I didnt take 15 year plan u would owe 12000 in interest not worth it like 4 more psl u could have! I paid 4 off and other 4 are on 5 year plan....think what makes u happy! Some people on here crack me up no matter what i show as proof people still think im taking a loss. As an accounting and masters in rmtax student trust me no loss here! Jetsec 337 glad u can do basic math stated in the letter i got! And im not whoring people to buy tickets i know alot of people who want them and buy them. I see many pissed ud sth here saying they want a psl or no tickets i so i say im selling cheaper than jets helping someone out.......so relax I use this forum to get all jets news cause honestly its cracked here first and to see whats going on with stadium! But always getting bashed!
oh wow... we sure did expect something is up with this guy... but to have his main picture on facebook be at a giants tailgate... priceless.
Champ, I have been offline for a few days. All I said is we are not going 6-10, we are going to be much better then last year and who cares about 1969. I never said anything about over taking the Pats. We will not, the Pats have gotten better so we are not on there level for the regular season. They are bulit to piss on medicore teams but come the playoffs, we will beat them again because we run and play defense. So right back at you bitter man, go back and tell me where i mentioned the Super Bowl or being better then the Pats
So then U agree with me no SB win again at the end of the 2012 season which will make it 44 years of not being champions of the FB world. Wonderful....... U must not read well U posted 32 years of no AFCCG at hiome so I just expanded your post to go back further to he last time we won a SB Hey do not be bitter at me I am not the one putting a shitty product on the field. I think those remarks should be directed @ Woody & RR & MT & the coaches hired by RR, The R & D department etc, etc, etc BTW how many Ws do you see us getting in 2012? :sad:
I don't make predictions like you but since your forced my hand, I say we will be 11-5 in 2nd place and beat the Pats in the playoffs. Who in there right mind would predict any team to win the Super bowl? Did the Giant fan? Does that mean I can't dream.
Champ, that's my last post about this. Its pointless. This is about tickets, not two opinions. We all hope I am right and you are wrong. I won't forget what you said and I am sure you won't which is cool. There is a little of you in all of us, but we supress it in order to stay positive and go root for our team in person. It takes a lot of effort to go to games as I am sure your remember. May I ask when did you stop going to the games? Take care
I am nothing special and I can say for other combat vets, we don't ever think of ourselves that way, but I (we) thank you anyway for the thought. Defending freedom. even other peoples' freedom, is worthwhile I suppose. But it's so underappreciated in terms of what people expect of world peace. We shouldn't sacrifice, but other should. So maybe it'll get done and maybe it won't. Anyway, I am fine but many are not. And some, like my friend Chuck Emory (1LT Charles Emory Jr.), gave it all, so that is what Memorial Day is all about. I marched in the Beach Haven Parade down on Long Beach Island and met with many of my fellow vets, and that made both myself and my wife very happy. Carry on. And spread the word. And whatever you do, if you're opposed to guarding other peoples' freedom, you fucking-A better well guard your own.
Pepsi sideline lowest row is row 16 in 340,341 & 342 343 has row 9 seats 3 & 4 and 15 & 16 343 row 11 6 seats 344 prime row 4 seats 11-14
1995 when I moved to Florida :sad: Fine with me if you chose to delude yourself. I would be the last person in the world to bust your ur dream bubble:sad: Oh yes I always take care but thanks anyway :smile:
Curious why did U want to know that little tidbit of info when I last went to a game in NJ? What value is that info to U? Is it for some kind of school project? Is it for playing Jeopardy? Winning Lotto? I have attended live NYJ games since I departed NJ for Florida. Naturally I went to the NYJ game in Miami every year. I also have been to SF/Oak/Hout & Dal & TB to watch our darlings play. All but Hout/TB turned out to be losses. I am considering a field trip to the Rams game this year but if my projections are correct there will be no use in expending my dollars on a losing team to go from TX to MO to see them :sad:
Tks I am just being quite practical after watching FB for sooooooooooooooo many years. I try to B impartial & not have my nose way, way, way, way up the NYJs smelly asses so I can see the forest from the trees :sad:
How ironic is this? I STARTED OUT in 342, Row 16. Then I noticed that during the whole time I was selecting, my original seats were still open. And apparently still are! It took all this time... 3 years almost to the day, to move from 342 R16 to 341 R2. Incredible. Over one section and down 14 rows. Why couldn't they have just been honest with me from the start and given me 341 R2? I would have been perfectly satisfied. But oh no.... PEPSI CORNER SIDELINE ROCKS, BTW...
And you've done an excellent job making your point. And no one here does not get your point. You've made it abundantly clear. Left no lingering doubts. No questions in anyone's mind. All chances of misinterpretation have been eliminated. Crystal clear. Acknowledged by all. Can we give it a fucking rest now?
Well sorry to say I have to disagree with U as most do not get it IMHO on this board because they have there noses so far up the NYJs asses that they can not determine reality from la-la land :sad: