Very Interesting Take on Tebow from Denver Fan Forum

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Big Blocker, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Again, I couldn't care less what Tebow himself thinks. It's his effect on the Jets that is all I care about. I was generally aware of his "phenomenon" if you will prior to coming to NY, but I really didn't think much about it.

    At Nascar races they have an invocation before the race said by a priest or minister. They usually pray for a safe race, which is fine by me. Some however pray for a good race. I find that amusing, but I don't really approve, either.

    As for the winning thing, football is a team sport. Individual members can contribute to wins, and losses, but can never take sole credit.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Another disinengenuous post. It contradidts your previous response to me. In that you claimed Tebow was one of many variables. Now you claim it was all about some very different discussion.
  3. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Can the Jet win with 2 QB's and a 'gimmick' offense?

    The Read/Option or even a Wildcat offense works IF:
    All 11 players on offense buy in and do their assignments,,,
    AND are better at their jobs that the guys on the other side of the line from them.

    IF the QB can make the 'instant' after the snap read and send the ball to the weakest matchup position, that offense can roll.
    Tebow has long demonstrated that he can do the job at a very high level.

    These facts remains:
    7-8th year Vet Orton went 3-10 with WR's Lloyd and Gaffney, then 1-4 with Lloyd.
    1-2 year Tebow cold off the bench went 1-2 with WR's Lloyd and Gaffney, then 8-5 without either of them.
    * And both QB's played with the SAME DONKEY DEFENSE.
    2010-11 Orton 4-14
    2010-11 Tebow 9-7

    Did any other QB in the NFL last season have these items to deal with:
    1. First Rnd and best receiving RB injured out for the season?
    2. #1 and #2 2010 WR's traded away with only untested and rookies remaining?
    3. A TE that nobody not on the team can name with referring to the roster sheet?
    4. Play cold off the bench for a team that had gone 4-14 over the past 2 seasons without him as starter?

    And for a change, just answer the above question before starting the Tebow hater rants.....


    Claims VS Reality
    Claim: Tebow has no arm, can't throw deep, is an inaccurate passer.

    Actual Facts:
    Tebow set the state of Florida HS Career Passing TD Record with 99 TD passes.
    Tebow set the SEC's All Time Career Pass Efficiency Rating with a 170.79
    Tebow has already set Bronco Team Passing Records, (including breaking some of Elway's).
    Tebow has already set NFL Passing Records, both regular season and NFL Playoff Records.
    Not to bad for a raw rookie first 16 cold off the bench starts.....

    P.Manning set the Rookie QB NFL Record for Int's with 28, to just 26 TD's with a 3-13 W/L record.
    Elway's rookie Bronco season was good for 4 TD's to 14 Ints.

    Both got (HoF) better over time, but the media-morons claim that Tebow won't or can't get any better,,,, even though most will agree that he works harder to get better than any other player, at any position,,,, ever!

    Tebow's current NFL Pass Comp. percentage is 47.3%, Elway's 1st Bronco season was 47.5%, vast difference huh?

    Tebow's current NFL TD/Int Ratio is 2 to 1. His 5.4 ypc with a TD to LPF is also 2 to 1.
    P.Manning's career TD/Int Ratio is 2 to 1.
  4. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The anti Tebow cult will not listen to any stats that do not further their agenda. it's falling on deaf ears man. Your talking about a crowd who has thrown out playing well in the clutch and wins as a starter (the only two things that EVER mattered before) in their sometimes acrobatic attempts to explain away any success Tebow has had.

    The cult will jump through a flaming hoop blind folded before giving Tebow any credit whatsoever for anything.

    It dopes not matter what stats you post.
    If Sanchez goes down with injury next season (and hopefully he won't its just an example) and the Jets go 12-4 with Tebow under center it wont matter to them, they would just say "with Sanchez we would have won 14 instead of just 12"
    If the Jets win the superbowl and Tebow is the MVP of the game it wont matter, they will just say the team won in spite of him and that the NFL gave him the MVP for political and social reasons.

    It's a cult for a reason. The typical anti Tebow cultist is more committed with twice the focus of any Tebot fan.
    #124 CowboysFan, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  5. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    :lol: If the Jests win the Super Bowl with Timmie under center it will mean that Timmie sold his soul to the Devil for success in the Big Apple (aka "Sin City")! :lol:
  6. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That was pretty funny actually :) but you never know, it could be God's wrath on the Jet fan for a life of sin, imagine having to suckup to Tebow for the next 40 years like Namath? There would be more suicides than the market crash of the great depression in New York.
    #126 CowboysFan, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your mind.? Has Tebow psyched you out?

    An actual fan of their football team (like most of us here and not Teblowers) wouldn't act anything like you describe thats a ridiculous comment. I root for the TEAM not any certain player. If Tebow wins the Jets a superbowl, I will be "tebowing" for 40 days and 40 nights. I might lose my job because I will refuse to stop Tebowing.

    Most of the tebow haters you are talking about are saying these things because A. They think it was a poor move for the Jets organzation B. They are tired of pathetic Teblowers and say these things out of spite.

    But most are actual real fans of the Jets and want success either way, Tebow or not. Lets be real.
  8. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I do not consider real jet fans on these boards as part of the anti tebow cult so we are in total agreement.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I have no idea what you are talking about. You seem to want to feel persecuted. You want to be a martyr.

    The only anti-Tebow feelings around here as far as I can see concern whether he fits on the Jets, and related to that are concerns about his real talent level as opposed to the grandiose claims made for him by his fans.

    You may feel confident that those concerns are misplaced. But they are I can assure you legitimate concerns, at least insofar as they are felt and believed by those who have those concerns. Such as me.

    It is insulting and ridiculous for you to suggest that any sizeable portion of Jet fans have some other agenda than rooting for the Jets to do well. After all this is only an avocation for us, not some movement having some greater importance.
  10. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    HUH? again - what the hell are you talking about: you are on a NYJ site. These people were on here long before and will continue to be on here long after Tebow is no longer a Jet and you leave follow him to whereever he ends up.

    If there was an anti-Tebow bias these people would be following him like you pathetic Teblowers. But nobody here did or cares to because we are JETS fans... not Cowboy Tebow fans.
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually Browning, a number of us saw this very kind of thing over on a Denver forum. Tebow would lead an amazing comeback and the naysayers would lay low for a few days, then come out of the woodwork and nitpick crap saying how terrible Tebow was.

    Heck, they even did it after the Pittsburgh game. The kid threw for 316 yards and ran for 50 yards, yet they complained. Even had one talking about how poor that pass to DT was on the overtime play.

    Now, I'm fine with constructive criticism and with going back and pointing out problematic areas, even in games that were won, but this was totally different. It was like, no matter what, they couldn't and wouldn't give Tebow any credit at all.

    I mean, there were Denver "fans" saying that the only reason for the victory was the Dick Labeau had a lousy game plan and that Pitt had injuries.

    NJGREEN New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Hold up, everybody stop and listen to me!!! Are you a jets fan or not? The ny jets are a team!!! A team!!! I dont have apreference for a quarterback or who does what, just put eleven men out there and play your soul out and win!!!

    I dont care if the ball is thrown wobbley or how ugly a play is or about anybody's stats, the only thing i care about is wins and losses!

    If sanchez gets us there, fine, if tebow gets us there, fine! That is all!!!

    NJGREEN New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    That post was not directed to any individuale...
  14. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Your repsonse makes no sense.

    I just said the anti tebow cult i am talking about is not the jet fans on these boards (generally ), start paying attention to anti tebow post and join dates (March 12)
    #134 CowboysFan, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I am not talking about the jet fans here in particular. try again but since you have no idea what i am talking about , how about the guys who signed up march 2012 just to slam tebow? really have not noticed? LOL wow...start looking at join dates on the most vehement anti tebow post.
    #135 CowboysFan, Apr 12, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  16. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    so why are you in the tebowmania section so much if you don't care about tebow?

    I am just curious.
  17. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I don't see there being anti tebow cult on here as you say. Maybe I am misreading your words and your saying fans on here are real jets fans?

    Some insight on why every move, including Tebow, is criticized by fans here: There are people who are skeptical of Tebow, just like people are skeptical of Sanchez, Wilkerson, Landry, etc etc. I don't know the age distribution of the posters on this site, but it would be a safe bet to say at least 50%, including myself, have never seen the Super Bowl win let alone an appearance. Jets fans are going to view things very jaded because of the lack of success or optimism. Rex led the Jets to two playoff wins in his first year. As much as there was some optimism, there were a bunch of fans saying "this can't last", "one year fluke", "got lucky", etc etc. People are going to be critical and wary, its a Jets fan nature. We can't fall back on our FO has created a SB winning team, we have a SB winning QB, we have a SB winning coach, or any of that. The Jets are trying to build a Super Bowl winning team now, so every and any move is going to over analyzed to see what it does.

    Jets fans, including myself, were also tired of all the negative media surrounding the Jets. The offseason finally quieted down and the Jets were making small moves. They were linked to Peyton, but every fan knew Peyton wasn't becoming a Jet. As fans, I think most can agree, we enjoyed a quiet, out of the headline offseason, going to build through the draft and come out strong in September. Then the Jets traded for Tebow, and the whole out of sight out of mind mentality Jets fans wanted for the Jets all just slipped away.
  18. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Dude, the truth is that LeBeau DID have a lousy game plan and Pittsburgh DID have injuries, both before and during the game. Them's be facts, however much you deny them.

    I'm NOT in any "anti-Tebow cult", either. If you read all my posts on Timmie, I have never said anything bad about Timmie himself except that he's not a very good QB and that he's a fullback pretending to be a QB. Again, that's pretty much factual although maybe the fullback part is a bit of an exaggeration.

    The sad thing about Tim Tebow's career, though, is that you Tebots plague whatever team Timmie is on. Your ilk got him banished from Denver because Elway and Fox didn't want to deal with your kind. I suspect that you will eventually get him banished from the Jets as well, although I suspect that the Jets FO will tolerate your crap longer than Denver's did.

    That's really too bad because while Timmie isn't a very good QB, he seems like a genuinely decent person, a good leader, and a great teammate. He might even make a decent career for himself if you and your fellow Tebots would just stop stalking him and causing trouble for him. :eek:hmy:
  19. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Are you talking about posting on the internet, or other stuff? What do the Tebots do?

    Do they do stuff in person? Like at the games?
  20. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    there is the very slight chance that the tebow "circus" might have been magnified due to the fact that focus on the family is also based out of Denver?

    Evangelical fanbase + outspoken evangelical backup QB = craziness

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