How are the Jets offseason losers for signing Tebow and Chicago is a winner for signing a thug?
I guess the Bears could be viewed as an offseason winner because they added talent to help their QB unlike the Jets. No matter how much of a thug Marshall is he is a talented player. Who did the Jets add that matches Marshall's talent? EDIT: The Tebow trade can also make the Jets losers because it can reflect on bad play for Sanchez. We can't judge the Tebow trade for being good or bad. It all depends on Sanchez's play on the field.
I cant refute any statement in that article. The Media will Seize on Tebow because he unseated Orton and the popular thought process and not to mention a way to sell papers is to force controversy at every corner. I do Feel that since the Draft hasn’t happen yet How in the hell are we going to name winners and looser yet. The Jets glaring hole at RT tackle and the fact that Sanchez got creamed from that side a lot Id have to preliminary agree that we haven’t done enough. I think the entire O-line was either poorly performing or injured , so this is an area where we really need to concentrate and improve. The day is still young and after the Draft lets see where we stand and then pick winners and loser’s. Freaking Media !
We are without a doubt one of the biggest offseason losers landry was probably the only upgrade they made this off season. And if you say signing tebow was an upgrade over brunell, please gtfo. The headache he brings is definitely not worth it. Just look at the section under the jets main section. The fact that the RT position wasn't addressed is sickening. I'm getting really sick of tanny throwing shit against the wall and hoping it will stick.
Giants were the biggest offseason losers last year. You know what offseason winners and losers means? Jack shit.
The Jets major needs going into the off-season: 1. RT. No comment. 2. Safety help. They couldn't cover tight ends last year and their FS got hurt for the second season in a row leading to an immediate defensive catastrophe for the second year in a row. 3. Linebackers. Aside from David Harris the incumbents are all over 30/coming off injuries/subpar seasons. The pass rush from this group is not enough for a 3-4 to dominate. 4. Wide receivers. No comment. 5. Offensive line depth. No comment. 6. Backup QB. What have the Jets done to address the issues so far? 1. Nothing. 2. Signed an injury-prone SS, there's still no NFL-caliber FS on the roster. So assuming they pickup Jim Leonhard to play FS what they'll have is both safeties ready to go out late in the season and we know what happens then. 3. Nothing. 4. Signed a career backup/flyer. Need is still acute here. 5. Lost Rob Turner... 6. Brought in a guy who was a clear backup. Then brought the circus to town and traded the real backup. The Jets aren't a big loser so far this off-season, they're roadkill.
The Jets did nothing in the off season and all the apologists here will say they have no money even though they are still 8 million under the cap. With Tannenbaum still making draft decisions I expect more of the same this week.
Remind me again who led the league last year in dropped TD's? Also, remind me who's probaly face a suspension for punching a GIRL in the face a few months ago? BTW doesnt Marshall already have 2 strikes against him before this last incedent?
Last seasons offseason champs the Eagles missed the playoffs. So I'm all for the talking heads crowning someone else king before training camp.
How can we be seen a FA loser? We didnt lose a single player of note through free agency and added a couple of players with potential and we got the #3 ranked free agent safety. Are we in a worse position compared to the Chargers that lost their #1 receiver or the Phins that traded away their #1 for a 3rd round pick? The Packers lost their starting centre and back-up QB, the texans lost Mario Williams and eric winston and signed a punter! Can anyone bitching about the lack of signings in free agency please point to the players available that would have been a major upgrade on the OL or with the pass rush that: (i) didnt resign with their original team, (ii) didnt come with a major health warning and (iii) were affordable. Its OK, ill wait.
You can argue with this guys post all you want but I believe it is very accurate and agree with almost all of it----until you are proven wrong in my eyes you are dead on balls on the money!!! The off line MUST BE ADDRESSED----I am amazed that they want to stick with it as is
Although we may have a lackluster offseason thus far, we have the draft coming up. Hopefully we can score some missing pieces for this team because we will need all the help we can get to compete this year. All i want is for Sanchez to play up to the potential i think he has. I cannot stand my friends when they say Tebow will be starting for sanchez within 3 weeks of the season. Funny how giants fans forget that eli was very similar to sanchez in his first few years. And of course they forget how everyone wanted coughlin out.
i doubt anyone thinks that the OL is fine as it is but who was there available that we simply ignored and that we could have brought in to solve the problems? If you looked at the list of FA tackles, every one of them either re-signed with their original team or signed for a lot of money AND had major injury concerns with the exception of eric winston, who would have been a good signing (but who still signed a 4 year, $22 million contract) but its hardly as though we were the only team interested or had the most money of the teams that were interested. you might as well ask - why havent the Browns done something to sort out their need for an elite QB? why havent the Niners upgraded Smith? Why havent the Packers sorted their need for a pass rusher to complement Matthews or addressed their safety issues?