Anybody excited about the Up Coming Season???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tanknyc, May 19, 2012.

  1. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    You quoted one number from a website, not much of an argument. Call it whatever you want but I prefer to base my opinion on watching all 16 games rather than on some computer generated formula. Any time you're discussing whether someone had a good season there's going to be some subjectivity involved. You can't just sum up everything with a few numbers. As has been shown time and time again, numbers never tell the whole story.

    Where did I accuse you of saying you expected him to take Revis or Cro's spot? I asked you if that's what your expectation was because you seem to have a very high bar set. No need to put words in my mouth.

    NYJFOREVER Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    I've had this weird feeling this whole offseason, I just have this feeling where the Jets will go 13-3, win the AFC East and win the Super Bowl. I don't know why, but I just do. Maybe I'm to optimistic, oh well. A man can hope.
  3. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Upcoming season? Excited?

  4. Moonshine

    Moonshine New Member

    May 21, 2012
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    I think RBs and WRs are both dime a dozen, my issue's more Greene then it is anything else. If we're a run oriented offense I'd feel a hell of a lot better if he had a star back, or at least a good committee. Greene as the solo guy isn't cutting it imo. And maybe they are gonna do something like that with Greene as the main guy and McKnight as the speed guy.

    Here's what I would have done if I were calling the shots this offseason. First I would have fuck you to Denver. Im good with picks 1, 3, and the safties (forget which rounds)

    2 I was really hoping that guy from Boise that Tampa got, name slipped my mind, would have been around in the second. I would have tried To move up for him the way we did for Hill. If not I woulda gone best speed RB available, prob L James. With the picks not given away for Tebow I would have gone Nick Toon and a young QB, prob Cousins. Watched him college, I think ppl are sleeping on a potential future starter there. Instead of Ganaway I would have gone McNutt.

    If possible I would look to sign Manningham or Garcon, and screw Toon or McNutt and used those picks on best available. Not sure how that would work with cap space, I flat out dont understand the business side of football lol. But that's my theoretical offseason.
  5. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    MAYBE they are going to do something with greene and mcknight? dude where have you been? this team is now 100% focused on the power run game. every back is going to be used. its going to hopefully be a very dynamic rushing attack with greene and ganaway pounding away and mcknight and powell racing to the edge.

    also, stephen hill is a PERFECT wide receiver for this offense. he is big and physical with great hands and he is fast as shit. every defense will have to respect the deep ball with a guy like hill running fly routes all game, in fact, you are complaining about one of the better picks of the draft, which is fucking hilarious. the guy is going to be on the field a lot for us as a rookie. great second round pick up, and anyone that knows whats up will tell you just that.

  6. Wolf Brother

    Wolf Brother Banned

    May 10, 2012
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    Can the season start right now please? The summer is awesome and all that, but seriously, the wait for football sucks the big one. Maybe the Olympics will be decent enough to watch until August. I think this summer will be cold anyway. Bring on the FALL!
  7. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I would expect that we will sign a RB (if someone with some tread becomes available) before the season, I would also like to see Conner get some spotlight fullback play opening some holes this year.
    Otherwise, FUCK YEAH, I'm exited for the season!!!!

  8. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    the jets were an extremely average team last yr and did nothing to improve. beyond wanting to watch football again, i cant say im excited for this season, which i think is gonna make last yrs circus look like nothing
  9. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I think "extremely average" team might be a bit much. Obviously when you look at the overall product they finished .500 which is literally as average as you can get. But I don't think it's indicative of the season on the whole.

    With three games left they were 8-5 and going up against a struggling Eagles team (who were surging at the time), the Giants who I don't think had clinched a playoff spot yet (but were also surging) and the Dolphins who were just plain awful.

    The Bengals made it in with one more win than us. I don't know if we would have won the tiebreaker if we finished with 9 but maybe someone else can speak to that. If so we were only one win out of a playoff spot.

    Personally I'd say they were an "okay" team (a bit above average) and the wheels just fell off towards the end of the season, but they were a team capable of making the playoffs. We should have beats the Dolphins hands down and if we could have taken one game between the Eagles or Giants (or that Broncos game we never should have lost) then we're definitely in.

    As for making no improvements: on the defensive side I think we made some upgrades at the safety and pass rush. Not really on the offensive side, so we'll just have to hope that the problem with the offense was Schotty...if so then we've solved big problems there as well.
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    This my fellow NYJ fan is the most classic example of coulda, woulda, shoulda which gets U exactly NOWHERE in the NFL IMHO:sad:
  11. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I'm almost certain the Jets had 0 wins against teams that ended up with a winning record last season.

    Referring to a team that finished 8-8 without beating a single team with a winning record as "extremely average" seems more than fair, if not somewhat generous.
  12. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    If you're gonna play that game then what about the Cowboys game where Romo choked a sure victory away? What about the Buffalo win that was a Steve Johnson drop away from a loss? What about the Chargers game where Jackson tipped it diagonally perfectly to Revis in what was looking to be a loss?

    Luck usually evens out over the course of a season. (Unless you're the Giants)
  13. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    It's hard to say whether the team is improved or not based on the draft because no matter how good guys look on paper we never know how things will pan out until they get on the field and start playing.

    That said, if you're going to say that they improved the pass rush (presumably referring to the Coples pick and perhaps Davis as well) then I don't know how you can say that they didn't improve on offense. Adding Hill is potentially a bigger boost to the O then adding Coples is to the D. Buress may have been a good RZ target, but he was so slow that we never had a downfield threat to keep defenses honest last year and that threw a monkeywrench in the whole works, hindering the running game as well as crippling the passing game.

    Of course there's still the RT issue and I'm as unhappy as anyone else that Hunter looks to be the starter at this point, but even though that's a major weak point, you can't exactly say we got worse there. There's still the possibility that VD has started to figure out how to play in which case it's still possible that we could see improvement at RT by the time the season starts - let's hope so.
  14. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Wasn't debating any of this. I agree 100%. I was just saying that I don't think the team was "extremely average." That implies they were average in each game that the played for the entire season. I don't think they were, they were in the hunt each step of the way and then the wheels just fell off at the end.

    The Eagles finished with the same record as us, I wouldn't say they were "extremely average" either. They couldn't gel or suffered under the "Dream Team" name pressure in the beginning and then went on a tear at the end.

    Never said they were a great team or anything, just that I think calling them "extremely average" is a bit of an overstatement. Plus, the person I originally quoted was basically saying he expects more of the same. I'm just saying I don't, we had an implosion towards the end of the season. Locker room drama. Crap like that. It's a disappointing season, obviously, but I don't think we're destined to have the exact same season because we have the talent to be more than .500 but we just didn't execute.
  15. Over & Out

    Over & Out Active Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    extremely average was an overstatement, I agree. They were below average. They couldn`t execute, get over the locker room drama, couldn`t beat a good team, barely won most of the games they did win. Let their wheels fall off when they had a shot. They were "typical Jets" at best. This season will surely be just a great as last season or worse. Save your money. Don`t bet on them and don`t waste it on tickets.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    With so many new players the Eagles were the team that was hurt most by the shortened pre-season last year. When they got in better synch as the year went on, and with Vick reasonably healthy, they did better. Their season long record was weighed down by their 1-4 start.

    I am a Jet fan, but I have a hard time saying the Jets are as good as the Eagles. They certainly weren't when they met last December.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The Charger game I am sort of meh about in terms of your argument, but the Cowgirls had that game in the bag and gave it up. And in the Buff game, Pool was beaten on that pass that Jackson dropped, which should have been Buffalo's go ahead TD.

    In terms of how the games went down, the Jets could have quite easily been 6-10 last year.
  18. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    In 2010 the Jets could have went 6-10 with wins against Detroit, Cleveland, Denver, Pittsburgh and Texans all being so close that they could have been losses, what's your point?
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    If you read some of the other posts in this thread, well most other people would have gotten it. You might have. Hard to say.

    Anyway the point was that people saying the Jets were better than their record last year did not take into account games given away by the opponent that helped them to their 8-8 record.

    And if you can't tell the difference between the general category of a close game and the more particular one where the opponent lost a game with a single unforced error on their part, I am not sure what to say.
  20. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The point is that teams in the NFL are so close that the season usually comes down to the close games. Win them you are in the playoffs lose them the fan base starts crying how bad you are.

    The Cowboys, Eagles, Jets, San Diego are just a few teams with a few lucky bounces or a play made here or there make the playoffs.

    The Giants got lucky making the playoffs. Got hot down the stretch and made a great run. Most of the season people were saying what is wrong with the Giants.

    My point is the Jets are a legit superbowl contender but a couple key injuries and they are a 6-10 team. Last year they had key injuries and a imploding locker room and ended up 8-8. Getting healthy alone the Jets should be better.

    I laugh about filling holes every team has huge holes that is the nature of the NFL. NE has a shitty defense and terrible wideouts so they outscore you with TE's, Tom Brady and a great OL. Truth be told they could have easily lost to the Dolphins last year also.

    The PATS are losing Light that will have a huge impact on the Patriots so we will see what happens.

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