All things Tebow Part Deux-Please post your Tebow thoughts here

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by rickjet, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    super bowl.
  2. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    The man never left Buffalo. There were many other teams vying for his services. He decided that Buffalo was the place to be. Do you think other teams DIDN'T call his agent with offers while he was in Buffalo?
  3. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Yeah,buffalo is the place to be. Play for 5 games,take the rest of the year off and get paid for it.
  4. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Completely agree with all the above.
  5. LGENF

    LGENF Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    WAS the best
  6. LGENF

    LGENF Banned

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Tebow runs over a LB on his way into the end zone week 1 and JETS fans cheer him to no end.

    1/3 of the snaps go to Tebow for the first 5 weeks and Mark starts to wilt under the pressure, Tebow gets his first start as a JET and never looks back.

    The Jets go 10-6 make the playoffs and get back to the AFCG

    That's what I think happens, what I hope happens is that the Jets go 14-2 and both Tebow and Sanchez co-exist and we win a bunch of games by blow-out scores, on to the play-offs and on to the SB
  7. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Stanton and Tebow are why we weren't in the running for Williams?

    Did you even see how much he's making now with Buffalo?
  8. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Um, last year was 7 games? Duh?
  9. 2insane

    2insane Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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  10. mmagic

    mmagic New Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Half Pregnant...

    For all I’ve seen Tebow do in Denver defying King John’s orders to Fox to win the Andrew Luck sweepstakes, Tim comes to the Jets prepared to challenge for the starting job regardless of all the platitudes and PC BS put out for public disinformation. If FO honestly doesn’t get this they are about to learn that no one is more competitive than Mr. T.

    I do not like the way the Jets FO has tried to sell the deal. This is like being half pregnant!

    Ownership does not strive to be 2nd in the Super Bowl. No Quarterback with gonads has an ultimate goal of holding a clipboard. No player in any position lasts with an objective to be 3rd string. It is ludicrous for management to think of selling Tebow as a non-competitive backup.

    All they had to say is that Sanchez is the starting quarterback today and it is his job to lose. Tebow will be here to push him and challenge for the job. I like an honest fight for the starting job as it just makes them both better but I don’t trust ownership that is not honest in their objectives or doesn’t grasp the consequences of their actions.

    With prior knowledge of team mate tendencies, coaches and sacred cows Sanchez would have an obvious advantage in surviving training camp as #1 unless Tebow totally re-learned passing from Coach Mazzone this off season.

    Regardless of the above the Jets will be better for the competition that will occur and should have a good season.
  11. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I'm in the minority on this but I think it's not as terrible of a move as everybody wants to say it is. If they utilize Tebow to his strengths which is the opposite of what the Broncos did this will work providing Sanchez lives up to his end of the deal. That being said Woody shouldn't have said anything but these guys just can't stay away from the media.
  12. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    they absolutely should not imply that there is any kind of qb competition.
    that would be throwing blood in the shark tank that is the ny media.
    they handled it correctly,quell any idea that there is a qb controversey and let everyone know where they stand coming in
  13. mmagic

    mmagic New Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    How bout a little honesty ???

    Although Tebow did fill in briefly as Receiver in Denver when everyone else was on IR, I don't recall Orton throwing anything his way.

    Just tell it like it is and can the BS. Of all the players in the game no one is more competitive than MR. T and if you think his intentions are to lay down and not compete, I have a Grand Canyon to sell you!
  14. SoulFood

    SoulFood Active Member

    Jan 18, 2011
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    Tebowmania is at its peak in the preseason. We see limited Tebow during the regular season primarily in the wildcat (barring Sanchez injury).

    Sanchez finishes as a top 15 QB. Decent enough to hold off critics, but not elite.

    We finish on the verge of playoffs at around 9-7, possibly get in.
  15. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I want Sanchez to have a legit shot at getting himself and us to the next level,,,,with Tebow now here I cannot see that happening. This move will split the locker room just as it has already split the fan base.
    I think Tanny and company sometimes try to show the world how " smart they are " just look at our off line as an example of this. We have needed depth on the OFF Line since last preseason,,,,Turner going down hurt but when Mangold went down we were done . Seems to me Tanny is trying to reinvent the wheel . I never thought I could lose faith in Tanny but his talent evaluations MUST be called into question. I feel we must hit a few home runs in this years draft or our season could get ugly. I was against the trade and still am---I hope and pray I am wrong about all of this and will gladly admit it if this winds up being the case.
  16. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I'll argue that all day.

    Tebow is a better QB than Stanton in a gimmick Offense. What your telling me is if Sanchez gets hurt, Tebow would be better than Stanton without changing the offense to the single wing. If you don't believe me, look no further than his own coach last year:
    "If we were trying to run a regular offense, he'd be screwed." ~John Fox on Tim Tebow

    So, what you are saying is the Jets need to have two entirely different offenses ready this year in case of a Sanchez injury? Or, you think the antiquated Wildcat will be effective with Tebow as a starter, right? Not saying Stanton is the be all, end all, but if you want a QB that throws less than 50% (Tebow) then good for you. I hope the Jets can switch offenses on a dime.

    Or, maybe John Fox knows more than you.
  17. jetlife21

    jetlife21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    My take on the Tebow Trade:

    It was a bold move one that caught me completely off guard. I wasn't thinking Tebow at all when Manning signed with the Broncos. It's a good football move motivated by PSL's and headlines. Tebow took the Broncos from 1-4 to 8-8 and a playoff win, he's an absolute gamer one of the most exciting qb's in the league. He'll be in our lineup next season, I see them running a lot of plays with Tebow getting options to throw it or run it.
    Which brings us to Sanchez. This move brought him from are only option to the hot seat. Tebow is gunning for the starting job and the media and some of us will get behind the idea to make him our starter. This can motivate Sanchez to step up and play at a higher level and he'll hopefully have the chance with a new system and hopefully weapons. It can also backfire and piss Sanchez off that he's in this situation or Tebow could get the starting gig and suck.
    A 4th rounder and a 6th was worth the gamble for Tim Tebow. Why else would Josh McDaniels take him at 25? What if Tebow improves his passing this offseason, fits the ground and pound perfectly and wins if he's given a shot.
    I hope Sanchez can prove to be our guy but welcome to the Jets Tebow you have a chance
  18. RutgersJET

    RutgersJET Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Ground n' Pound is in full effect when the season starts. We get a decent rushing attack with Sanchez on the field, and the play action becomes much more effective. Tebow is used on 1st and 3rd downs on occasion, and in the red zone. Sanchez bounces back in a big way when it comes to throwing down field because of the new Sparano offense, and a speedy WR2 that spreads the field. Greene will be a 1200+ yard rusher. Many of our games will come to the wire because our offense isn't designed to run up the score, but chew up the clock. Because of this, we will see the media praise Tebow for winning us a game at least 1 time, and rightfully so. This is the first time in a very long time the Jets will win the AFC East. The Post/Daily news will spin Sanchez/Tebow going into the playoffs as an incredible duo, rather than having more credit for 1 QB.
  19. xBleedingGreen62x

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Its all up to Mark. If he can play like the 5th overall pick and the QB we've seen glimpses of throughout the last 3 years and the playoffs all this goes away. The Tebow talk, the media hype, the nervousness of fan chants can be washed away with wins.
    It all rests on marks right shoulder.

    With that being said I think Mark will respond to this and play lights out this season. We have seen how good he can be in the biggest pressure situations and I believe he will straight kill this Tebow talk and Tim will be on the trading block come seasons end.
  20. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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