As the great Milton Friedman pointed out time and time again, most, if not all, progressive policies result with the opposite of their intended effect.
Sorry food don't make people fat ... PEOPLE MAKE THEM SELFS FAT! this is not an issue in 99% of the world.. we live in country that people suffer from goute lol
i agree but you have to understand which foods are marketed, made more readily available, and more affordable. 9 times out of 10 its the less healthy of foods.
This is true, but it also has a lot to do with what kind of food and calories are available. People's brains are hardwired to respond to sugar. One hundred thousand years ago, sugar was a rare treat and calorically dense. We live in a society where this sugar is now cheap and abundant (and subsidized), but our brains and metabolisms are still set up to think it's rare. So, yes, people make themselves fat by eating crappy food... but it also shouldn't be that surprising that they do so.
Speaking of sugar, the high fructose corn syrup makers got shot down by the FDA cause they wanted to market their product as CORN SUGAR... Good news.
True, the dollar menu at Mc"D is a lot cheaper then getting prepared food at a health food store. True story, Like 2000 I was like over 200 lbs and 5'8. I just got tired of it. Started watching what I put into my body and started working out a lot. It's honestly not easy to eat healthy, when the healty choices are not easy. I went down to 135 lbs and pepole asked me if I had cancer .. so I put a few lbs back on lol. My theory with food is, stay away from processed foods, if you make it your self, you know exactly what is in it. But who wants to cook after working 8 or 10 hours a day? same reason people don't go to the gym.
I know you're joking, but it really is a widely-conserved metabolic trait across almost any organism with the ability to sense taste (and even some without that sense). It's not just people, and it's not just Americans. The type and amount of food available matters quite a bit. As proof that it's not just the lack of American willpower or that we're lazy people... look at obesity rates in Europe. They've been rising over the past two decades and it corresponds with the change in food culture and the types of food widely available more so than a change in some other aspect of their culture.
I buy this, of course, because I'm NOT someone who loves sugary things but I have an uncle who could devour a a plate of cupcakes like Augustus Gloop. So I know there has to be something chemical behind it. My big problem with this isn't the policy as much as the intent. Mayor Bloomberg is too smart to have thought that this policy will stop at the outer borough limits. He's using NYC's market share to bend industries, hoping that manufacturers will not want to tailor packaging for just one city, because it happens to be a doozy of a city, as cities go. I imagine the big prize in this would be to get soda bottlers to change the standard bottle size, which is already greater than 16 ounces.
When did Bloomberg become the fucking pope of New York? Aren't there elections anymore, can't they get rid of this guy? Who the fuck does he think he is?
Let them get fat and drop dead, it's a free country, isn't it? How crowded is the city going to be if we save everyone?
I tend to be opposed to and skeptical of nanny state measures like this. But... there is a problem in this area, and that is that huge amounts of money and effort and even as some have pointed out government subsidies are and have been going into eoncouraging people to drink this crap, to the detriment of their health. There should be some countervailing power opposed to this huge marketing machine. THAT I would support, and certainly an end to any subsidies that are at work here. But as others have pointed out there will likely be unintended side effects coming from this outright ban that Bloomberg, who ftr I really dislike, is proposing.