17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i remember reading a few of the other teams who had psls agreements back many years ago when this was first talked about. i think it was around the time everyone was waiting patiently for thier shot at great tickets... fucking scumbags!

    it was at least 3 of them that i read that had limits clearly spelled out in the documentation. 3% or 4% was the limit they COULD raise prices per year.

    i think 17a pushed them very hard on that subject and they refused to give him anything in writing.

    its clear to me that its a fucking setup and the jets are going to fleece anyone for anything they can get out of them. fucking scumbags.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The sales reps were not allowed to talk about future prices. I point-blank asked the rep that met me at the entrance on my "Meet and Greet" day about future pricing when he brought up the purchase of a PSL. I was only there to see my UD seats, mind you.

    When he said my seats are very high, I asked him if I bought a PSL, was there any limit to the price increase on the seats. "Well, who knows what the prices will be? Everything goes up, right?"

    Okay, thanks Dude. He lasted about 4 weeks and was fucking gone. Every asshole I had lasted about 4 weeks and was fucking gone except Manny Jiacobo, the slickest of all, who forced me into me my first UD seats... 342 Row 16... telling me that was the "best available."

    What a crock of horseshit. They're STILL available 3 years later!
    #14602 Section 227. Row 5, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Manny Jiacobo...

  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you should friend him on facebook and tell him he is a douchebag
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Trust that will is going to happen.

    I posted many times how Mezz Level DOUBLED in 8 years. 10% add-on per year times 7.5 years equals DOUBLE. Look it up and do the math yourself.
    And this happened while we didn't eve SNIFF the Playoffs. Well, maybe sniffed a few times.

    This is not fiction. Thiis is not what Woody MIGHT do. This is what Woody DID do. From the time he bought the team from Leon Hess until 7.5 years later, tickets DOUBLED.

    I am tired of posting this information. Youngsters who bought the stary-eyed PSLs don't want to even read it... never did. Don't believe it, obviously. Could give a shit less. Not relavent. Today is different... a different Woody. Throw money at the NYJs like water.

    Yeah, okay.
    #14605 Section 227. Row 5, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  6. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I don't think Woody will be able to fuck anyone for a long time. The PSLs aren't sold out either. If he wants to sell more of them he will need to keep prices steady. Also doesn't want to have people defaulting on them.

    If he's smart he drops upper deck endzone prices to what they were in 2009 to fill that up at least.
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Its all about winning. If we win playoff games and somehow make the big game, Woody is going to have a meeting with his board of douche bags the week between the big game plotting the PSL price increases. He is itching to bring in more dough and it ain't gonna happen by increasing the # of STH's so there is only one other way.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    When he decides to raise the ticket prices in the PSL zone what choice do you have? Hes got you locked in.
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Er Woody is owner & CEO as a private company he does have a BOD :sad:
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    yes it was me.i was called on the 3rd day of 1st wave of seat selection back in 2008.all first row primes where gone near midfield so i actually purchased 3 psl's bc i only had 2 seats and the jets let me upgrade to 3 if i bought a PSL.the jets never sent me a contract for over a month even though i had given them the deposit.they said they where crossing the T's and dotting the i's.yet i had already put a deposit on a psl.after multiple calls and hours of frustration,i demanded my money back and informed i would not be a sth.instantly an email appeared and upon reading it and questioning the rep about ticket increase of a possible 5% a year and just the whole throw out by a security guard who is having a bad day and i could lose my seats and still pay a psl seemed to risky.
    so i got my $$$ back and had no season tickets.
    upon telling my oldest son we didn't have season tickets anymore and he layer the guilt trip on heavy about family tradition from my father to me to him to his son eventually.Man that kid is good....i called back the rep cursing and got 3 upper corners 347 row 10 seats 1-3.

    wow it has been 4 years of this bullshit.
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    For a team that has won nothing now in 43 years Woody treats us fans like we have won 10 or so SBs :sad:
    #14611 championjets69, Jun 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2012
  12. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    From what I see after this season the UD will be mostly empty except maybe the few primo seats up there. The PSL owners better get the wallets open cause Woody is going to hit them big time for the losses he will be incurring from the UDers deserting en mass :sad:
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You'll never get through so quit trying. They've all got blinders on.

    It's like John Edwards... says "God still has good things for me to do." The guy doesn't know he's an asshole... blinders on constantly. If you don't see there's a problem and convince yourself there isn't one, none exists.
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    can't wait to get my first view from my new seats.think I'm going to the monster trucks on the 16th

    ill sneak up to my section and take a peek
  15. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Tell what the view is like from 334 row 1 thanks :smile:
  16. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    shady side nice....
  17. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    No shit. I didn't mean it literally, I was referring to his business office. So you whine like a little baby because you are attacked for voicing your opinion but god forbid someone calls you out.... taking things personal bitter man.
  18. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Those seats blow. First row has rails in front of it and its miles away from the other end zone. Rather sit in the middle 15 rows up in the sun then those. But you don't care, just selling them to some sucker anyway.
  19. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Give it a read Champ and let us know what you think


    NEW YORK (WFAN) — It seems like the collective world on the outside of the high walls that surround Jet Nation is gearing up for a party.

    At this massive gathering tribute will be paid, songs will be sung and there will be drinking and dancing long into the night.

    The revelers plan to celebrate the fall of the Rex Ryan era once and for all, the collapse of the new-age Jets from the lofty perch so many have put them on since early 2009, when the culture of the franchise was changed from perennial underachievers and heart breakers to fairly reliable challengers just a piece or two away from becoming truly elite.

    Needless to say, a lot of people are counting on the Jets continuing their downward spiral into their self-created abyss in 2012, in essence falling flat on their faces for all the world to see and say I told you so.

    I, for one, just don’t see it. And trust me, if I thought otherwise you’d know it because I have and will continue to bring the thunder when it’s appropriate.

    We’re talking about a team that without question took a step back last season. The ineptitude and dysfunctionality of years gone by came back with gusto, crushing the hopes and dreams of a fan base that really felt a corner had been turned. Where once there was a swagger and a sense of entitlement following two consecutive appearances in the precursor to the big game was replaced by shock and horror that left many people abandoning ship as the vessel took on more water than the pumps could dispel.

    These fans didn’t stop rooting for the Jets; they just waved the white flag of surrender as reality set in and maybe didn’t try as hard as they had in the past when times were brighter. You didn’t have to be a football genius to know and accept the fact that the Jets were fatally flawed in 2011. But this notion that the disease that plagued the organization then would not be eradicated before we get to the here and now is foolhardy.

    The Jets will be fine. Trust in that. Those who insist otherwise just haven’t been paying attention or are ill-equipped to look at the big picture, or, as I assume is the real reason, simply want this franchise to fail.

    Last season’s mediocrity falls on no one but the Jets, themselves, on a front office that abandoned what had been working for a sexier approach, both philosophy- and personnel-wise. This much is indisputable: when Ryan took control this team changed its entire approach from a bravado standpoint, becoming less about sitting around and letting its weak product do the talking for a more in-your-face “we’ll show you” mantra. As a result, the Jets put themselves in a position where they had to win and win big or would be stoned from the village. That fear of failure manifested itself and took human form in 2011.

    However, if you really stop and look around at what’s gone down this offseason you’ll see a humbled team that has dialed the rhetoric down several notches. Yet, the Jets remain a significant talking point, but not because of what they have done to better themselves. On the contrary, the sharks have been smelling blood for several months and they are now hell-bent on moving in for the kill, regardless of the fact that the Jets have, by and large, done exactly what they said they were going to do, as in swallow some pride, shut their mouths and work on fixing the many wrongs of what was a season that went badly awry.

    So I ask you: how are the Jets, as currently constituted, worse than the team that finished one game out of the playoffs last season, a team that was 8-5? How is it that improvements at various positions and on the coaching staff are being overlooked or conveniently passed off as simply moves made for the sake of making moves? How is it possible that one right tackle’s struggles will without question continue to be the reason why this once-exceptional offensive line will never again be what it was, regardless of the fact that it is littered with Pro Bowlers? Why is it that the entire fortune of this club’s offensive potential for the 2012 season is being tied to the performance of a back-up quarterback?

    In my opinion, those who don’t care for the Jets are simply piling on or have an agenda rooted in their own wants and desires, be it to cause chaos or improve their Twitter following. They are running with story lines to create commotion and rally the haters who may have a dislike but are on the fence when it comes to becoming more overt nuisances in the public PR smear campaign. They are running misdirection, trying to keep the focus off the revamping in an attempt to remind the world that the past will remain the present and the future, and that there is little the Jets can do to erase that which is preordained, according to the philosophy of those who simply want to see a team they don’t like ever get over the proverbial hump, or, in this case, become champions.

    Of course it is true the Jets have many question marks, but is there really any denying the fact that as a result of the recent draft they are younger and faster on defense as a whole? Or that they appear to have plenty of pass rushing options, long a point of contention and furor among the fan base, under a new defensive line coach in Karl Dunbar, who is known for rotating in everyone and making damn sure his players won’t run out of gas in the fourth quarter in the process?

    Why has the restructuring of the troublesome safety position been downplayed? LaRon Landry didn’t show up for early OTAs? This is not news. The Jets knew he was still recovering from Achilles’ issues, but at the time of the signing did not view him as a potential problem or as money ($4 million for one “prove it” year) poorly spent. Yeremiah Bell may be 34, but is there anything on his resume to suggest he’s not an able-bodied safety who is a vast upgrade over Eric Smith or wounded Jim Leonhard?

    Why do a lot of people refuse to acknowledge that the Jets have the potential to be completely unpredictable and efficient on offense? Why is it that the hiring of Tony Sparano, a coach as respected as any across the NFL, a leader who took a nothing offense in Miami and made it good enough to keep the Dolphins competitive, is being overlooked?

    Why is it that the failures of Mark Sanchez, a quarterback with all the requisite ability needed to be successful, are being assumed as too much to overcome, regardless of the fact that statistically he’s improved every season since coming into the league and last season was often left all alone on an island due to devastating injuries and failures on the offensive line and the highly questionable approach of the previous offensive coordinator? Then there are little things like why the Jets apparently don’t have a pass-catching running back when in reality they have a now-beefed up and chiseled Joe McKnight, a player who did it all in college, ready to pick up where LaDainian Tomlinson left off.

    And then, of course, there’s the Tim Tebow factor, maybe the most overblown distraction through no fault of the player the Jets have ever seen, and, trust me, that’s saying a lot. Tebow is going to help the Jets in ways no one can imagine. I’ve stood by the assertion that Tebow is not liked because of who he is rather than what he is as a football player. If the latter was the only thing he was based on the majority of people would drool over the prospects of this basically raw talent, with a work ethic that is unrivaled, a solid citizen who will do nothing to embarrass this franchise, something that cannot be said for many that have come before him.

    Yet, Tebow to many is the improperly placed domino. When he’s blown over by an ill-timed gust of wind the Jets will collapse with him. I just don’t get it. Let’s be real for a second: Tebow will not be the starting quarterback on this team unless the season blows up. And if that does happen, the Jets would be right to start him because it will mean once and for all that Sanchez has used up the last of his nine lives.

    In the interim, Tebow will remain despised for all the gutless reasons he is despised. That is until he runs over a 265-pound linebacker on his way to the end zone. Then the real haters may be left with no recourse but to begrudgingly say we were wrong about this man. He is a football player, maybe the type of new era football player that will kick what was once deemed prototypical to the curb.

    So, as you read more and more over the next few months about Champ saying how the Jets are destined for 6-10 or worse, just know they will only sink that low if a series of things get all out of whack. No one player will determine this team’s fate, not even the starting quarterback. This defense is going to be better, more cerebral, better trained and likely more efficient. This offense will be a work in progress, but it will be based in the reality of what has made the Jets very good in the past. Sparano won’t ask Sanchez to be Peyton Manning, He’ll simply ask him to be Mark Sanchez, and the past suggests when this kid is commanded to play within himself the Jets, as a result, can put more than enough points on the board.

    We haven’t seen one day of training camp and yet the assumptions are already set in stone as reality? What a joke.

    And if the Jets are good and keep their mouths shut in the process what next will the menacing horde come up with? I’m waiting with baited breath for that nonsense.

    The Jets have basically put the Super Bowl talk on hold. It’s time people stop assuming they haven’t and begin judging them based on the potential for wins and losses, the only truly fair way to assess any team.

    And right now none of us have the prerequisites to throw down absolutes.
    #14619 sec314, Jun 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2012

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Fixed that for you.

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