Anytime a writer writes something negative (no matter how true) about the Jets, Jets fans immediately label him as a moron, idiot, hack, etc.
The homers do. I get the impression that the Patsie fanbase has a couple of homers here and there, too.
Amazing the two Pats fans that have posted in this thread are on point yet the Bills fan thinks it's the same.... big difference Catt, David Harris isn't giving Bart Scott 10K to rip Peyton Manning's head off and shit down his throat. Ryan in his book preached to target "key players" and hit them hard legally. That's the same thing my fucking pop warner through high school coach would preach. Make that receiver think twice about coming over the middle.
Gad damn it ! Now I can't say ALL Pats fans are viscious, Jet hating morons any more ! What did you have to go and do that for? :rofl2:
Yes, you try to hurt them by hitting them hard, not illegally where they can have season / career ending injuries. How do you think the Giants took down Tom Brady in the super bowl? Intentionally trying to hit someone's head or break their ankle / leg is just dishonorable, but targeting a QB and trying to hit him hard is part of the game and is a huge part of shutting down good QBs.
There is a BIG, BIG difference here. First, NO gave out money in violation of cap rules. Second, they were told to stop the program and apparently did not. Perhaps the league told Rex to stop dotting and he did. Perhaps they saw nothing wrong with his statement. But Florio is wrong to compare the two until he knows if the league is telling Rex anything and Rex is doing otherwise, which was the Saints major problem.
Sometimes thats true with the homers, but Florio is a jackass whether he's writing/speaking about the Jets/ Pats/ Rams/ anyone... And this article is beyond pathetic give me a break. He coulda pulled something similar from any coach, high school to the NFL - "I want you to hit him so hard he has to leave the game etc." quotes are abound.. That's obviously much differant than a bounty system specific to certain players injuries/ lying and hiding about such an endeavor for years... Florio is just being Florio, trying desperately for attention by trying to make a big story out of something that's largely irrelevant...
Knocking players out of the game is part of the game. Anybody who is too dumb to realize the difference between that and a system of bounties is a clueless idiot.
Fuck florio. Whats worse is that players are so fucking dumb, that you don't know who that guy is. If we're playing the Steelers I want Harrison and Ward hit. Gee...big freakin mystery.
Comparing the 2 is silly. In NO they were paid to hurt people in the pile. He said when you are in the pile on Frank Gore make sure you take a shot at him before you get up. Rex just likes his players playing physical to intimidate the other team.
Where in the article does it mention Rex saying he was paying players to take people out. If you pay someone to commit a crime that is also a crime. Paying someone to put a hit on someone is a crime. Marking a target during a game is not a crime. You do realize that Mike Florio only posts negative things about the Jets and worships Bellichick. If it were the opposite you would be saying the same things.
If this article pissed you off, it's your own fault for going to PFT. No matter what you think of Florio's agenda, he is not a good journalist (see: his "Terry Bradshaw is dead" story.) Don't give him clicks.
IMO, NY Jets and Pats fans Made Florio.... I read Florio since the start and his formula was pretty easy - Twist something about the Jets and/ or Pats and those two very loyal and devoted Fan bases will flood his site... All the Pats-gate stuff, the Tuck Rule, Anything Jets - favre.... On and on.. Without Jets and Pats Fans and being a Sensationalist Prick, Florio goes no where.
No... Florio rips the Patriots pretty good from time-to-time. They just don't give him as many opportunities as the Jets. Florio, it's pretty well-known, is a lifelong Vikings fan. Exactly JB. He's smart enough to write about teams in big markets knowing that no matter what he spews from his half-cooked brain, it'll get clicks.
Frankly though, who gives a fuck about this colossal moron that is Florio? He is a Gold Deluxe version of Douchemini. What did you expect?
Ha! Phil Anselmo from the band Pantera dislikes Florio, too.
And anytime a Jets fan does this, you will always be here to make a half-assed troll post to defend that writer's honor, no matter how much of a moron/idiot/hack/etc the writer proves to be. It's a vicious circle.