Sanchez outplays Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by GATA, May 24, 2012.

  1. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I don't think any Jet fan truly wanted Mark to start his rookie year due to his inexperience

    Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I see, you're trying to turn this around like I'm the one being unreasonable. Let's rewind. Tebois like to make the excuse that Tebow only has 16 career starts and Sanchez has been a starter for 3 years as if Sanchez has been in the league for 3 times as long. The problem with that bullshit excuse is that Tebow was drafted just one year after Sanchez.

    Tebow sucks at QB therefore he hasn't started that many games. It's not because Sanchez has been around for so much longer that he has so many more starts.

    No one is acting like Sanchez is a Peyton Manning clone. That's just another load of bullshit from the #1 Teboi.
  3. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Man, you make it so difficult for me to avoid getting banned again. Dude, the only one who has brought up the "been in the league 3 times as long" is YOU. It's purely a result of YOUR thinking.

    Most people in the world understand that experience comes from actually playing. That is why I, and others, point out that Tebow has only started 16 games while Sanchez has started 60 or whatever. It demonstrates the difference in experience level.

    Now, before you go on and on about how this is wrong, just look around and what many Jets fan say about Sanchez. THEY point out that Sanchez ONLY had 16 starts in college. They don't talk about him being a QB at USC for THREE FREAKING YEARS. No, they talk about his 16 starts.

    Guess what ? THEY ARE RIGHT. There's a HUGE difference between being the starter and riding the pine, carrying the clipboard, signally the plays or whatever else you want to call it.

    The main reason that Mark Sanchez has as many starts as he does is that Rex went up and drafted him at #5 and handed him the job. If Kyle Orton had been on the roster and had competed with Sanchez, Orton would have been the starter.
  5. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Not that the first OTA practice means anything but considering this is about interceptions, I'm not really worried about one of the top quarterbacks in interception %.

    Tebow had 6 last year and Sanchez had 18. Tebow's career interception % is 2.5, one of the best in the league, better than Peyton Manning's 2.7%. Sanchez is below league average at 3.6%. Tebow's never had an interception problem.

    The issue everyone had with Tebow was completion % so if people are going to look at OTA's as some sort of meaningful sign....

    Then Tebow finished with a 67% completion percentage and Sanchez with 50%......
  6. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    U have to earn ur way to be a starting QB. Elway dumped Tebow and doesn't have faith that Tebow will become good enough to be a starter in the NFL. That was proven when they drafted a QB this year.
  7. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Still going strong at spinning and throwing around your nonsense I see. That means nothing. All that meant is that Elway didn't want Tebow, as popular as he is, the guy who turned around the Broncos last year and carried them into the playoffs, backing up Peyton Manning. Nobody's going to be chanting Osweilder's name in the stands.

    There would be a much bigger controversy in Denver between Tebow and Manning than there is here, if Elway kept Tebow, considering Tebow go in so deep into the playoffs last year.

    Not to mention two completely different offensive philosophy. Brock is a traditional QB. Tebow isn't. Manning and spread offense goes together about as well as Tebow and traditional QB. Broncos needed a back-up. Them drafting Brock means nothing.

    Anyway, carry on with your hate....
  8. westflgator

    westflgator New Member

    May 21, 2012
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    Exactly, the Tebow coverage is unreal. I can see where the media hype over Tebow can get old really fast, but let's be fair in our analysis of his play. Same thing happened in Denver, he didn't get any off season work with the recievers, then he was the backup getting very few reps once the works outs finally started. The management finally got tired of the fans crying for Tebow so they threw him in there(thinking he would fail and they could shut the fans up) with virtually no reps with the recievers ( which were horrible by the way, most were inexperienced in the NFL as well) with a coach who is the worst play caller in the league. He calls very predictable running plays on 1st & 2nd downs, and then wants his inexperienced no practice young QB to throw to his inexperienced wr's (none of which are on the same page yet) on 3rd and long. You put any young qb in this situation and there numbers will be horrible. But Tebow does have the ability to use his legs to make some good things happen even in that situation.

    This whole Tebow can't throw just cracks me up. No Qb is going to look good in that situation especially in their first few starts. If you look a Tim's stats as a QB in the SEC (which I know isn't the NFL but it's all relative and is an indicator of one's ability) he is one of the top passers of all time. He ranks either at the top or very close in every category(with the exception of total yardage) including pass eff, and pass eff rating. You can't put up those kind of numbers in the SEC if you can't throw.

    When he was finally turned loose in the 4th quarter of those games last year, when the offense wasn't so predicatable, he put up pretty good numbers after he and the recievers started to get on the same page. You put him in a better situation with a coach who understands how to call plays, with recievers that he has had time to gel with and Tim will be fine. Contrary to some who post on here, Tim can make all the throws, just go back and look at his college tape. Making the throws and accuracy was never a problem in college, the main problem he got criticized for coming out of college was his long wind up.

    Don't forget how bad Denver was before Tebow became the starter. Even though their passing game was horrible because of everything I have already mentioned above, Tim required so much attention from the defense that he opened up their running game. They went from one of the worst running teams to one of the best over night. And towards the end of the season late in games (in less predicatable situations) had a decent passing game as well.

    Tim brings many qualities to the field that you don't see when you only focus on the passing numbers. Oh by the way extending drives, with the improved running game also helped the defensive numbers improve drastically. Anyone who looks at the numbers before and after Tebow who can't see this is either blind or can't see.
    #88 westflgator, May 26, 2012
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  9. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Why does tebow get all the credit for anything good but none of the blame for his shortcomings? It is always someone else's fault.
  10. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He surely does get the blame. You have a common syndrome where you read something from someone on the internet, assume that's a general consensus, and then feel resentment over it. When that happens, it's time to step away from the keyboard.

    Don't worry, you'll get to hear lots of commentators say he shouldn't be a QB in this league. It will be music to your ears.
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I know talking to you is like talking to a wall but I thought I would give it more more shot.

    That is all made up, no one gives credit to Tebow for everything and most everyone shines neon lights on his faults 24/7.

    I had a standing paypal bet at the broncos country message boards that if anyone could find even a single message that gave Tebow credit for everything I would paypal them $100 (went up to $500) and it was never claimed.

    Go ahead and knock yourself out and be part of that challenge if you like and try and find it .

    what you are doing is that you see him in media coverage 24/7 and equate that with giving him credit when the exact opposite is actually true. All that media coverage is usually ripping him mercilessly.
  12. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    here's the thing. When you look at something that a person has done, you have to look at things in their entirety.

    Let's forget Tebow and look at Sanchez for a minute. He had a lot of interceptions last year. Should he shoulder the blame for that ? To some degree, yes, he should.

    BUT, there are some explanations as to why he had so many interceptions. When the right side of your Oline is a turnstyle, that has an impact and will lead to extremely quick decisions and mistakes. Tighten up the pass protection, interceptions should go back down.

    In my view, people often don't understand that there is a difference between "excuses" and "valid reasons". Say that you are supposed to be at work at 9:00am. You end up getting there at 11:00. Are you to blame for this ? Well, it depends. Say that while on the way in, your car got T-boned by another driver who wasn't paying attention. You ended up with no broken bones, but had some deep lacertations that needed to be tended to. Ambulance arrived and they took you to the hospital for stitches. Police stopped by and questioned you about the accident before allowing you to go on your way.

    Again, it was your responsibility to be at work at 9:00, but is it your fault that you were late?

    In Tebow's case, it's a mix of things. Some of his problems were due to Denver just being an awful team. The #1 and #2 receivers were only in their second year, and neither of them had many starts under their belts. Add to this, DThomas was coming off an early injury and wasn't even in game shape until near the end of the season. Next, you can look at the very young Oline and Denver's own version of Wayne Hunter, Orlando Franklin.

    I know I'll catch some flack for this one, but next I'd look at the coaches. John Fox ? I really don't know how he still has a job in the NFL. Mike McCoy was in his first season running his "own" offense (at the start of the season) and I believe it was his first time as a play caller as well. Yes, he was OC the year before, but that was McDaniels offense and he called the plays.

    With all that said, was Tebow himself at fault for anything ? Sure he was. Even if all the things above had been much, much better, Tebow would still have had problems. Then again, he's a young QB and he only had 3 previous starts when he took over for Orton. He had problems just like most other young QBs in their first starts. Here's a quick list:

    he held the ball too long
    he had trouble understanding what is "open" in the NFL
    He had trouble reading defenses
    He had trouble with his timing and anticipation
    He had trouble with his mechanics
    He had trouble with his footwork.

    Most of those issues are problems that just about ALL young QBs have. Time and experience goes a long way in helping solve those problems. Hell, it took John Elway years to learn how to read defenses, and that was back during a time when defenses were less complex than they are now.

    BTW, this isn't to say that time and experience will definitely fix those problems. Some QBs just never get it. The game never slows down for them. Try as they might, they can never get the hang of reading defenses, or passing with anticipation.

    There are two things wrt to Tebow that I'm absolutely sure of. First, is that I'm absolutely sure that I don't know if Tebow will succeed or if he will wash out as a QB. Second, I'm absolutely sure that with only 16 starts under his belt, it is waaaay too early to conclude that Tebow won't be a good NFL QB.
  13. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    He has no shortcommings.
  14. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Does anyone in their right mind doubt that Tebow will start? This guy was one of the greatest college QB's of all time. The SEC makes the NFL look like the USFL, need I say more. Heisman Trophy, National Championships and did you see what he did for that crappy Denver team? Completion percent and throwing motion mean nothing we are talking about Tim Tebow.

    I would own his Jersey but I'm not worthy of having it hang in my closet. Rumor has it his dog Krypto, like Tebow comes from a planet with a red sun.

    If Tebow wants to start Tebow will start. I suspect he likes Mark and wants to build him up before taking his job. That's just the kind of guy Tebow is.
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    its crap like this posted by haters that gets confused with what his actual fans say.

    But please keep up the good work!

    Being a card carrying member of the Anti Tebow cult can be hard work sometimes and needs to be applauded .
  16. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The only way Tebow will start is IF Sanchez is injured OR IF Sanchez completely stinks it up for a number of games. Even then, I'd say that first, Tebow would probably only go in for a series or two to get Mark's attention and to let him regroup.
  17. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Im pretty sure this entire post was sarcasm. People dont actually believe this.
  18. westflgator

    westflgator New Member

    May 21, 2012
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    That is not at all what I'm saying. Tim made plenty of mistakes. The point is, given how bad the team was before he became the starter, it is ridiculous and illogical to not give him credit for the drastic improvement of the team. Does he need to improve tremendously with reading defenses and making better throws? Absolutely, just like most other young QB's. If you look at the numbers of some of the best of all time you will find most didn't have great numbers in their first year as a starter. Some like Cam put up huge yardage numbers, but their passing TD to Int ratio's are usually horrible. I don't know if Tim will make it or not, but it is way to early given the numbers he put up in college, and with how he helped to turn the Bronco's around last year, to say he can't play QB in the NFL. All we are trying to say is give him the chance to compete and prove himself either way before writing him off as an NFL QB.
    #98 westflgator, May 26, 2012
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  19. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    You obviously did not read the post right above mine. Tebow was not to blame ever for his super crappy 58 minutes of QB play. It was the fault of his terrible receivers and absolutely crappy coaching. Also, it was tebow that won games by scoring a whopping 17 ppg. It had nothing to do with anyone else except Tebow. Read the post he was a great QB in college so if he isn't in the NFL it is fault of everyone else. Forget the media and talking heads, I am talking about the tebois. You are not even a jets fan and you feel obligated to invade whatever message board of the team is on to say how great he is and defend him against critique. Just the fact that all of you tebow lovers flocked here says it all. It is 10 times more than even the Favre fans. At least they had a SB victory and 15 some years of HOF success as the reason.
  20. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    You said the wide receivers were terrible and the coaching sucked as the reasons Tebows numbers were bad. Did you ever consider the game planning Denver did was the only way to win a football game with tebow? Tebow deserves credit an di never said he didn't, but to say he is a bad QB because of the coaches and WRs is laughable when you can pull up videos of him in every game throwing one in the dirt or 5 yards over the head of a wr.

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