I like the simplicity of that coverage. I actually love the amount of information we get nowadays, but the broadcast has become bloated and I hate that we only got the first-round yesterday.
IIRC, ESPN had to actually convince the NFL to allow them to broadcast the draft. The league didn't think anyone would ever watch it and become a phenomenon, so they said ok.
What an interesting clip. It proves that Berman was once capable of speaking normally and not bellowing all the time- dude gives me a headache and spoils MNF for me. Jenning's comments are pretty interesting as well; none of the generic platitudes we usually hear all the time. Everything (sports, politics, TV) is so scripted nowadays.
wasn't that long ago that I could remember MLB players on television smoking in the dugout, like Keith Hernandez
He couldn't get away with it now. It makes me realize how our lives have gradually changed over the years so that we don't even realize it. I was in a restaurant last week that allowed smoking (gasp!). Made me think of the 2 pack a day '70s. Old men and women smoking, eating and coughing at the same time.
Commiss Rozelle burning a heater at the podium (5:31)...too funny :drunk: ...and check out Boomer at (7:00)
It really is. I don't want to be a "crotchety old man " but alot of it's for the worse. The best example i can think of is present day politics. Nothing but 30 second sound bites for the media instead of in-depth analysis of issues; no real debates, just spin; personal attacks with no basis in fact; etc. etc. Everyone's image is spit- polished. I guess they're right when they say the Kennedy- Nixon debates, with Tricky Dick sweating while JFK was cool and relaxed, really showed the spin-meisters of the day the future. Now we're living it.