Alright, I give. Tebow is already a giant pain in the ass. I think I hate him.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by PolygamyWinsChampionships, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Might come as a surprise, but I agree. Back on the Denver boards after the season ended, there was discussion about what QBs to bring in to compete with Tebow for the starting slot.

    I took the position that, with a YOUNG QB, you don't want competition. Give him the reins, let him make mistakes and learn from them. Have a vet in place to mentor him possibly, or just be a non-threatening backup. You have to give a young QB the full backing of the team, coaches and FO and you HAVE to give him time to develop.

    Somewhere in the process, that "young" QB stops being "young". At that point, it's time to take the next step, remove the training wheels, and bring someone in who WILL provide competition, pushing him to become even better.

    I think that Rex and company decided that Sanchez has reached that point.
  2. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    That they were willing to provide that true competition from one of the most popular and polarizing figures in all of sport shows the amount of confidence this move is oozing with. It's palpable.

    That the rest of the world not only sees this move as the opposite, but even feels that divergent assessment is justified shows the stupidity of your average humanoid.
  3. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    :lol: You're welcome to your opinion, but I think you're full of bullshit.

    Tebowmania isn't about somehow pushing Sanchez to improve. It's about your owner wanting to upstage the Super Bowl-winning Gnats and to sell his precious PSLs. That the Jets signed FA Drew Stanton to be Sanchez's backup QB a week before they traded for Tebow is the "smoking gun".

    In the myopic vision of Wood Johnson, trading for Tim Tebow was a "win-win" situation. If Sanchez steps up, yay! the Jets are winners. If Sanchez craps the bed, there's Savior Tebow to come in and placate the restless fans. If Savior Tebow can string together some improbable wins, it'll be a great time for everybody but Sanchez, who will just be "collateral damage".

    If Savior Tebow craps the bed, then it's all Ryan and Sparano's faults for not properly using the treasure that's Tebow. Again, more collateral damage. Out with Sanchez, Ryan, and Sparano, and in with a new regime ...
  4. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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  5. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    This is the Tebow fans default position.
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You're welcome to your opinion as well, and guess what ? It's full of shit also. Stanton hasn't shown a thing in the NFL is barely more than a warm body taking up cap space, just so you have someone who is a QB in case Sanchez goes down.

    Tebow is an upgrade as a backup QB and also adds another dimension to the offense instead of just walking around and holding a clipboard like Stanton would have.
  7. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    The one thing that really puzzles me is, from the coaching staff and front office perspective, at what point do they then decide that Sanchez is "failing" or "struggling" this year to the point of being pulled. Rex clearly has a set opinion and valuation of Sanchez; I just wonder how long the leash is.
  8. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    My reply had nothing to do with Tebow, but I see you don't actually have a response and there's little reason to try and discuss football with you, when you throw around yards stats as some sort of ultimate measurement. I'm going to help you out.

    Order of importance of statistic:

    1. Winning.
    2. Scoring( Points and Scoring efficiency)
    3. Scoring allowed.
    4. Turnovers.
    99. Yards stats.

    That's how football works. Get off the yards measurements if you ever wanna be anywhere remotely right about football. Or use it appropriately.

    Everytime I hear "yes they were ranked 14th (or 11th depending on what you go by) in points allowed BUT ranked 31st in yards and thus they are the 31st worse defense" it makes me want to puke.

    There is no "but" and it's the other way around. Backwards logic. Brainwashing.

    The truth is yards per game, often referred to as "total defense" is not actually a team's total defense. It's just a sub-category that measures a portion of the team's yards per game. Yards per game, does not measure a team's total defense. It does not supercede points per game and other more important categories. It's not even in the top 3 stats you should be looking at when it comes to defense.

    I know you are under the impression that a defense that gives up 1000 yards and 10 points is worse than a defense that gives up 200 yards and 10 points, BUT in real life football, the team with the defense that gave up 1000 yards and 10 points usually wins the football game. LOOK IT UP! Yes it's counterintuitive, but that is reality and if you actually understand the logic of football, it makes a whole lot of sense. Which is why yards is a totally useless category. It only gets half the teams right, if that. In today's NFL you would rather end up with a defense give up 500 yards and 10 points, than a defense that gives up 200 yards and 10 points. That's the NE and GB Packers defenses. There is a reason for this, but you have to actually THINK it through to understand it. And yards category does not explain it. It's a stupid overused stat whose importance has been blown way out of proportion among football fans and the media. Which is why coaches hate answering media questions. They know most of them have no freaking clue what they are actually doing. They can't even get the most simple things right and they wanna talk about things like yards and completion %.
  9. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Show me a team that won a SB with a 20th or worst D?
  10. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The "20th worst D"?

    This is the part you can't comprehend. The MAIN statistical category you use for defining a team's total defense is WRONG. Yards per game does not determine the "worst D". The biggest secret in football is the stat labeled "total defense" by the NFL has nothing or very little to do with a team's actual TOTAL defense.

    Football logic 101.

    1. In football we first have possessions.
    2. After possession, we have plays. Your plays are a result of your possession.(each team gets 4 downs).
    3. After plays we have yards. Yards are the result of your plays. More important than plays.
    4. After yards we have POINTS. Your POINTS are the result of your yards gained, or field position.
    5. After points we have wins. We count the points, to determine the winnner. This is more important than yards.

    A team's defense primary job is to stop opponents from scoring POINTS, more specifically, touchdowns. Not to prevent them from gaining yards.

    Furthermore, a team's actual total defense is made up of:
    your defensive unit
    your special teams defense
    your offensive unit, when they also play defense, post a turnover.

    Their combined work is your team's true total defense. Their combined ability to stop opponents from scoring points. Not only is the yards category at #4 on that list, but it doesn't even represent a team's total defense. Most teams give up almost double the field position the actual yards per game category says it does through special teams defense and by their offense after a turnover. These yards are NOT kept track of by that category.

    In fact it almost NEVER gets it right. So whatever defense you believe to be "worst" by looking at your yards per game ranking is probably wrong. You might be lucky and some years it might actually match up where the best ranked defensive unit in yards per game also happens to be a part of the best defensive team in the NFL. Most of the time, it doesn't.

    And to answer your question? The Giants. Last year. If you wanna go off season stats, they were 25th in points allowed, 21st in yards per drive, 19th in starting defensive field position and 14th in scoring allowed efficiency.

    Yes, the team with the worse defense and the worse offense statitistically for the season, won the Super Bow. And the other biggest bullshit myth? "Defense wins championships". The game doesn't change whether you play the Super Bowl, Championship games, playoffs, regular season, preseason, college, highschool...doesn't freaking matter. In fact, if you go back to the beginning of time, offensive efficiency still comes out ahead. The most Championships or SuperBowls were won by the team who had the better scoring efficiency in the game. Not defense.
  11. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    Stats include playoffs
    WPA: 23rd (.18)
    WPA/Game: 23rd (.01)
    EPA: 37th (-26.6)
    EPA/Play: 34th (-.05)
    Success Rate: 36th (38.9%)

  12. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Every team signs a veteran FA QB to backup their starter only to trade for another backup QB a week later.

    Oh, yeah, and every team has a press conference to announce they traded for said backup QB.
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i have to agree with you... stanton is definitely the smoking gun. its amazing that there are other jets fans who have twisted reality so far that they think that this has nothing to do with back pages and psl sales. that they actually think the jets did this because it is a sound football move.

    its disturbing.
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Actually, that was just a domino effect. Say that Manning decided to go to San Fran, you don't think other teams would have jumped at Alex Smith, even if they had signed a scrub backup QB already ?

    I mean, it would be one thing if the Jets had signed Flynn or Orton and then Tebow. But that's not the case.
  15. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And saddens me to see that some people can't see the rather clear "football reasons" for grabbing Tebow, especially a team that runs the Wildcat and believes in the philosophy behind it.
  16. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    You should consider becoming a politician. You use the truth to tell lies....decently well. Most politicians use the truth to lies pretty terribly, (although it is certainly their primary objective in life), so it's not unreasonable to assume you have some crossover potential a la Hayden Smith.

    Defensive scoring allowed efficiency, while an important indicator of a defense's true ability, is not a be all end all stat. It isn't even close to being one. It's highly disputable that it's even close to the most important one.

    You take the truth that points and points allowed are the most important factors in the game. Then you pretend like you're talking about the same thing while you change the terms being discussed, and voilah, you've created yet another piece of bullshit drivel to punish my eyes with.

    It's dependent on WAY too many outside variables to just plug and play it into the fantasy world that you're trying to create. The one with Tebow frolicking with Tinky Winky and Barney in GOAT heaven.

    Defensive scoring efficiency depends strongly on the offense. If you have a piece of shit offense that never pins teams deep and starts off the majority of their defensive drives in a deep hole, obviously your scoring allowed efficiency is going to take a nose dive for no fault of the defense.

    Luck has a lot to do with it as well. There just aren't that many drives that get inside the opponent's 20 yard line in a season. If your team comes up with a few more stops/field goals/turnovers than it really was supposed to throughout the season, a mediocre defense can post excellent stats in this area quite easily.

    The Pats defense is shit. Green Bay's ain't so hot. You claim they're underrated defenses at the least. Really you're claiming that they're amazing defenses because they do well in scoring efficiency. But you're retarded. Their offenses' perennial prowess pad their stats like clockwork. Score a touchdown, pin deep. Get walked all over. Get a 3 and out or field goal at some point during the 80 yard march because hey, you have to stop them sometime. Look much better on scoring allowed efficiency than you really are.

    Your arguments are weak and full of holes. All day. Every day. Go find another thread to troll in. Please.
  17. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    what he said...
  18. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    Cause every team signs there 29 year old quarterback who has won 5 games and hasn't played well his entire career to a huge contract. I mean does Ralph Wilson not want to do anything besides sell tickets and sell PSL's. You sir suck dick.

    As to the responses to the other Tebow comments. I think Sanchez will be better than last season, but if he isn't and Tebow beats him out by being the better quarterback and helps the Jets win the Super Bowl what real Jets fan will say "Shit I don't even care because its not Mark Sanchez". Bottom Line Sanchez produces and leads the team to victories or rides the pine and maybe Tebow is the guy. Or maybe the guy is a freshman in High School. Who really knows? Quite frankly anyone can come in and get us a Super Bowl for all I care.
  19. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I can't wait to see Tebow run over Patsy DBs out of the seminole offense. :beer:
  20. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Listen, Holley, saying it was Woody's decision, knowing who Woody is and how he operates, IS a simple explanation. I know that girls love to giggle, too.

    I am not sure why you feel the need to engage in personal attacks when I criticize Woody, but seeing as how you are a generally shitty poster, I am happy to make you gigle, sister.

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