Florio, Cimini, and Stephanie A. Smith. They try to say or write anything to stir the pot. They are all jokes.
From pages 16-17 of the chapter called Blunt-Force Trauma: “Each game we might also designate an opposing player with a dot. Players don’t want to be dotted by the New York Jets, because that means we want that dude knocked out of the game. Of course, it has to be legal and by the book. We don’t play dirty, and no way will we intentionally hurt a player with an illegal, cheap shot. We dot players fair and square. There are players out there who think they are badasses, and you just might see two of our players knock the hell out of him End of story. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can tell the difference between this and telling their players to hit people in the head and target ACL's. Not sure the point of the blog.
He has been on my list for some time now,,,,another douche who I do not read or watch. When he is on the radio or tv as a guest my tv or radio station gets changed,,,simple
Pathetic. There's a big difference between hitting hard and intentionally hurting people with cheap shots. Hard hits are part of the game. They must be out of Tebow material to even consider this nonsense.
Florio is a joke. I never read his stupid ass website and usually don't watch NBC who between allowing him, and Rodney Harrison speak has lost ALL of my respect for that network. Florio is the luckiest mofo on the planet, rode the coatails of others to get where he is today and really never offers anything of substance to the football world HIMSELF.
What is so "disgusting" about Florio's article? He brought up the good and very accurate point that the idea of taking opposition players out of games isn't just something that NO had a monopoly on but is endemic throughout the NFL. Why did he use the Jets' HC to do that? Because Ryan published a book in which he described how the Jets targeted opposition players. Published material is in the public record. DOH!
I like Florio and he makes an excellent point (one that Rex put into print). There are 2 goals of every defensive lineman who's blitzing the QB, depending on game situation: Strip Sack (late in the game with our team down by 3+), or Gurney Sack. Most sacks are Gurney Sacks. LT breaking Joe Thiesman's leg a perfect, glorified example. Smear the Queer. Kill the QB. A blind side sack at full speed is a thing of beauty (Eli Manning in his preseason game against the Jets, helmet knocked off, blood pouring down his face). Knocking a player out of the game is an underlying goal of nearly every defensive tackle. This is 'football'. Trying to draw a fine line between 'football' that we fans pay Billions of dollars to watch and defending oneself against law suits (over 100 former players are suing the NFL for concusions) is tricky business. Jumping on a pile to add injury to insult is one thing. Piling on a downed player's knee or ankle (ask Favre) is another. Lets hope the Comiss can solve this without ruining the game of violence we all love.
Yup, pretty much. Anyone who thinks every team in the league didn't place bounties on players or film other teams' signals before these two incidents is only fooling themselves.
You can't see the difference between going out there and playing good, hard football the way the game was meant to be played (as Rex preached in his book) versus going out there and illegally hurting players (as the Saints did)? Really?
I guess the air is too thin up there for you guys to actually think critically about ANYTHING up there. Legal hits are legal and unless you can prove Ryan actually told his players to try to injure people it doesn't matter. It's not an epidemic in the NFL. Football is a physical sport. Go cry somewhere else.
C'mon, do people honestly believe every single team in the NFL doesn't have bounties? Yeah, obviously Rex has to preach "clean" play when talking to the media and NFL officials, but I mean, whether people will ever admit it or not, every time you hit someone in football, you try to hurt them. That's the reality of it. And if you think that players wont use someone's medical history against them in order to get an edge in the competition and put their team in a better position to win, you're in denial.
I'm not naive enough to believe that other teams didn't have some form of a bounty system, but Florio is being an idiot on this one. There's nothing wrong with what Ryan wrote in his book. All teams want to get a lot of good hits in on opponents' star players. What the Saints did takes it up a notch or three though, specifically targeting heads and ACLs, and paying guys for it. Huge difference, IMO.