeGreen

    CodeGreen Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    But seriously who really wants to see Cena vs. Show for a main event. Maybe an earlier fight fine, but who wants to cap off an event which will likely be a horrible match
  9. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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  10. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    I watched the CM Punk documentary "Best in the World" yesterday on Amazon. That was far and away the best production I have ever seen from WWE. I have to give it a huge recomendation to anybody who likes documentaries in general, you don't have to give a damn about rasslin to thoroughly enjoy it.
  11. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Getting old with those 3 idiots attacking him every week...
  12. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Clearly Punk will win and then face Rocky. It's funny because before everybody else loved CM Punk, I really got into liking him, and at times said he was equal to The Rock or maybe better. (Rock's my all time favorite)

    Pretty much right after he changed his music, (which was the best in the WWE far and away) he grew stale to me, and I didn't much enjoy his face turn. Well I'm getting off the point. I'm trying to say that in the height of my CM Punk fanfare, I wondered if these 2 ever faced, (no way thought would happen) whom I would want to win.

    Well now, I'm excited despite not watching WWE for multiple months. I hope the Rock ends his phony streak, and takes it back, even know it's rather low by Vince to give the strap to somebody who comes and goes as he pleases.
  13. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Here's what will happen, imo.

    Rock beats Punk at the Rumble despite those 3 guys getting involved.

    Defends at the next PPV also beating Punk.

    Punk goes on about how he had one of the greatest all time reigns and gets no respect. He goes on to challenge Undertaker at Wrestlemania to try and snap the streak.

    I feel like there's going to be some kind of screwy finish at the Rumble with both Lesnar and Cena being out at the same time.

    Rock vs. Brock vs. Cena in a triple threat for the belt at Mania.

    I hope not. My dream card is..

    Rock vs. Brock

    Cena vs. Undertaker

    Punk vs. Austin
  14. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    plus, vince can book suckchise against brandon moore's butt. a real grunge match......:eek:hmy:
  15. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    All those sound like awesome plans, but rest assure the WWE will not come close to using any of them lol
  16. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    any wrestlemania fights already official...want to see if i should go or not
  17. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Nope. I'd bank on Rock vs. Cena again though.
  18. CodeGreen

    CodeGreen Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Punk-Austin I hope will happen but I think Austin is still in rehab for his knee. As much as I love Lesnar-Rock, Lesnar was HORRIBLE against Triple H.

    I agree the set up for wrestlemania will be very very crazy
  19. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    If I had to guess what I feel like the Mania card will be.. I'd go.

    Main event as either

    Rock vs. Cena or Rock vs. Cena vs. Brock

    Punk vs. Undertaker

    HHH vs. Lesnar in some sort of gimmick.. last man standing? (assuming he's not in the main event as a triple threat)

    and then like.. Big Show vs. Ryback. Or Ryback vs. Sheamus.
  20. Fatman&Robin

    Fatman&Robin Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    Shame no one here appreciates the Shield. Those 3 are the future of the WWE, their 3 most highly prized "prospects."

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