just took these off the Nike shop website, for those wondering what the ones you can buy will look like...
I have no doubt the fly wire shit on the collar is functional, but it looks dumb as shit. Also, if you are going to drop all that money on a nike jersey, you may as well spring the extra 35$ to get the middle one.
They look good. Would of loved if they would have finally changed the logo to an actual Jet, but w/e.
not against the new look unis but Nike had to go and screw over the little guy by jacking up the prices on these things. The material does look like something out of a bad football movie though.
Even in the promo pictures, the quality of the material looks questionable. In any case, I'm ordering a TJ Conley jersey.
The Elite ones look really nice, to bad im not throwing down $250 for a player that wont last more than 3 years. If the Jets win a Super Bowl ill get one of em
Fuck Nike, I'm gonna stay with the Rebok ones. The Nike crap looks too cheesey like a bad sci fi B movie.
Has anyone found photos of Jets away jerseys or Alternate? I know alot of teams on there websites show photos of all the unis this year
The uniforms are awful... they look like they're right out of Madden... Good in a game, bad in real life... The hats are even worse... they look like some cheap knock off you'd find in Kmart
I was really excited for the change, but A) the low-level replica looks pretty awful, and B) the increased price to $100 is straight up rip off. And everyone ought to keep in mind that following this season many more teams (knowing the mind-set of our front office we will likely be one of them) will change their logo/design a la the Seahawks. I was greatly looking forward to buying a new Nike jersey, but the combined weird looking replica, increased price, and 1-year lifespan just might force me to hold off.