Tim Tebow: An efficient scorer among the Elites.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by whichfan, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Tim Tebow: A backup QB.
  2. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Trading a 4th rounder would indicate that...

    But Tebots are delusional folks.
  3. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yes absolutely I just did....Tebow's, Rodgers, Brady's Mannings, and a few other guys interception % are on a different level compared to the rest of the league.

    Most of your arguments continue to focus on attempts as some sort of basis that it's directly relevant with efficiency. They're not. Please learn this because now you are beginning to embarress yourself with the facts staring at you. You're also contradicting yourself in the same paragraph, especially the one in bold(Stafford ended up pretty good in interception % and great in touchdown %) and you seem to have a problem with certain quarterbacks like Tebow who happens to rate as good as the big names that you feel the need to explain it away. Some quarterbacks increase their efficiency, other decrease, while others remain the same. That's why I'm looking at everything in terms of % not totals which is what you're basing your argument. And your convenient excuses and explanation for each individual quarterback are just that: convenient and excuses. Completely subjective and anyone can argue against them.

    Ben Roethlisberger, for example had 558 attempts, quite a bit lower than Stafford's 730...but it didn't improve his turnover % despite his defense and despite his lower attempts, which goes completely against your beliefs. Why didn't he fair better? According to you, he should have. But no, he had 20 turnovers. So did other scrubs with few attempts like Gabbert, Painter, etc. Gabbert's defense didn't help him be any more efficient in either area did it? Stafford on the other hand had 730 attempts and only 19 turnovers interceptions. That's nearly 180 plays(4 football games) that Stafford where he didn't turn over the ball where Ben did. Phillip Rivers had 608 attempts and 25 turnovers. So he stunk it up.

    You seem to be stuck on the WRONG belief that thew fewer attempts a quarterback has the better the interception % or TD %. It's completely false. As the numbers of attempts increase or decrease they can go either way. In fact that's how some end up bad in efficiency. Few attempts and lots of pics. Others remain very consistent. Tom Brady averages 2-2.5% in interception % like clockwork. And he's done so pretty much his entire career dating back to college, which is why he's always been one of the most efficient quarterbacks in the league and led his teams to multiple superbowls. Tim Tebow's low interception % also dates back to college. Same with fumbles. Likewise the same goes for lots of attempts and few touchdowns leads to bad touchdown efficiency. Who cares if you'are able to move up and down the field if you can't punch it in the redzone for a score?

    Aaron Rodgers, also increased his attempts but him and guys like Alex Smith, decreased their interceptions, so they increased their interception %. The reason Alex Smith got better, is because he was taught how to protect the football better. It was that simple.

    And just for the record, that is why I did career stats first, and included post season, to get as much data as possible and get the whole picture. Tim did play in 2010 as well as well as post season. So so we're not just looking at 11 games even in 2011. That's Tim over 13 games in 2011, including post season, and that's a higher degree of difficulty.

    And it is also why I included TOTAL turnovers and plays, not just interception % and not just passing attempts. Which is why guys like Stafford comes out looking good while other quarterbacks you might favor don't. Stafford didn't just do a good job in interception % he also only had 1 fumble for the season including playoffs. Because while some quarterbacks do good in limiting interceptions, they STILL FUMBLE which is just as bad! Like Sanchez who had 8. You can come up with a million excuses but when you go an entire season and play in playoff games and you only have 1 fumble like Stafford, it means you're a damn good ball protector. No need to come up with excuses, because that's all that means.

    Oh and one more thing, please don't accuse me of making things up:

    When I say lead the league I'm not necessarily talking about #1. Aaron Rodgers was tied for 4th in the league with 36 sacks and Alex Smith was 1st with 44. Alex Smith smartened up and learned how to take a sack instead of throwing a pick. Because believe it or not, that can be a good strategy and a good thing even though most people see sacks as a bad thing. It's all relative. Notice the rest of the guys like Brady, Stafford, Newton, Romo, Tebow....all who ended up high in sacks but also great in efficient in interception %. If it means avoiding an interception, then a sack is a positive alternative. It has a lot to do with their interception % as well as turnover %. They are relevant. Not all quarterbacks who take sacks, do it because they suck. For the efficient, smart quarterbacks, sometimes it's the only correct move.

    OTH, if you are like Ben, who throws for few touchdowns, lots of pics AND lots of sacks, you're probably stinking it up, which is no surprise someone as efficient as Tebow was able to beat his team. Thanks a lot in part to Ben's turnovers of course and his inefficient play. Also one of the reasons why Pittsburgh's offense ranked near the bottom of the league in efficiency.

    PS: And for the record, your eyes are as worthless as mine, because you can't keep up with all 39-40 quarterbacks and keep track of everything they do then grade them and rank them accordingly. That's one reason we have stats. To keep track of their progress. And I'm also not trying to hide any faults for Tebow. He has a lower completion % but beyond that he's looking pretty good from where I stand.
    #183 whichfan, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  4. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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  5. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Still waiting for whichfan's brilliant reply to my previous post. 46.5 = elite scorer
  6. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    You're just pissed at tebow and trolling, obviously
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Tebow was 18/24 191 yards with a TD in just the last 8 minutes and a few minutes of overtime ( so less than a quarter) against a stout Bears defense .

    He also had a 60 yard TD bomb go through DT's hands.

    It's hard to understand how you can view that as one of his worst games .
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I just typed a long post and lost it... Well the main point of it was 66.67% of all Tebows TDs came in the RZ as a starter. He averaged 19.4 pass attempts per game and 8 run attempts per game. The average NFL team average 25 pass attempts. So almost as many pass attempts as times Tebow controls the ball for his team. Combine Tebow's low attempts plus his RZ percentage of TDs, there you have inflated efficiency. The way he can attempt so little attempts is because of special teams, defense, and the other offensive players. So this plus my own eyes plus my situations lead me to believe he will not be an above average QB in the league.
  9. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Haha. I disproved his stupid theory about Tebow's low comp percentage being the result of his receivers dropping passes. It's not the first time this has occurred. Assuming you do not know my position on the trade here it is. I did not support this trade, not because of Tebow as a person, or a football player. It has to do with the baggage that comes with Tebow. That this front office has not done anything in the past to cause me to believe they will be able to handle this situation when the chants start for him once Sanchez has a bad game. That this front office has contradicted itself with every move they've made in the off season. Will this front office be able to use Tebow as effectively as we all hope? I'm not that confident in our front office at the moment.

    Now Tebow is a Jet, so I will support him while he bleeds green. However, Tebow fans like whichfan join this board and post shit like Tebow is the second coming of Montana , when he clearly is not. This is what annoys me and a lot of others on this board. if Tebow fans want to come here and talk jets football, I'm all for it. Pay attention here..... Me posting facts giving several sample sizes from4 different teams to disprove his ridiculous theory is hardly trolling. You however, posting constant one liners providing nothing of substance, hmmm... :wink:
    #189 Phear, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2012
  10. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    It was 100% sarcasm, my bad. Didn't mean any offense.
    But seriously I consider my shorter posts either half-hearted, stream-of-consciousness, or "like small waves in an ocean trying to help steer the ship in the right direction" (I had to say something absurd).
  11. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Didn't notice the sarcasm. My bad. Too much chaos on this board ATM.
  12. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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  13. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    You know what's laughable? You're understanding of football and your opinion filled analysis. First of all, there are 4 categories that we look at QB and so does the NFL:

    Completion %
    Interception %
    And TD %

    This analysis focuses on two of those 4 categories as well as 2 others that are not listed. Fumble % and Rushing TD %.

    Everyone is well aware Tim Tebow completes at a lower completion % which is why I am presenting you the categories where Tim Tebow, fair and square had outperformed 95% of the NFL quarterbacks.

    Second, completion % is not a measure of accuracy. Anyone that has any sort of football knowledge understands this, and you don't. For you to sit there, and come to the conclusion that Tim Tebow's accuracy is bad, because of his completion % tells me you are an amateur football enthusiast who understands very little about the game of football.

    Now, if you DO want to talk about completion %, and you want to do it objectively, for me to even begin taking your data seriously, then what you NEED to do is get your hands on some hard data, like I have presented here. Don't give me 2 or 3 examples you picked out and then pass it on as you "proving" something, because you did not. The only thing you continue to prove is your agenda-driven, opinionated garbage you keep spouting about a legitimate player.

    Get your hands on the following information:

    Number of attempts(passing and rushing)
    Number of actual DROPS
    Number of throw aways
    Number of actual misses

    NFL-backed data, and then put it together for ALL the active quarterbacks like I have done here.

    When you find that information, and you put it together, and you find a way to present it in an analytical and objective manner, I will be more than happy to talk to you about completion % in terms of accuracy!

    Oh .....and just for the record the difference in "11.5 POINTS" as you so put it, when it comes to Tim Tebow who averaged 24 attempts in his 12 starts last year and thus the difference between his completion percentage of 46.5% and Jay Cutler's 58% is 3 completed passes a game. The difference between him and 50+% is usually 1 pass completion a game.

    3 passes. That's what's keeping Tebow from a 58% "accuracy". Do you understand how meaningless that is in the grand scheme of things when you are talking about a guy who's currently at the top of the NFL in both TD%, Int% and TD/TO ratio?

    I doubt it. The difference between him and others in terms of scoring efficiency is as much as 1 interception or 1 touchdown. But when you talk about completion % you are talking about 3 passes. Now whether that is 3 5 yard passes guys like Tom Brady complete in a particular game, or even 3 10 yard first downs, it still comes nowhere near the value of a touchdown or a turnover.

    Do you understand how stupid it sounds, for you or the million of other "analysts" who judge Tebow's accuracy based on completion %, to overlook the fact that in essence you are saying he's an inaccurate quarterback because he fails to complete 1 extra pass a game that would have otherwise put him over 50%?

    It's freaking retarded.
    #193 whichfan, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  14. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Wow. You can't be serious.
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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  16. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I didnt read your whole OP, and I didnt read the thread either but Im pretty sure ill still be pretty close to what you were trying to say.

    According to that chart on the 1st page, Mark Sanchez in 66 less rushing attempts has only 1 less TD than Tebow!??!

    Well....that must mean that Sanchez is better at running the ball than Tebow right??!!!
  17. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think Sanchez's rushing TD's kind of jumps out as a strength, and is commendable. He's an athletic quarterback. One doesn't have to subtract from the other.
  18. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    He's no Jake Locker, though. :grin:
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Yeah but if you take away the touchdowns and see that Sanchez has one more fumble with far less carries, it makes him a worse rushing QB than Tebow! Dude touchdowns are totally irrelevant in this situation! Sanchez is a butterfingers!
  20. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I was using the Op's own stat reference as a backbone for a completely ridiculous statement. Tebow is obviously a superior runner to Sanchez.

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