For argument sake!!! Outside the Box Thinking

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by wildaces, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    I would like to see outside of the box thinking for RT, FS, or OLB first, tbh.
  2. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    Nope our Rb situation is fine.

    Spend the 4 million on a safety or something. Leonhard?
  3. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    doesn't it have to be two firsts in one draft?
  4. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    That's the beauty of the salary cap. No dream teams, just a solid team 53 men deep.
  5. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    And then you came from your furious masturbation. Finding your kleenex, you realized that you mortgaged our entire future on a guy who's peak production should be concluding about...right now....and who we could have developed a nice cheap alternative to through a 2nd-3rd round pick with no external cost and a much longer shelf life.

    I haven't read any of the posts in this thread besides yours, and I don't intend to. It's pure drivel, and I sincerely hope that you've heard it a lot in here already. Too bad I'll never know.
  6. Dirty6Sanchez

    Dirty6Sanchez Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
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    If Lamar Miller is on the board we should take a look at him. Powerful runner, great open field ability and pass-catching ability to boot. In a rotation with Greene our running game would be lethal.

    Betting the farm on a RB never works out.
  7. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    I have let this go for a few days, and I was excited to see some posts that actually discussed the point versus attacking (which it is still TGG so there were some).

    In this post, I don't believe I ever stated that I was for or against the idea. I believe that I blatantly asked what everyone thought.

    What I learned from this thread is that very few have more than a basic understanding of how the cap works. I also learned that most are swayed by the modern day football, and have undervalued the RB position.

    Under Sparano, Greene may have a break out year, or McKnight, or Powell, or draftee, and this could happen every year. It appeares that alot of people would be interested in trading away picks to move up for potential in Richardson as he could be a cheaper option. As it was suggested, we could give up our 1st this year, our 2nd this year, and a 2nd next year, and that is ok because he is cheaper. However, giving up 2 first is a stupid idea.

    For the record, I would be ok with drafting Richardson if he was available. I would be content with having Greene this year, and seeing if he can break out. (He is in a contract year, and if he blows up, what do you think he is going to cost us) I would also be happy to see Ray Rice in Green and White.
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    so you are saying one RB for two first round picks?

    Al Davis would trade Carson Palmer for 2 1st rounders but I would never think for a second to hear Ray Rice for 2 1st picks.

    Is that your idea of thinking outside the box? How?


    True, good backs can make or break a team - like Emmitt Smith, for instance. Remember, though, why Cowboys had to draft Emmitt in the first place. They traded their only competent player on the roster named Herschel Walker to Vikes, and fleeced them hard while at it. (multiple 1st picks and 2nd picks, if you know what I mean.) Know where I am getting at? Jets will look like that Vikings of the past, and this Jets team isn't half as loaded as that Vikings team was.
    #48 Zach, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  9. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The only thing I find odd about your follow up post is you would be ok with 2 firsts for Ray Rice but not Richardson?? Why? There is every indication that Richardson will be every bit as good as Rice and then some...and he's younger with less wear and tear. Odd...
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Richardson is a risk because we don't know how his skills will translate at the NFL level and he had a minor arthroscopic procedure to repair his meniscus tendon.

    Rice is a risk because he has close to 2,000 carries between Rutgers and the Ravens and the tread is going to start getting thin soon.

    Obviously if you had to pick one of them to run for the Jets for the next few seasons Rice would be the guy. He's proven he can do everything you need out of a mainstay back and do it with excellence.

    Neither of them is remotely close to worth 2 1st round picks though.
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'd prefer the cheaper cap guy in Richardson for 2 1st's, but yeah - no running back is worth 2 first round picks.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'd take Rice over Richardson because he has zero bust potential. Yeah he'd be twice as expensive on the cap as a top 5 pick but you'd know you were getting 1,200+ yards on the ground and 70+ catches out of him. That's what the Jets are missing on offense right now is the guaranteed playmaker that the defense can't shut down.
  13. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Definitely agreed with the thinking of "no way for 2 1st's" for any can look into your crystal ball and determine that Richardson would be better than Adrian Peterson. other than that, I'd pass. Personally, depending upon how the draft unfolds, we COULD be looking at Richardson at our spot.
  14. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    I don't believe it would take 2 first to get Richardson. The only place we could move up to is 4th (that I think he might go), and if Cleveland is going to take him it is a moot point. I personally don't see him going in the top 10. Possibly to Tampa (I think they go defense) or St. Louis (Defense), and he has the skill set to be worth of a top 10 pick. I just don't see anyone taking the ground and pound approach in the top 10. The Jets we know are going to run the ball the majority of the time, and I don't believe any other team is going to.

    Honestly, I can't stand the wear and tear argument as a reason not to take a player. Rice has had a tremendous amount of touches, and hasn't been seriously injured, That I can remember. That being said, I don't follow him, and his injuries.

    Again, for the record, I am fine with taking Richardson. I am also fine going forward with Greene, and I am also fine if Rice were here. I started this thread for discussion purposes.
  15. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    I couldn't agree more with this statement.
  16. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    With most teams gearing up to shut down the modern day aerial assault with extra DB's, skinny and fast defensive players that can RUN and cover receivers, it has to be scarey to face a team with a mauling O-line, true FB's, bruising RB's, massive TE's, and a practiced determination to RUN YOU THE FUCK OVER for 60 straight minutes.

    The Cromarties of the world will shake in their cleats when it comes Jet Time.
  17. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    There is nothing "obvious" about picking Rice over Richardson... not in my opinion. You stated very well the reason for not picking Rice, "too much tread" and little time left at the level of play he is now. As for Richardson... unless you have a crystal ball that says his skills 'will not' translate to the NFL, in the opinion of many so-called experts, he has a very good future in the NFL.

    Just look at Richardson's body of work at Alabama, a Division I school, that plays in the SEC against top level competition week in and week out. I also think he laid to rest this exaggerated knee problem with how he did at Alabama's Pro Day. He has a future in the NFL and if I was going to give up draft choices it would "obviously" be for a future. Not for the Raven's leftovers.

    Just my opinion. :jets:
  18. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    This. This is what I want, and it's sure as hell what Rex wants too. Just 60 minute of just kicking the shit out of their defenses with running and wearing them down.

    I vaguely recall a quote along the lines of, and im paraphrasing where someone said you know expect us to run, and we're still going to do it and get yardage. Smash mouth football.
  19. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Yep. Greene and McKnight are just what any ground and pound team desires... Screw a #1 back when you can have a #2 and #3!!!!!!!

    God, this fan-tbase baffles me sometimes on how they can just overlook such a huge hole on this team. On 90% of every other teams, this backfield would be fine. But this is the Jets we are talking about; a team that is run by Rex and now Sparano and lives off of the run game. Rex says that we must be able to run even when the other team knows we are going to run... I dont have faith in our RBs to do that.

    Trent Richardson would be just that. He should be every Jets fan’s dream... Theres about a 2% chance he falls past Cleveland and Tampa, but we can only hope. This offense would just straight up maul defenses with him at RB1 and Greene at RB2 and Tebow getting about 10 plays at wildcat.
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Like you had any faith in Reggie Bush.

    If Jets OL does not improve much, you'd better pray this Richardson kid is the next coming of Barry Sanders, I kid you not. If not, you know you wasted yet another 1st round pick come draft day.

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