Quick question - with the draft starting at 1am UK time I doubt I can sit through all the way to #16 so was thinking of setting my alarm to check out the Jets pick. What time, roughly, do you think the #16 pick will be? I tried to find some timings from previous drafts online but no luck.
3:08AM (8 minutes average for a pick in the 1st round out of the 10 allotted.) Don't expect the Jets to still be there when pick 16 comes around however.
Watch the Jet's trade out of Rd 1 and send home all those suckers in MetLife home without a selection. That draft day MetLife is a bunch a crap. Money hungry snakes selling concessions and over priced gift shop crap.
I would be beyond pissed, finally getting to go to the draft and not be able to see the Jets pick in the 1st. Nightmare situation. Good news is we pick at #16 and it would be hard to completely trade out of the first, that would probably require us trading down 2 times, maybe even 3.
Cheers though no doubt I will end up getting drawn into it and just end up watching the whole thing! thats the problem you keep thinking "OK, its only a few minutes till the next pick, just one more, just one more!"
How about come home from work, eat, drink, watch an hour TV/Internet. Go to sleep at 8 with the alarm set for 1AM. Go back to sleep at 4AM.
This is my problem - I'd set an alarm for pick 16, but worry I'll have missed a big trade. Might just put radio 5 live sports extra on in bed and hope my spidey sense wakes me at the appropriate moment.
I'm hoping that the 1-6 picks won't take too long - there shouldn't be a great deal to deliberate over. Are Indy really going to use some of their allotted time to pick Luck?
When the panthers picked Cam how mcuh time did they use? Both teams told the QB they will be their pick same situation it seems like
its their chance to be the centre of attention so I suspect they will use most of the time available to them.
1-6 will all take almost the whole 15 minutes. Why waste minutes and minutes of PR of having your team talked about at length across both the major NFL markets (ESPN / NFL net) Especially since some of these teams don't usually get the big PUB.. INDY, STL, CLE, Also a lot of them will be hoping for outrageous trade offers too.
I'm going to record the draft on ESPN America, go to bed around 10ish then get up at 5 after approx 7 hours sleep and spend next 3 hours watching draft as if "live" before going to work. Obviously I will fast forward through bullshit talk of other picks and ads etc. Cant Wait!!
Glad to see another Irish Jet fan on the board. HATE that the game 7 Rangers game is on the same time. Hoping by the time that game ends that The Good Guys will be on the clock.
You wait around and we trade up. Or you wait around and we trade down. And now you're like, "Okay, WTF is going on here?" And then the "experts" tell you what is happening and the trailer tells you the stats on who we drafted, and this goes on for 2 days. I've been thru so many of these freaking live sideshows and wasted so many hours of waiting to see what's happening it's pathetic. And it's been all for nothing. 43 fucking years and we still don't have a second VLT.