Hightower is far better at getting to the QB, and he eliminates 2 needs ... I think the Eagles are dead-set on getting Kuechly also, they would prefer him over Hightower at this point because they don't need someone to get to the QB Kuechly is the better ILB with coverage skills, but I think I would choose Hightower if we needed to get to the QB
I like James Michael Johnson as a mid round (4th round, but we dont have one) as an ILB to replace Scott.
I am confused, when posting on this site do we have to have a reporter resume. You went off on the previous poster because he made a sarcastic post, and added the drunk symbol to drill that home. "Following the herd" crap is ridiculous. Hightower is not a projected mid round pick, and that is a fact. Whether or not he is will remain to be seen. Asking for detail on what is an obvious conclusion is abuse of power at the very least. Can't imagine why people are leaving this board. I know that I will probably get a ban for this, since someone is actually standing up to the man. So I will take my ban now.
His point was if youre going to make a bold statement, at least support it with evidence. Theres a big difference between saying "I dont want Hightower he sucks" and saying "I dont wan't Hightower @ 16, because he had major reconstructive knee surgery and I dont want to risk an pick that early on a guy with knee problems" Although I guess when you live in the world of Madden none of these things matter. This might help you out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence-based_practice#Evidence-based_practice_vs._intuition
if the Jets were interested in the guy, I'm sure Tanny would consider trading back into the 4th round to get a football player It's trading up in the first round that scares the crap outta me
I am all for Hightower at 16.I much prefer Hightower at 16 than Flyod even if Flyod is on the board.After this season Bart Scott is gone so why not have the best ILB in this years draft?
I won't ban you, you have a right to stand up to me or any other Mod. I have no problem being questioned, because I back up my words and opinions. If you question my authority as a Mod, which it looks you're about to, I'll ban you in a split second. I haven't attacked anyone, I asked Don for the reason for his opinion. He has continued to skirt the issue and not give me an answer. I'm fair to everyone on this site, but I'm tired of stupidity and posters who post nonsense and don't back up their POV. Don't post if you can't take being questioned. The other poster, with the "drunk symbol" was borderline trolling. That's your opinion on Hihgtower's draft status, I supported my POV why Hightower is worthy of being drafted by the Jets at #16. Your just as bad as Don, cause you have offered no evidence of your opinion why Hightower isn't worth a mid round pick. I still waiting for an explanation of both of your opinions on Hightower's lack of mid rd 1 status. The only people leaving TGG are the ones that deserve to leave thru a ban. I'm not the man, so watch your attitude. I do know I know a lot more than you about the NFL draft and the Jets, that's a fact. I've been in this draft forum for almost 10 years and everyone with an intelligent, well reasoned POV, even if I disagree is welcome. Morons and trolls get lost.
All this talk of trade down doesnt make a lot of sense to me.First of all if you were to trade down you would have to have a trade partner and it has to be worth your while.Do you think Hightower will be there after pick 24 knowing that Steeers have lost Farrior?
Asscue, I doubt Hightower will make it past the Steelers, he's a perfect fit for their defense. Hightower could go anywhere from 16 to 24. I've heard some rumors Cincy is unhappy with Ray M, and could look at DH.
I say we take him even with Ingram on the board.Hightower and Harris will be a dynamic tandem.If Hightower is not worthy of the 16th pick who is.In the draft scenario posted Ingram, Barron, DeCastro and Floyd are all gone.Who would you have at 16 in this case?I will take Hightower over Upshaw or anyone left on the board at that point.
As much as I like Higtower, I wouldn't pass on Ingram, he's as close to a pure 3-4 OLB in this draft with great pass rush ability. If "Ingram, Barron, DeCastro, & Floyd are gone"......I would take Hightower over Upshaw. Ingram, DeCastro, Kuechly, Floyd, Hightower, Upshaw, Glenn & Barron is my order of preference.
I know Ingram will be gone.I will be shocked if Ingram is there after the top ten.That said no way do I want us to trade for him.As a Gamecock Alum I would love for us to draft Ingram but I think Hightower and Harris together can be special.
You know nothing about me, and stating that you know for a fact that you follow the draft, and the Jets is naive. Not as a moderator, but as an individual poster. As far as my opinion as Hightower as a mid-round pick is based on the resources available to the public. Unfortunately, I, you, and everyone on here does not have access to the scouts that the NFL teams have at is disposal. You and I can take our opinions and skew them however we choose. I attempt to gather my information from multiple resources such as the following: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospectrankings/2012/ILB (2nd round pick projected) http://www.nfl.com/draft/2012/mock-drafts (late 1st) http://www.nfl.com/draft/2012/mock-drafts (late 1st & 1 outside first) This being said, I would love to have Hightower. I believe that 16 is a bit of a reach. That being said, I don't care if it is a reach, if the Jets feel he is the player I will accept that.
WA....I appreciate you supporting your opinion. Those mocks are opinion of other writers. IMO, I believe we take to heart the opinions of mock drafts too much to shape our POV. JohnnythaJet and I were just talking about how DEs usually translate to OLB, not ILBs. Hightower wasn't just a ILB in the early part of his Bama career. The reason I have Hightower rated higher than most is his versatility in Rex's defense. Hightower has played multiple positions, not just ILB, in Bama's "NFL" defense. Watching Hightower play, his intincts make his reaction time so quick. I've been impresed with hs rush into the backfield and pressuring the QB and also making plays sideline to sideline. I'm not myopic to realize, if a better player is available at #16, I'd pass on DH.
Great post and forced me to look deeper into this guy. I wouldn't be upset if the Jets took. The one thing I read about him is he wouldn't have to come out on obvious passing situations. Its obvious the Jets have to get more athletic on the linebacker front and this would help. I like him better than Upshaw and Floyd and would be beside myself if one of them were picked. Now if this is your guy taking him at 16 will not matter. How many other teams wouldn't have broke the bank with draft choices for Revis now? if he is your guy you take him where you you can. I don't see the Jets raping other teams by trading down and risk losing out. I'm hoping for an April surprise this year.
Charles Casserly is a former GM who directly drafted players. Some are former players that work as analysts. Nothing personal, but I will take their analysis over an individual on a message board, as I would hope people would give them same respect against something I would say. So you are right, they do help shape my POV, just like GM's will take consule with their respective scouts. Doesn't mean I or you have to agree. That is what I meant by using public resources. I agree with the versatility of Hightower, and as I stated before, I would love to have him. Just because he "MAY" fit Rex's system does not make him a mid round pick, because the Jets draft there. I don't believe it is a big secret that each franchise will draft according to their own draft big boards. However, I don't believe a team will over reach on a player because they have them graded higher. EXTREME EXAMPLE would be drafting a 3rd round pick in the 1st. They would wait till the 3rd round. Same with Hightower, the consensus for hightower is the later 3rd of the 1st round. The Jets would MOST LIKELY attempt to move down to 20-21-22 to get ahead of Pittsburgh, which is a projected landing spot. IF, a big IF, if they can't and that is there player they should take him. Still doesn't mean he has a mid round ranking. JMHO
The only thing that concerns me is he is coming out of Alabama. IMO the best defense in College. He has a ton of talent to assist him, and yes he will have assistance in the NFL, the offense's will be that much better also. Again, I would be excited to have Hightower in Green and White.