Jets vs Pats Draft Analysis

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. DepressedJet

    DepressedJet Banned

    Jan 23, 2012
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    The Pats two best picks were in the 7th round. IMO Dennard and Ebert will be better than anyone we drafted.
  2. They aren't happy unless they are bullying Jet fans. Unfortunately there really is no comeback to it until they finally start losing...but it helps to remember all this crap for when the Jets finally have their glory days. "Win with class" went out the window sometime around 04 with these clowns..which was consequently the same timeframe when they became fans.
  3. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Here's a nice example of the media fawning over the Patriots btw.

  4. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    The big question around Coples is what's in his head, right? Physically he looks like a beast but he's got to come to play and there are questions about that. People say Ryan will be able to motivate him and that's that's likely but then Ryan's going to have to do better then last year when the team imploded. I think Jones will be an impact player for the Patriots.

    Different positions so it's hard to compare. I think HighTower will be a great addition to the Patriots and Hill looks like potentially a scary receiver.

    Wilson is definitely the reach of the Patriots draft. Of course they said the same when they picked Mankins, so Bill gets "wait on this" as well.
  5. Docny1975

    Docny1975 New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    I just said the reason they did good that year was Moss & Welker in their prime (Welker) to end of prime (Moss). They still had a lot of their pieces on defense from their Superbowl Runs. Cassell is a decent QB he was good for a couple years out in KC when he wasn't banged up.
  6. Docny1975

    Docny1975 New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    Really then whats his winning percentage without Brady as his QB its sub .500

    I would say Peyton in last 15 years of QB's is probably #1 in my book. I would put Brady at #2. Both great QBs i think Peyton is more of the General being able to set and read the field. While Brady has better accuracy and decision making. Both great just having their own individual strengths.
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    What are you an idiot or trying to be an asshole, there is no third option. As Parcells says, you are what you're record says you are. In his first 3years playing in a bad offense Sanchez has 2AFCCG appearances 9 fourth quarter comebacks, and 11 game winning drives.

    If you could get the shit it of your eyes, from having your head up your ass to long, you'd see the point I was making. Qbs are judged on rings, and Sanchez has none.Sanchez, in those wins, outplayed those QBs.. Period. He's earned respect. His play is far more competent, than your inane posts.

    Brady wasn't even good enough to be the opening day starter his first 2 years.

    And as I pointed out, it was the resulting adjustment the Pats made,nthat made Brady, not e other way around.
    #67 Hobbes3259, Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  8. RutgersJET

    RutgersJET Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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  9. Jet_Blue

    Jet_Blue Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    You're exactly an example fan that makes me embarrassed to be a Jets fan. You want to point to his failure in Cleveland? Really? He took a shitstain of a team and finally made the playoffs there. He went 11-5 with a 7th round QB in 08. We only dream about 11-5 with our 5th pick QB. The whole design of the draft is to build strength in weaker teams and sink the stronger ones. They've been drawing weaker draft positions for more than ten freaking years! Who does that and comes within 2 minutes of winning another championship? Why are they not like the Raiders, or the Rams by now. We'll be lucky to split with them this season again. You know it, I know it, and everyone else who closes their mouth to breathe knows it.
  10. RutgersJET

    RutgersJET Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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  11. Cellar-door

    Cellar-door Active Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    I don't necessarily disagree with that. We took boom or busts and projects, those guys are harder to project.
    Coples is the closest to ready to contribute, and he has a history of inconsistency,
    Hill is ultra raw, he's never played in a real offense.
    Davis is raw and played against no competition
    Bush and Allen are late rounders. Allen didn't really play S in college so he is hard to project.

    Patriots draft is easier for pundits to project. Hightower seems a good fit and has history playing the same position and style at the highest college level.
    Jones is more raw, but not the the level of Davis or Hill, he can contribute as a rush specialist right away.
    Wilson is question mark as are the late picks except Dennard who if he doesn't go to jail projects easily as a decent slot corner with experience.

    So yeah I can see why reviewing the draft you would say the Jets seem to have more of a wait and see, they simply took guys who have huge upside but bigger risk, where the Pats took a couple of upside guys, but also took two solid contributor types with less upside but also less risk.
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Uhh we went 11-5 not last year but the year before.
  13. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    for the Patriots, even the positions where they appear statistically weak the team wins despite it. so, every pick they make always seems like an upgrade that will only make them better.
  14. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    The reality of the Jets inferiority complex has NEVER been more apparent than in this tread. It opened with the initial WHINE from the starter and hasn't stopped for 4 pages.

    Poor pathetic Jet fans who can't understand how year after year they seem to add better players to their team than the Pats, and except of a single game in 2010, they have been looking up at New England for over a decade., You JUST DON'T GET IT.

    Scott Pioli said it best when he was GM of the Pats "We aren't in the business of collecting talent, be are in the business of building a team that can compete for championships year after year"

    Over the years the Jets have been all about "collecting talent", while the Pats plug along each year "competing for championships.

    This draft is a perfect example how the 2 organizations differ - The Pats top 2 picks were 2 talented guys who are high character, high motor players, who can play all over the defensive front 7

    The Jets drafted 2 guys who have higher ceilings than the Pats picks, but both come with serious risks. Copes obvious talent is mitigated by his attitude. Quotes like "he led the ACC in loafs", is not what you want to hear about the 16th pick in the draft..

    And while Hill is a great "talent" he is also a huge question mark. With just 43 catches in an entire career, his blocking is more likely to be his greatest contribution in his first season. Jet fans would be laughing at this pick if Al Davis has made it. Great upside, Great risk. Strange pick given you already had a big WR who can run a 4.3, block well and run 9 routes.

    As Reiss said, 2 organizations that compete hard and have two completely different styles. There is no ONE "right way" to win in the NFL, but I'll leave you with this one telling stat. Since the year 2000 NO TEAM in the AFCE has ever won more games in a regular season than the Patriots, (even in the 2 years they lost the division, it was to tie breakers.)
    #74 patfanken, Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  15. Jet_Blue

    Jet_Blue Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I know that. And we still covet a record like that again, especially last year. That's my point.
  16. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    A perfect analysis. You hit it on the screws. Right on the money. You aren't really a Jet fan, are you. :wink:

    BTW- to state which team had the better draft at this point is ludicrous....pure speculation. They are ALL home runs at this point and all these discussions and arguing is just something to divert our minds from the fact there will be very little to discuss OR argue about for the next 4-5 months.
    #76 patfanken, Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  17. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Fair enough.
  18. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    What a breath of fresh air, an objective Jets fan who gets it.
  19. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    So Stephen Hill is a "huge question mark" and Chandler Jones isn't? If the Jets took Jones at 16, everyone would have laughed and said the Jets took someone who didn't produce in college and was a pure workout warrior. Jones has upside, like Hill, but very little production, like Hill. At least Hill averaged 29.3 yards per catch.

    Plus, Hill was a 2nd round pick. Jones was a 1st round pick.

    Coples did more in college in a tougher conference, even if he wasn't playing 100%.

    I won't argue Hightower, he's a good pick. But for you to completely ignore Jones's lack of production, and then rip on the Jets for picking Hill for the same thing is ludicrous.

    If Hill were taken at 16, the Jets would deserve to be criticized. But in the middle of the 2nd round, he's a steal.

    Both Coples and Jones should be able to contribute right away. How well they end up being will largely be based on how well Jones improves his football skills and how hard Coples works and plays. Both have questions. But you get the sense if the Patriots took either player, it would be spun that Belichick took a great athlete who could play all over the front 7, and if the Jets took one, it would be, he's a workout warrior/loafer (depending on the guy). If the Pats took Coples, everyone would say "Belichick can motivate this guy to be the next Mario Williams."
    #79 Jetfanmack, Apr 29, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2012
  20. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I think the biggest difference is the Qb position. The Jets have had 3-4 different QBs start multiple games while the Patriots have had 2 over the past decade. There are multiple ways to build a team, but at the end of the day you still need a consistently great QB, something the Jets have not found yet and the Patriots have had starting since 2001

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